in #contest6 years ago


You have made it to the heart of the castle and finally after all this, it's time to face the boss man!

An Old Wizard of great power stands before you, but he does not immediately attack, he seems to be doing something sneaky......


.....he is summoning a very powerful spell. 

The complete butt head has cast a Freeze spell on our IBT bot @schopenhauer Wt??

If only archer roach was here  to interrupt with a quick arrow, but alas he is kicking back and reading the The Unofficial IBT Book of Universal Records and the slacker will be too late to join the battle.

... Before you can react a second spell has been cast.

The madness has taken hold and the confusion spell has you in it's grips, you are compelled to attack each other and only the strongest of you will survive... to flee with what riches you can grab on the way out :)

Special rules for the boss round.

  • There are no items allowed
  • The basic attack is not allowed (!sendanarrow, !mightystab and !magiczap) are all not allowed
  • No pick pocketing is allow (!picksomepockets) is not allowed
  • There is no special field effect

Game Instructions for the boss round

Quick Summary of attack Commands per class are:

Archer attack:  !sendabunchofarrows 

Warrior attack: !mightyslash

Wizard attack:!magicblast

IF the experimental IBT bot is unable to free himself from the Freeze Spell: if the commands above don't work, feel free to roll a simple 6 sided dice against each other

Simple dice attack method: @rollthedice 

Rules of engagement are and Boss Round points: 

You must reply below with a challenge, for example: 

"Ï challenge  Slotherin Wizard (Cryptonik), time for your end!! - sorry I'm under some crazy mind control"

Followed be an attack command (for your class) for example:

" !sendabunchofarrows" OR @rollthedice if the command fails and your willing to play with standard dice only.

The bot will activate and the results will be shown.

The player challenged may respond with a single accept reply, for example:

"Your doge arrows will not work on me, I'm a doge wizard"

Followed be an attack command (for your class) for example:

"!magicblast" OR @rollthedice

Interpreted results of the fight:

  • Which ever player scored the largest hit wins and receives two boss round points.
  • Should the battle result in a tie, both players receive one boss round point each
  • Should you lose you receive a 0 and may not fight that player again.
  • Should any player miss it counts as a 0

Special note: A player does not have to accept a challenge, the attack may simply be ignored and no points will be awarded to anyone. You may only challenge another player once. If for some reason two players challenge each other at the same time, you may only fight against each other if it came down to it, I would go with which reply was entered first.

Any player who enroled in IBT#4 may play in the Boss Round; they did not need to be successful in all Stages up to this point for a shot at the big prizes.


The top 3 players, with the most boss round points will be awarded the serious Steem prizes.

@Doughtaker our most excellent field judge will drop by to confirm if you won the fight or not?

Remember: This is a work in progress and you are supporting the work by playing and providing in the field testing :)

I have decided to cap the prize pool for the grand prize at 30 Steem; all other steem made for the grand prize will be rolled over to IBT#5. If there are concerns with this decision, feel free to reply to me in a post (if there is a protest I will release all Steem raised, but the protest must be within 1 day of this posting).

I will be posting a feedback post as per usual....Please your ideas and suggestions for improvement are needed again my apology for the game interrupts.

HAve a great time!

Special thanks to @spaceginger  for his artistic skills with the Interactive Battle Tournament Image above Other images were captured from the abandonware game dragonwars. Bot images are original and created by LordRoach and are used with full permission. 


Shouldn't the person challenged accept and then initiate the dice roll? Otherwise the challenger is at a huge disadvantage. The person challenged will accept the challenge if the roll is low and decline if the roll is high. What do you guys think?

For example if I am challenged and my opponent rolls a 6. I won't accept because the best I can do is tie and I have a 5/6 chance of losing.

Hmm... you do have a point. The current procedure is based on the PvP rules in the last IBT where an attacker (the player issuing a challenge) had to declare an item to go after from the defender's inventory, and if successful the attacker would loot that item. A couple of clauses making it more risky to issue a challenge had to be added to prevent probable spam from players who had no inventory (and originally, nothing to lose) repeatedly attacking those with items.

On the other hand, as the defender, you could stall and wait to see how the standings unfold. Suppose it's 5 minutes until post payout (the end of the tournament) and you're in a tie for 1st place, with one pending battle from an opponent near the bottom of the standings who has attacked you with that 6. In this case, you would want to accept that challenge because you have that 1/6 chance of winning the tournament outright should you tie.

Furthermore, I'm not sure that there exists a ruleset that would be 100% abuse-proof. I'm not going to say how right now, but I do know of a way that I could easily put challengers/attackers at an equal, if not bigger disadvantage under your proposal.

I'm going to defer to @lordnigel on this one and let him have the final say on this.

Notes/thoughts below - is this inline with the general principal of rules posted so far?

-not sure it improves over "Shouldn't the person challenged accept and then initiate the dice roll?". I think this is probably best suggestion...

but in typical IBT fashion, the proposal i put is possibly more inline with the rules posted to date.

For the moment, I'll accept either method, until our resident field judge responds :)

I think it's a great point and yeah I struggled to think of something that would be simple enough that people all understand how to play yet fair enough no one at disadvantage.

