Buddy - Using A Triangular Approach Method of Blockchain Solution for Automation and Development of DevOps

in #contest6 years ago (edited)


Running of tests, builds and various DevOps tasks have been a daily activities for big organizations. However, they put a lot of investment in their build infrastructure to get quick results, and build even faster. Thereby, making their DevOps infrastructure expensive, complicated and have a high level of maintenance.

Another pressure on the infrastructure is that these organizations want to run various pipelines, with builds and actions been carried out in each of the pipelines simultaneously.

The development of automation metrics are greatly influenced by DevOps infrastructure scaling.As a result, Large organizations want to put their 100% concentration into shipping and improving their automation metrics only. The question is, how do they get liberated from the heavy task of DevOps infrastructure maintenance?

Furthermore, cryptocurrencies worth millions of dollars may be lost when the system get corrupted with flaws and bugs. The tools that are capable of helping to create trust between developers and sponsors, as well as develop tasks for blockchain are unavailable. So, How is BUDDY changing that ?

Don't worry BUDDY is here to give you that freedom and positive change which you so much desire, just by using a triangular approach method of Blockchain solution to solve basic problems.


What is BUDDY

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BUDDY is a blockchain application development and deployment platform. There is need for the growth and cooperation aspect of the build applications to be well organized for high efficiency on the blockchain, and buddy is here to make that a reality.

BUDDY is a platform of tools that takes responsibility of those very important, but time consuming parts of developing. All tasks that are wearisome in the development of blockchain application can easily be dealt with by BUDDY.

Let me take you as far back as 2007 to dig deep into the history of BUDDY

BUDDY became an establishment in 2015 by a team of 16 players founded in 2007. Buddy was released in 2016, and it waste no time in becoming a partner of Github, Google, Microsoft among others.

The Mission and Aim

The MISSION of BUDDY is to help in the use of automation into the developments of applications, with the AIM of fast tracking the tasks of developers, and providing them with enough time to focus on creative challenges.


A triangular approach method of Blackheads Solution of BUDDY for Decentralized Development Automation Platform


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1. The DevOps Marketplace
BUDDY have pipelines of which more than 80 automation actions, which are designed with great care are well organised inside it. As a result, Dealing with simple or even complex applications, multi-cloud workflow and others, are made easier by creating building, testing and deploying just with few clicks within a short period of time.


Moreover, third party developers have the ability to give birth to their own actions within the ecosystem of BUDDY, for use in developing automation pipelines of their own, which in turn, widen accessibility to a larger extent.

2. Private Automation GRID
Auto-scalable infrastructure that are readily capable of being used for the accomplishment of a purpose "development and deployment automation" is created. This happen when the network (GRID) of BUDDY instances, that works based on capabilities of replication and auto-discovery are first created. The users of BUDDY exercise total influence on what is trusted on a trusted infrastructure.

3. Shared Automation GRID
BUDDY users uses resources that are readily available to run a network of BUDDY instances, so that they can get rid of highly concentrated automation task by passing them to those network of BUDDY instances.

Let's talk about Compute unit -
the foundation of Shared Automation GRID

Just as a foundation is important to a building structure, that's exactly how important a compute unit is, to a shared automation GRID, as they are the smallest entity that can be used in exchange for a BUD token by the instance owner, of which the storage is used in saving results and transfer to the requester, after which they are designated to the shared automation GRID as a node.

The unit specification is: 2 vCPUs, 2GB of RAM and 4GB of SSD storage.


Using BUDDY makes it possible for a private automation GRID to be easily expanded to put the shared automation GRID to work without wasting time.


The "CAC-FUN" reason you should choose BUDDY automation GRID ahead of Golem and SONM (Supercomputers)

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C - Control
The users of BUDDY can easily create private automation grid of their own, based on the total control granted unto them by BUDDY, which is not possible with the use of supercomputers.

A - Automation by Design
BUDDY has designed a service that automatically rerun the hundred of tasks executed by the users of BUDDY interacting with the tasks on a daily basis. While, supercomputers can only run a new task after the completion of an executed task ( e.g. pharmaceutical industry).

C - Challenges
The technology used by shared automation GRID of BUDDY makes all forms of projects to be successfully driven on it, but making use of supercomputers can put projects at great risk.

F - Fixed and Local Resources
Running a lot of development automation task require a minimum of 1GB RAM and local storage that is fast. Due to this, supercomputers cannot be used in such cases, and application design by third parties get complicated consequently.

U - User Experience
The building and running of automation tasks is easy to carry out due to the effective user interface BUDDY have, but there is need for wrappers to be created around supercomputers for it to make do with definite workflows.

N - No Overhead and No Fees
There is need for a token fee when job are being posted to supercomputers, which is the other way round in private automation GRID, since tasks are carried out off-chain without delay.


A triangular approach method of Blockchain solution BUDDY for Blockchain Apps


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1. BlockchainOps
The services of BUDDY is readily available for developers of Blockchain to build automation pipelines with actions that are ready to take off. These actions includes: compiling and tests, deployments, custom scripts and monitoring of dApps.

2. dAppOS
This is a turn key development environments that is always available for use in bootstrapping projects related to blockchain such as dApps.

3. Distributed Blockchain-as-a-Service
The productivity of blockchain developers is on the high side, because BUDDY help them attend to boring tasks, so that, they can concentrate fully on what they need. Just by a click, a new blockchain can be built by a user.

The combination of these three methods of solution helps developers to develop applications, after making them learn and use blockchain technology as quick as possible, consequently taking care of any forms of delay.
BlockchainOps + dAppOS + Distributed BaaS

dApp Development Workflow with Buddy




There are some tasks that developers find very boring and are sometimes afraid to carry out such tasks, but which are very important. Due to this, buddy has come as a platform of tools in order to take care and manage those boring and time consuming parts of development for developers.





The BUDDY Token Users



The BUDDY Token Sale

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The BUDDY Team

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The BUDDY Partners

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The BUDDY Roadmap




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