Which One Do You Like The Best?

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

So, @truthproductions is hosting a logo design contest. I took what they said in this post here about what they liked so far, and then tried to play around with that so that they'd have a final product that they're happy with.

The inspiration is taken from a combination of @yusamon @ambarabby and @funkit's original designs, combined to make a finished product.

So you guys, here you go!! I have LOTS of variations to choose from:

Combined the blue text you liked with they blue eye that you liked:

icon (13).PNG

icon (14).PNG

icon (15).PNG

icon (16).PNG

icon (17).PNG

icon (18).PNG

icon (19).PNG

icon (20).PNG

icon (21).PNG

icon (22).PNG

icon (23).PNG

icon (24).PNG

icon (25).PNG

icon (26).PNG

P.S. I can take out the words "digital network" if you decide you don't want them in there.


Following you ! nomadicsoul :)

You guys are awesome!

thank you @yusaymon!

you have the mojo! hehehe

You have wonderful inspiration and mojo! haha this wouldn't have happened without your design. Checking out your page too!

Ohh ! thank you lovely soul.

Wow I really like these, great job.

Thanks, I appreciate that! The feedback of what you guys were looking for really helped! And of course, the inspiration from the original logo designers :)

I like this one...
Can you change the color of lines in "ICON" to black, instead of white...

I like this one also. In solid or gradient gold, or the blue colour. Just remove the digital sperms. When you've seen them once you'll never un-see them in any logo using them ever again. Sorry, but hopefully useful page from my own current amateur gfx design book :)

good idea. I left them in there because I think the people who are hosting the contest like them, buttt if they decide they don't then it'd be easy to take out for sure. Thanks for feedback!

for sure! just my 0.2c ... concept with eye in the middle of 'ICON' is awesome btw :)

yeah! I think either @yusamon or @funkit did the eye originally. I mostly just combined some stuff they already had

yeah it would be easy to do! and that's a good idea thanks for your feedback

Fantastic! Very well done.

I like this one! it's simple and the color is soothing!

Hi macchiata some coffee?

:D yeah @yusaymon, coffee it is!

Eee yay I'm glad you picked one out of all of those!

And the eye is stolen from me.

@funkit it's not stolen from you, you're given full credit. The very first sentence of this post I said "I took what they said in this post here about what they liked so far" with a link to the original post.

Truthproductions said they wanted a combination of YOUR eye, in combo with the other blue text. I simply took their feedback and put what they said they liked together in a different way.

Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at 11.56.33 PM.png

So that's what I did. I listened and combined and made slightly different. I've designed logos for people in the past (my own ideas) but that's always my main thing is to listen to what the end user wants, because at the end of the day, the most important thing is that they have a logo they're 100% happy with and are going to use.

You're still given credit. Look on their page too, they say "this logo inspired by @yusaymon and @funkit." At least I think you're mentioned in there, too. I'll update it to make sure that's extra clear in the post as well.

I would never steal an idea. I was trying to listen to their feedback and then use that information to give them something they'd be happy with.

I have plenty of ideas floating around in my head. Too many actually. Don't worry, I would never steal. I couldn't sleep at night if I did. And I would never risk my integrity that way or reputation. Integrity is everything.

Updated to make sure it's clearly in my post instead of just a link. I was actually thinking about that before but then got distracted and forget to put it.

I apologize for not making that more clear, I know feeling like you are being stolen from is a horrible feeling!

I said remove the 11 first images. NOW.

I will do it because I see no reason to upset you when removing it isn't a big deal to me. I thought this was a collaborative contest. I think maybe the thing here is we need to notify truthproductions that you are not okay with your eye being used in any variation with another logo, so I will go do that.

If you could please also remove your post about plagairism, that would be appreciated as well.

I removed, but I only did what they asked:

Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at 11.56.33 PM.png

Just so you know, you are given dual credit on all of their posts as well. They are recognizing these logos as a collaborative, and not fully my own.

In no way shape or form, do they think these are exclusively my logos, nor does anybody else because I have never claimed that they are exclusively mine.

Removed because I believe in living peacefully with others as long as it's up to me.

i like this one because its simple and its background is black
icon (10).PNG

Yea but it looks like the O is being impregnated.

hahaha that's so funny lol you have a really good imagination @christosthegreek

I really love a good collaboration and how we can bring together the best parts of our creative inspirations to really come up with something unique, exciting, and dynamic. Way to work together!!!

I love that sacred geometry by @yusamon with the dot of the "i" in the middle. @ambarabby's font and use of the connector things in the text is really eye catching. A super great combination!

I would like to see what the connector things look like in black so they stand out a bit in the lettering, and would love to see the "i" used in the center of the circle as the "i" in "icon" so if the circle part should stand alone at times, it relates easily to the "icon" text part of the logo.

I love a good art project, and so glad to see a lot of energy put into this important venture.

@steemcleaners has a job to clear out the theft of other people's ideas.

I replied this already, but I'll say it again here since you wrote it again. @funkit it's not stolen from you, you're given full credit. The very first sentence of this post I said "I took what they said in this post here about what they liked so far" with a link to the original post.

Truthproductions said they wanted a combination of YOUR eye, in combo with the other blue text. I simply took their feedback and put what they said they liked together in a different way.

Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at 11.56.33 PM.png

So that's what I did. I listened and combined and made slightly different. I've designed logos for people in the past (my own ideas) but that's always my main thing is to listen to what the end user wants, because at the end of the day, the most important thing is that they have a logo they're 100% happy with and are going to use.

You're still given credit. Look on their page too, they say "this logo inspired by @yusaymon and @funkit." At least I think you're mentioned in there, too. I'll update it to make sure that's extra clear in the post as well.

I would never steal an idea. I was trying to listen to their feedback and then use that information to give them something they'd be happy with.

I have plenty of ideas floating around in my head. Too many actually. Don't worry, I would never steal. I couldn't sleep at night if I did. And I would never risk my integrity that way or reputation. Integrity is everything.

Updated to make sure it's clearly in my post instead of just a link. I was actually thinking about that before but then got distracted and forget to put it.

I apologize for not making that more clear, I know feeling like you are being stolen from is a horrible feeling!

You have edited afterwards. And now you delete any line that I created. Understood?

That includes the eleven first images.

The last one is my favorite as it stands out probably the best thanks for sharing

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