IFC Season 2 Round 15 - Who Are You?

in #contest5 years ago (edited)

Hello there! Welcome to our digital spaceship castle.
Artwork credit - @jimramones on steemit

Hey there. How's it going IFC peoples? Good I hope!
Only 5 more rounds to go to the finals! And.. We have some excellent news today.

I applied for community support from Curie a while back and they have decided to help us. :)

They have matched what I have invested into this season so all the prizes have been doubled and pay for the judges has also been doubled!

The grand prize for whoever wins the whole season is now 200 steem. Second place is 50 steem and third place is 20 steem.
I hope this is inspiration for some of you to try even harder to win since there's even more on the line now.

And hopefully it helps us pull more players from other places as well with the higher prizes, though I think it's just awesome to have the help of such a major name on the platform.

Also please take this opportunity to vote for @curie as witness if you support what's going on here and if you haven't voted for the other witnesses who support our contest and community I would suggest checking them out and voting for them as well!


The subject of our fifteenth quest is.. "Who Are You?"
The idea in this quest is to tell us who you are, and I personally would like you to phrase it in the manner of.. Who do you think you are at the "deepest" level?

For example, are you your body? Your brain? Your thoughts? Your feelings? A spirit or soul? Maybe all of those combined? Maybe something else?

It's one of my favorite questions to ask people and I always get a different and interesting answer, so I'm really curious to see what you say!

Good luck and thanks for playing in the contest!


We have received assistance and 165 steem from @curie and 10steem from @underground and I have confirmed that @ats-david @krnel @timcliff and @ura-soul will also be supporting us this season.

Curie, underground, ats-david, krnel, timcliff, and ura-soul are all witnesses, so if you support what we are doing here at the IFC please look into them and give them a vote for witness as well. By the way to vote for ats-david you should vote for his @ats-witness account.

Also it looks like @ecoinstar will donate 100 shares of steembasicincome to the winners, with 60 SBI going to the grand prizer winner, 25 SBI to second place and 15 SBI to third place.
And thanks to @bengy for delegating 25 steem. :)
A special thanks as well to @davemccoy and @newbiegames and @newbieresteemday who are not technically sponsors but we have worked with them in the past. Looks like newbiegames and newbieresteemday have been inactive for months though we still use their tags for the time being.



The challenge will finish after 7 days when the post ends and provides its payout cycle or when all entries have been submitted.

25% of the post payout goes to curation and after that what's left will now be split up 75% to the winner of the round and 25% to put towards building up the @ifc account.

For those who play via email.. This will be recorded and saved for you, and.. If you're unwilling to make your own steem account we will at some point be willing to convert it for you to whichever currency however.. Not for small amounts, you must earn at least 10 steem for us to take the time to do this for you.


1. Round 15 of season 2 starts now and the subject is "Who Are You?".
  1. Create a blog post on steem for the contest or send an email if you are playing via email.

  2. Title of blog post or subject of email must contain, "IFC S2R15"

  3. Leave a link to your post in the comments below unless you are playing via email in which case myself or someone else will do so. (This part is important and a lot of people forget this, please put the blog link in the right place so our judges can find it)

  4. And you also have to use the #ifc tag in your blog post as well unless you are playing via email.

  5. You must accept that if you somehow get hurt doing any of our quests you can not reasonably hold us accountable. You must take responsibility for your own choices and actions in life. This is a voluntary game where you choose to play. Only you can make such decisions for yourself.

  6. You are responsible for paying the appropriate government taxes, fees, and service charges resulting from any transactions with the IFC or Marketplace. We are not responsible for collecting, reporting, paying, or remitting to you any such taxes, fees, or service charges, except as may otherwise be required by law.

Acceptable content

A. A blog post or email about the subject of "Who Are You?"

B. Language is primarily in English and if you would like to participate from elsewhere in the world it is up to you to translate your message into English so we can understand you.
C. Do your best to make sure everything is properly sourced.
D. We also encourage role playing for those who enjoy doing that. :)

Also we now have judges guidelines so you can see what the main judges generally look for in an entry, links to those will be below.

Good luck in the contest!!

Click to enter the Discord chat room.

Click to go to the rules page.

20180421_151139_0001.pngOriginal by @yeszuzia and modified by @charisma777

PS.. If you'd like to be a part of the community in some way but don't want to play in the game, we're still looking for a few regular judges and always looking for guest judges and sponsors.

If you would like to help out, please feel free to resteem or share this blog post on any social media to help get the word out to more people who might want to play! <3 Thank you.

Also if you want to play via email or be notified of each round or get updates then please send an email to [email protected]
with the subject "Add to IFC mailing list".

Plus here's a YouTube video I made on the subject of the IFC that I'm going to include with each round post.

Due to a suggestion from one of the players I'm also going to start tagging all the current players here to remind them of a new round, if you don't want to be reminded let me know and I'll take you off the list.


