Buddy: Technology at the Service of Society

in #contest6 years ago (edited)



As a prologue, i start this post, emphasizing the importance, on the one hand, of technology as a sub-sector and area of modern society, which deals with the creation and implementation of high-performance methods, techniques, equipment and tools.

The idea of technology is to provide practical solutions to the problems that arise in everyday life, based on innovative creations, useful and profitable in different societal contexts.

On the other hand, the purpose of this post is to participate in the writing contest planned and organized by the administrators of @originalworks; and therefore, personally, I will offer the best of myself, based on the guidelines established in advance.

This is just an idea, in a concrete scenario, but it can be developed in many spaces of modern society. Let's get to work! Welcome!

Post Structure

I will formulate this post following parameters related to the elaboration of Social and Productive Projects, according to my previous knowledge.

Parts of the Social and Productive Project

1.- Description of Reality.
2.- Objectives (General, Specifics).
3.- SWOT Matrix
4.- Justification of the Project.
5.- Scope and Limitations.
6.- Approached Context.
7.- Strategies.
8.- Terminology.
9.- Summary.
10.- Complementary Material.

1.- Description of Reality:

Technology is necessary as a mechanism of action that contributes with the creation of diverse digital platforms, such as programs, applications, among others. In this sense, it is understood that each day it grows and positions itself strongly in the corporate sphere.

A large number of people, as creators, make significant contributions to the world of technology. Different equipment, programs, methodologies, techniques, and instruments result from human knowledge in a satisfactory manner; although in some cases, due to a lack of specific knowledge, time, or technological resources, the creators decline in their intentions.

This is why it is important to have an electronic platform, an interface capable of offering practical technological solutions, as in the case of Buddy, considered as a decentralized application, within the context of the Blockchain Technology.

In this way, Buddy was born with the purpose of filling an empty space with relation to the offer of help, support and guidance in the design and implementation of a variety of technological applications, having for this purpose, trained human capital and willing to provide the best of themselves.

Since 2015, Buddy has positioned itself positively in the digital market, with highly productive results, translated into a large number of users or customers, and multivariate of successfully created applications.

2.- Objectives (General, Specifics):


.- Promote Buddy as an Automated and Decentralized Application in the digital technology context.


.- Describe Buddy's impact on the process of developing and implementing his technological methods, techniques and strategies in the creation of applications.

.- To plan attractive strategies for the developers, looking for changes and positive transformations for the development of Blockchain Technology, achieving prosperity.

.- Indicate how the digital marketplace guarantees Buddy the growth of its technological ecosystem.

.- Identify the factors that create barriers that prevent developers from creating automation scripts in projects related to Blockchain technology.

.- Propose and create an information strategy that serve for Buddy's projection (online and offline).

3.- SWOT Matrix:

With the SWOT Matrix, everything related to the Strengths and Opportunities (Internal), as well as the Weaknesses and Threats (External), related to the operational functioning of Buddy is addressed and analyzed.

Source: @jessfrendcor

4.- Justification of the Project:

My intention is to answer each of the questions asked by the administrators of @originalworks, based on the theoretical development of the objectives established in this material, with the direct aim of offering alternative actions and solutions for the improvement and strengthening of Blockchain, based on the professional services offered by Buddy.

5.- Scope and Limitations:

.- Scope: The implicit purpose is the promotion of Buddy as an automated and decentralized application that allows the development of new and constant electronic platforms that functionally adapt to the interests and needs of users of global technology.

The promotion of Buddy, in the best of cases, is possible, according to my opinion as @jessfrendcor, through a series of informatión strategies, precisely with the help of current technology, being opportune to resort to audiovisual materials.

At the same time, I would like to say that since there is already a lot of theoretical and audiovisual information about Buddy, my option this time is to contribute a grain of sand, from my perspective and vision as a recent connoisseur of the application in consideration.

It is therefore a personal analysis of what I have come to know about Buddy, and I will use simple and easily accessible theoretical and audiovisual resources.

.- Limitations: As the creator of this content, I do not have the advanced hardware and software, from which I will make the contribution necessary.

6.- Approached Context:

Personally, when I found out about this contest sponsored by the administrators of @originalworks, I had no knowledge of the existence and functioning of Buddy; and I imagine that other people also lack information, although there is enough theoretical and audiovisual material, on the Internet.

