
No the ones they had are now bad
And the internet in school is really not good at all

Do you live on campus or at home? Would it be a realistic goal to work toward getting internet where you live, and then a working computer, even if just a cheap one, or a chromebook? Or is it just out of the realm right now?

I leave off campus
Well for internet down here on network providers give it, so I don't really know if it would be a realistic goal
A good working PC is okay by me, no matter the cost

I'm wondering if maybe when school is out, you could focus this summer on cranking up your steem entries and activity, to earn a couple hundred dollars and get a computer. I don't know if Amazon sends to you or how shipping works where you live, but a Chromebook is only $250 - $300 for a decent one. It's not a regular computer, it mostly does just internet browsing. But it's the one I work from. It's hack-resistant, and you can still do document writing from googledocs.

Anyway, something to think about. Investing in yourself so you can do more in the future. I'm sure you've already thought about that tho. If steem goes up, which I think it will, it could be a realistic goal.

I don't generally promote fund-raising on here, as it isn't always received very well. However, you may be able to get creative and make a game out of it. We could put our heads together.

Well i recently started saving for a new laptop
But it has not been playing out so well
Lol we could really work together. When am done with my exams I'll think of something

I'll be done in 3 days
So ill be having some time on my hands
We ciuld work something out

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