Steemit Contests: are you the giver or the receiver?

in #contest6 years ago


"A life not lived for others is not a life.” – Mother Theresa.

Wherever you are and whatever time zone you're in, I greet you from my stable Nigeria, the giant of Africa. Happy new week. I trust you had a fulfilling and steem powered weekend?


It's about contests again.

The genuineness of the engagement recorded on my last post about contests is simply amazing and encouraging. In case you've not seen the post as yet, don't hesitate to do so. Here's the link to the post:

Today, my contests series will centre on you, I mean you that are reading this post now. I know you'll have participated in a couple of contests on Steemit. If not, then I'll suggest you give it a shot the moment you see one. I talked about a whole lot of benefits contests brings to your Steem life. Again, I'll recommend you see my last post on contests where I talked about the benefits of participating in contests on Steemit.

Whilst participating in these contests, have you ever thought of what it takes to organize one? Have you ever thought of the quantity of efforts and organization that is involved in organizing contests? Have you ever placed yourself in the position of an organizer and not a contestant? Did you know that it will benefit you more being the organizer?

Be on the Giving side


Today, I dare you to go organize one. Start a contest. It doesn't necessarily have to be big and massive like that of @jerrybanfield and the likes. Within your own means and sphere of influence, start one. Give it a shot bearing in mind that the aim is to promote interaction and genuine engagement on Steemit. You will benefit more. You've received enough, make a Giving (not just a living) from what you have received.

Benefits of being the Organizer of contests

Like I said, it'll benefit you more being the organizer of a contest.

  1. Your Steemit reputation will pop up - no doubts, contests will by default increase your reputation on Steemit as attention is being being directed to your page. The more the engagements on your posts the more your reputation
  2. You can get the attention of a whale - the whales are on the lookout for Steemians that are givers. The whales get attracted to givers. The whales get attracted to people who genuinely contribute to the community. The whales have eye for quality. You may just end up getting tons of steem power delegated from a whale to you.
  3. The hashtag #contest will enhance visibility of your account - do you know that one of the trending hashtags on Steemit is the hashtag #contests? When you author a post and use that hashtag, your visibility is being enhanced.
  4. Your account will enjoy more engagement - I mentioned in my last post about contests, contests promotes interaction. It is fun, it is engaging, it is tasking, so tell me who wouldn't want to be a part of it?
  5. Your posts payouts will increase- one of the rules in contests is ensuring people who participate upvote and resteem. These will in turn increase your contest posts payouts, that's what it implies.
    I want to urge you to go out of your way to organize at least one contest and see your Steem-life improve. Remember, it is more blessed to give than to receive.

Like I do say, these are not rules, but nuggets learnt from observing successful Steemians.

Tell me your thoughts about this discourse in the comment boxes below. Perhaps I may be enlightened the more.

Be on the lookout for a contest from me this week!

Be on the lookout for a contest from me this week!!

Be on the lookout for a contest from me this week!!!

Get ready for massive giveaways from me. Make sure to follow my blog for notifications.


If you don't sing the song of your nation, who will?

No one else but you can sing the song of your nation like you.




(The man with a healing voice)



Ohh my, thank you for the ideas for a contest I may be doing fairly soon. As a matter of fact, I am currently doing a giveaway contest on YouTube as well. I collaborated with a dear long time friend who is also a very big YouTuber with over 55K subscribers. Once we did that giveaway together, I went from 541 to 1022 subs in under 2 weeks! So my 1K Sub goal has been met! Here is the video link incase you are curious:

Keep giving. We were called to make a giving and not a living. Cheers

Exactly :) Thanks for the idea and feel free to check up my posts too incase you find something interesting there.

Definitely bro!

This was a great post, very well written and inspiring. I've been thinking about holding a contest for poets and you've given me just the motivation I've needed to go through with it. Thank you!

It's a pleasure
I'm glad you're motivated.

Sure i will also love to b and b the giver but by the time my mentors teach me ways to b great in the family either by d way u urself as posted or by other steem members .nice post,love u keep it up.

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