INTERACTIVE BATTLE TOURNAMENT#2 - The Wizad Is Dead(Boss round is over!)

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

The wizard is dead...

Cont. from Final Boss round

After a long drawn out battle spanning many days, the wizard has finally succumbed to the relentless attacks of our noble heroes. 

In spectacular puzzle solving splendor, The Magical flying Doggo has laid out the enemy..

With the Wizards defeat the underlining crypto power holding the tower together is broken and the tower explodes throwing all heroes to safety....the tower then imploding into nothingness..


Nothing remains but a swirling of the remaining energies and a crater where the tower once was.

Thankyou for being part of Interactive Battle Tournament#2


The prizes.

Thanks again to everyone who participated, I will post a "making of IBT#2 and feed back page" shortly and invite people to provide comments/recommendations for a future tournament.

There are so many note worthy attacks, but in-terms of defeating the wizard (from a clue solving perspective) the following Steemians either asked key questions, or gained important insight that I'm sure were important.

@tfcoates - Asked a key question that helped establish what kind of Wizard he was.

@skippyza - Came close by completing a few parts of the sequence correctly (but lacked just enough ingrediants to solve...If only he had asked a question), still the pressure was on to answer first!.

@lokii - Helped to fortify the type of wizard he was.

@doughtaker - Who's persistence and considered questions revealed all that was needed to finish the job! (A special prize will be awarded)

..Of course all players played a huge part, what a fantastic outcome, Steemians helping each other and I've definitely missed other honorable mentions; so in the spirit of IBT, a small reward will be sent to all Heroes who helped take down the wizard (on top of first prize which will go to @cryptonik for his brilliant solve)

I invite @crptonik to explain how he finally worked out the code and defeated the wizard - If you would prefer not to explain, I will explain it all in the next feedback post.

Over 265 views of the Boss round! and still climbing. (Just wish we could get a Dolphin to upvote - clearly Steemians are enjoying this??)

Well done and farewell, the prizes will be sent out shortly.


Special thanks to @spaceginger  for his artistic skills with the Interactive Battle Tournament Image  above.  The other images shown are from the game World of DASM, DASM Spell Quest with permission of the game creator & owner.


ah.. I missed the final round

Doh! sorry could have done well! It was very difficult though

There was time, I was good at 3rd person shooters.. quake 3, UT, .. . now age has put rust indeed.

Haha, piece of cake! Triumphant the Magical Flying Doggo stomps the Wizard into oblivion!

How I solved it? I didn't solve shit lol :D

I just guessed the right combination.

I saw that the given sequence is obviously wrong. Feet comes first, Knees come last. Working my way up straight doesn't work. My initial sequence was wrong. A few other sequences were wrong. That limited the combinations to some extent and I went for ONE FINAL MIGHTY GUESS :D

BAMM - Wizard ded.

Tournament Feedback:

  1. I love reading your texts, they are witty and funny. However, for the sake of playing, onboarding and engagement please do include a TL;DR version on the Game action underneath the post so we can quickly strike and not miss a round; Then come back and read full text. Some instructions just get lost in a wall of text.

  2. I would love a good ol fashioned puzzle i.e. a riddle.

  3. C'mon the puzzle notes were not easy to trace buried between all posts and we have short attention spans lol. That puzzle was way tooo hard to solve. Go easy on us, Grey Wizard we are but young Elves!

Other than that I loved it, and I will promote the shit out of your Tournament on the Steemit South Pacific(AUS/NZ) Discord ;)

Haha nice..Doggo kicked butt!. In the end, you worked it out through a process of elimination (still means you worked it out).

Well done Doggo! get that doggy a bone

Thanks for the feedback, will take into consideration the ideas/points.

As sad as it sounds I have spent most of my freetime for the past few days working on solving the puzzle lol. Went as far as making a spread sheet and cross referencing previous incorrect answers.

At some point it turned from wanting to get the prize to just wanting to solve the puzzle. Really want to know what the solution was lol.

Definitely a fun tournament, thank you for that. I can't wait for the next one.

Nice not sad at all, feel honored you took the time and tried.
Love to see you and everyone coming back for the next one..thinking campaign mode!

But he's just a cute little puppy dog, how could he possibly destroy a mighty wizard?

Tough little guy - he had a nasty temper or something haha (his bite was worse then his bark)

I just could not for the life of me figure this out! Great work @crptonik

You did well and thanks so much for trying!
it means allot to me that people actually enjoyed and gave it a go!

I'm not really experienced with making such a puzzle. It was as difficult as I could make it!
I needed something that could be solved early in the final post if someone lined up all the notes and spotted the key words - yet difficult enough that it was unlikely people would see the pattern.

In addition, I couldn't give a large clue away or he would have been taken down too easy!. After IBT final being an anti climax, I wanted this one to be engaging...

Of course man, you did a great job!

I figured the robot wizard part out, but from there my mind went down a whole "wizard of Oz" path and I was thinking of the body parts as the attributes each character was mizzing, but it didn't fit the notes and was kinda too random lol

Also hit me up for the next one... just like a call out maybe? :P

will there be a continuation of that story again

If you mean the-wizards-betrayal-a-concept-fantasy?

I haven't had heaps of support for it. Like yourself and a few of my close Steemian friends seem to like...but not sure if they saying it to be kind. I feel a bit anxious about it for some I'm an embarressement to true writers or something..

I think I will continue it for a bit..just ran out of time for tonight (watch for it every 2nd or 3rd night) I'll do a couple more pages and see if interest picks up.

Interms of IBT a new IBT#3 will kick of in a week or so, there will be a few lead up posts to raise funds for the prize and lock in the concept...each is a bit different from the last (I think people like that). I will seek input in another post shortly :)

I will still support you, I am sure you can and succeed

Thank you, see how I go :)

Nice one @crptonik.
Awesome battles @lordnigel.
Ice minotaur was no match.

Sweet GIF as always. Wouldn't be IBT without Doctorcrypto's battles

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