It is for this reason that I will create an audiovisual material that highlights the importance of Buddy as a digital platform, emphasizing its multiple online benefits, but, I repeat, I will do so from my particular point of view.

7.- Strategies:

My strategy is informative, and is based on the creation of videos to be projected through an overhead projector, being directed to the process of training students in the career of computer science, in an institution of higher education, in the area where I live.

To achieve my purpose, I will use Windows Power Point (image and text editor), as it allows me to create videos using images, and then in another program, known as Video Magix Deluxe (video editor), I will add sound (music) and more text, if required.

I will also create an intro to be used in the projection of information about Buddy, the decentralized application that revolutionizes the Internet, as complementary material.

First Illustration

Created in Power Point

Second Illustration

Created in Power Point

Third Illustration

Created in Power Point

Fourth Illustration

Created in Power Point

Fifth Illustration

Created in Power Point

Sixth Illustration

Created in Power Point

Download the Power Point Presentation


You can watch the Video Power Point Presentation



You can watch the Video Intro in Magic Video Deluxe



8.- Terminology:

Also, it is fundamental to approach the basic terminology related to Buddy; and immediately, the most used terms:

1.-Automation Marketplace: "It's like an app store, similar to Google Play or Play Store. It houses the digital applications." (Source).

2.-Automation: "The process by which manual work is transformed into automated or digital procedures". (@jessfrendcor).

3.-Blockchain: "It is known as the 'Articulated Chain'. This is a data structure, in which information is grouped into blocks". (Source).

4.-BlockchainOps: "System composed by scripts that contribute to the automation, commonly used by Blockchain developers". (Source).

5.-Developer: "A person or group of people who are responsible for creating and developing an electronic device or a digital interface". (@jessfrendcor).

6.-Shared Automation GRID: "It is similar in the process to the Private Automation GRID, but it goes further by allowing Buddy users to execute some processes and download resources (intensive tasks).". (Source).

7.-Private Automation GRID: "System used for private instances. It's for pre-testing". (Source).

9.- Summary:

As I said before, there is enough text and audiovisual material about Buddy, there is enough on the Internet, but it is not irrelevant to continue creating content about this automated and decentralized application, as in the present case, that the information reflected in Power Poin, is the result of what I learned about the electronic platform addressed. (I speak in first person).

With the implementation of this pseudo-Social and Technological Project, and with the help of the information material created, I achieve the promotion of Buddy, within the context of Digital technology, using for it, to a university education center in my town, where a large group of students, receive academic training in the area of Technology and Information Technology.

Buddy, definitely contributes positively in the implementation of methods, techniques and methodological strategies oriented to the creation of automated or digitized applications, using hardware, software and humanware of high performance and operational performance, based on Blockchain Technology and digital currencies. From Buddy's philosophy and its benefits to developers, it is possible to increase the number of people who participate in the technological modernization, with a high impact within the Blockchain world.

There are many attractive strategies that can be planned and offered to developers in search of positive changes and transformations that contribute to the development of Blockchain Technology, thus achieving prosperity. Here, I relied on an audiovisual strategy.

The digital market, with its advances and progressive progress, with new methods, techniques, equipment, instruments, which are improved every day, guarantee Buddy, a remarkable operational and economic growth.

There are several factors that can have a negative impact on technology and application developers, such as lack of time to invest in learning hours, multiple occupations, lack of economic liquidity, lack of will, among others.

I was encouraged to create a Windows PowerPoint presentation, and an intro quality video, achieved with the Magic Video Deluxe program. In fact, with both strategies, I can achieve mass information about Buddy.

It is a priority to emphasize that Buddy is a decentralized platform, designed to offer help, support and guidance to new and experienced developers of cutting-edge applications, and therefore, information regarding its existence and operation is of public interest. Hence, the initiative of mass information through audiovisual material.

I reiterate that Buddy's administrators will be able to reorient the actions indicated in this written material, where I considered it convenient that information on this decentralized platform be made available to students at a higher education institution in the locality where I live. Buddy, I could consider going deeper into this context, although I have no doubt that it has already done so, and accordingly, attract more potential customers or users.

10.- Complementary Material:






The Token, used within the Buddy interface, is an indicator of the profitability of this platform, which denotes at the same time, that transactional process, in which the interacting parties are highly benefited.



680 STEEM ~ Sponsored Writing Contest: Buddy


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