Punday Monday 36! MARCH!

in #contest7 years ago

Happy Punday, all!

Last week we laughed AND we learned, didn't we?

If you're not sure how to properly pun, here's the how-to :

Be a cool PUNk, read that junk!

Last week's POCKET choice award winner was...

@littlescribe! Welcome back!

...! Congrats! A warm welcome back to the fold (ed clothing... this is a laundry basket of humor)!
The folks in the POCKET Choice winner's circle are @miniature-tiger, @lilygolightly, @chrisroberts, @stinawog, @doctorcrypto, @heroic15397, @littlescribe, @diebitch, @acolucky and @paul.atreides.

On to the other best puns categories as chosen by me winners!

February is almost gone. Time for your March-ing orders. Ha. Later. Right now... Winner!
No video winner, as no videos were submitted, but!

And our best overall pun goes to @acolucky! It was down to the MiLK and Rosa Parks, but they're both by you, so I don't have to decide.


The winner winners win an upvote from me on a post of their choice along with a @tipu tip! Include your link with the next pun you post, winners!

This week!

You're going to make March "in like a lamb, out like a lion" puns, whatever that means to you.
Here's mine!
Why did the thundercloud with a bad hip actually move faster than her able-bodied counterparts?
You cirrusly don't know? Because she used a hurri-cane!

I have faith that you will do better!
Credit: Jacques Descloitres, MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA/GSFC

Even with the falling STEEM price, you can't find a better price per pun anywhere!


Come now and sheepishly this is no time for lion around, march steadily into the new month!

February is gradually being MARCHed out

I have not seen @heroic15397 for awhile but perhaps he is just LION in wait for this week’s competition.

Here in Minnethota, March is thaw month when thaw snow begins ta melt...

...ah ...that's just silly. I apologize.

Let me try a pun later when my tongue is not so mud-dled.

Thank you:


February cannot go out in style coz I can't find a MARCHing line that fits it

A doctor to a candy:

  • I think your sugar is too high!
  • Well, March-me-low ...

Ha! That's an oblique one, if ever I saw it. And appropriate for Lent!

Thanks for the instructions. Now that you’ve given us our MARCHing orders it is up to the rest of us to come up with some puns.

The thing with lambs is they think they know it all, Ewe have to listen to them Ram their meek opinions down your throat.. They wool be the death of me...

I suspect the winning pun this week will be long-WINDed.

Manewhile at the Zoo, the lions were watching the cubs with pride Not all of the animals agreed though, some found it unbearable and thought it was the sealiest thing they'd ever seen!

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