The only suggestion I can see to improve (without radical change), would be to say as you don't have to accept the challenge you may instead do a totally fresh reply and state " I counter challenge" and roll. It's then even & up to each defender to choose to accept and defend roll or not, against either if this makes sense.

We can't have spam going off though, so if you have challenged or counter-challenged a player once, you may not do so again. Remembering no one needs to accept, one would think eventually people will as they keep score of their points and others and eventually need to take risk and win to get some points. The clear benefit here, is to basically challenge as many people as you can...what do you think @doughtaker - you have much better vision of possibilities and permutations then I, should this do the trick and still be inline with the general principals I indicated at start (not too radical a change?) and if so I'll update it in the post rules above.

Remembering no one needs to accept, one would think eventually people will as they keep score of their points and others and eventually need to take risk and win to get some points.

This is exactly why I think we should just keep things as they are. Because if people try to stall long enough, they should realize that they eventually have to take that risk or get left behind on the leaderboard. None of the proposals so far change the dynamic that someone could potentially be at a huge advantage or disadvantage, and makes more work for us and a higher chance that we mess up somewhere while tallying the results.

If you want me to rule on this, I say that there's no point in changing the rule right now, as some challenges have already been resolved. So we'll just keep things as they are. In the offseason I'll take a closer look and see if I can devise a better system.

That sounds good. I didn't necessarily expect changes immediately.

🚩 🚩 🚩 UPDATE: April 4, 08:09 P NZT, @schopenhauer is back up 🚩 🚩 🚩

The Freeze Spell has worn off!


You gather your inner energy and produce a lightning bolt:
The lightning produced by your magic hands would have been great....if your enemy were an ant. The foe laughs at the pathetic spark emitted from your bony fingers and takes you down with a swift counterstrike. You lose a life and your Wizard street-cred!


(RandoHealer has healed this post because you have been randomly selected from the whitelist. Lucky!)

Prepare for trouble @sanctus !
Team Rocket Challenges you!
"Cacturne use Mega Kick!"

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 2.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 1.

Ouch, not exactly huge dice rolls, but looks like Team rocket won this match-up; 2 boss points to team rocket.

"Phew- I thoughts weez wuz gonnerz!"
UrTOWs3LJjUkM.gif good fight!

@kristyglas I challenge you! Prepare to have your pajamas cut to ribbons by Serra Angels' sword Oblivion!



Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 3.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 4.

2 points to Gendlin (@kristyglas).

...but I think your launch of early attacks has really helped the competition to continue. I'd like to offera trophy for courage! please reply here within 7 days with your bitshares account to receive.

"P'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo..."

Source: KDE/AIC

Chick Norris wants more dead Gobbos. Seeing two Gobbos nearby, Chick Norris quickly beats the crap out of them (but leaves them still conscious), breaks their limbs and rolls each one up into its own "ball". Chick Norris bounces one balled-up Gobbo on the ground towards the nearest competitor, then takes the second Gobbo and hurls it towards that competitor's head, which happened to be Team Rocket (@stayyoung).

Team Rocket... Chick Norris has challenged you to a game of Gobball! The rules are simple. Take that balled-up Gobbo next to you, and throw it at this @gobbo flying in the air towards you!

When the Gobbos collide, one (or both) will die...
the winner of this game shall be the one whose Gobbo survived!

Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.

The sneaky git hits for a 5.

Meowth throws an @gobbo

Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.

The sneaky git hits for a 6.

Looks like Meowth's proficiency with yarn balls transferred over to gobbo balls...

Haha Gobboballs everywhere; 2 points to the rocket team!.

"P'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo..."
(Translation: Mmmm.... what kind of power does that old wizard have to make Gobbo brains taste like bread?)

Source: KDE/AIC

Chick Norris wants more of this "food", so that means he needs more dead Gobbos. Seeing two Gobbos nearby, Chick Norris quickly beats the crap out of them (but leaves them still conscious), breaks their limbs and rolls each one up into its own "ball". Chick Norris bounces one balled-up Gobbo on the ground towards the nearest competitor, then takes the second Gobbo and hurls it towards that competitor's head, which happened to be Pickles (@bengy).

Pickles... Chick Norris has challenged you to a game of Gobball! The rules are simple. Take that balled-up Gobbo next to you, and throw it at this @gobbo flying in the air towards you!

When the Gobbos collide, one (or both) will die...
the winner of this game shall be the one whose Gobbo survived!

Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.

The sneaky git hits for a 3.

Pickles picks up his Gobball and hurls it into the air!


Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.

The sneaky git hits for a 5.

Gobball win! This page is starting to take ages to load!

Hehe it's a gobbo snow ball match!

eck Surely this is gonna break IBT records (maybe even Steemit records) most number of replies and gobbo's thrown!

2 boss points for Bengy

Or break gobbo...

Ok @yura81 Team Rocket says
"Surrender now or prepare to fight!"Custom Image 20032018034150.jpg

I challenge Johan!! @sanctus My days of low dice rolls are over! give me two boss points please.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 4.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 1.

Eck..another 2 for the good Dr (, worse luck on that one; must have slipped on a banana peel, just as fight started hehe).

Johan Challenges Slotherin Wizard @cryptonik !

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 3.

I accept! Prepare for total annihilation! @rollthedice

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 3.

hehe's a draw that's 1 boss round point each :)

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