
WTF lol....nice stab in the dark hehe:)

I was very impressed when I saw u won hitting the exact score. Another contestant guessed the same score, but you were first. Which Epic card do u need/want?

Oh, I get to choose:) A mischievous mermaid would be really cool Mello. Thanks a lot! Btw, hope you are well too!

Usually you don't get to choose, but it's the holidays, so why not. I am doing well, just busy so not much time for Steemit. How about yourself?

Well, it's good to see that you occasionally have time to put up a contest post. They are definitely fun, even though my knowledge on the games are quite low:)

Doing ok myself, and I have slowed down on the blogging too. Steem Monsters Is part of that of course, amongst other life stuff!

SM keeps missing blocks and not allowing me to send the card. I will try again in a few hours

Yeah definitely, its down....I can't get my daily fix lol.

Hi PK, please confirm if I received the card. It seems that when the SM server came back online, all my attempts to send to you processed.

All good Mello...I received the card - Thanks!!!

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