If I missed anyone or you'd like to be added to the list, lemme know.


Hey @apolymask, so I'm writing the entry for this round but it looks like it's gonna be a really long one, so long in fact that I think I might have to break it up into two separate posts just so it doesn't seem too lengthy when reading.

I wanted to ask if that is allowed or will I need to edit some stuff out and try to squeeze the entire thing in one post? Please let me know soon.

There's no rules in regards to the length of an entry. However the longer it is the more you risk a judge or judges speed reading through it or not voting for it because it's too long.
I hope that answers your question. To be more clear.. You can do it as long as you want and submit multiple blog posts, though if it's super long you may decrease your odds of getting votes from the judges.

Ah, I think it's gonna be a little more than 1500 words. Is that too much? What do you think?

Umm.. It's hard for me to say. I can't speak for the other judges. I think myself and the other judges may be alright with reading a super long entry if it's super interesting, our winner of the IFC last season had a habit of doing VERY long entries as well and she ended up winning because they weren't just long but also very elucidating and educational and interesting and well put together.. SO I think it really depends but I know at least one of our judges is foreign and English isn't their native language and he has in the past expressed that some of the longer stuff is challenging for him. So.. I think it really just depends. You might end up winning with that long entry and you might end up not winning with it and the length may play a positive or negative role depending on the individual judges who look at it. PS when it comes to me personally, I'm okay reading longer entries.. It doesn't bother me even though I have a ton to read and can't even keep up with my messages.. So.. I personally don't have a preference and I'll read it all.

I think I'll be alright. It's a bit long surely, but I've framed it pretty well I'd say. Each part opens up a different thought to ponder upon and the language I've used, imo, is engaging enough that I think the readers would want to read the whole thing if curiosity is one of their defining personality traits.

We'll see. Can't say for anyone else, but I'm pretty damn sure you're gonna like it because I kinda know your thought pattern a little bit and it's super similar to mine haha!

Expect the entry soon!! :)

Cool man! Sounds like it's going to be a good one. I'm looking forward to it. :)

It's already out! You can take a look here. Hope you like it :)

Congrats on getting the support from Curie! Well deserved.

I just opened Partiko to check my mentions, and this one was right at the top of the list.

Time goes by so fast... it made me laugh that there's another round already. I'm running so far behind on everything at the moment, and this made made me painfully aware of that.

I'm working on geting a little more structure in my life. Baby steps so far. I manage to make a schedule for the next day, but sticking to it doesn't work yet, lol.

Good luck everyone. I think this will definitely be an interesting round, and I will make sure to follow up!

Thanks! Was really great to see them show support and hopefully in time we can build something really awesome here. :)

Oh? Neat lil synchronicity. And yeah! Time is flying.. Didn't seem to go by so fast when I was younger, I've seen a lot of other people report similar.. I wonder if it's just cause we're all so busy? Or if maybe there's something about age psychologically passing quicker when you get older? Or maybe something else? I dunno, but yeah.. Feels that way for me too.

It's tough to keep up with sometimes and the next two weeks there's going to be 2 catch up rounds included as well so it's going to be really hectic at the end here!

Glad to hear you're working on more structure, I am as well. I'm hoping to start a couple new jobs soon so things are going to be even more busy for me, though it's something I really need to do. Haven't been making enough money. And I've also been doing other things I've neglected too, like exercise and taking care of my body more, I definitely got into a gap there of neglecting a lot of important things!

And cool! Yeah I agree, this one should be interesting. :) Looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with. Good luck to you as well with everything you're working on!

Thanks. I'm really need to reserve a day every week to spend on @ifc posts. Thing is that most posts I want to make easily take up a couple of hours... Never got to the power spot round, because I don't know where to start and there's so much to tell. Same for the tutorial... I really need to put everything else on hold and make sure I don't get distracted, so I can at least join the catch up rounds...

Posted with

You're welcome. And yeah, we are getting close to the end of the regular season here. I hope you'll make it to the finals. :) You can still submit late entries for the ones you mentioned like power spot and tutorial one.. I think we're still judging round 5, so any round after that you should be good to get a late entry on except for the scavenger hunt one.

Also this weeks challenge is a sort of easy one! It's just to create a new word. And since you love word games you might enjoy that one. :) Next two weeks after this are going to be pretty umm.. Unrelenting though as there will be two regular rounds and two catch up rounds. Good luck!

I've been thinking about that new word since the post was published. haven't found one yet. 😅
I do hope I'll find the time to get at least something extra out, but life has become a lot more busy since I know the problem in my back has returned. One day there's a doctor's appointment, the other then I need to go to the psychological or physiological therapist, visit the hospital for another scan etc... takes up a lot of time and is quite a heavy burden. I often lack a positive outlook on life at the moment, which isn't very beneficial for the creative process :0/

Congratulations on Curie support. Well deserved!

After 2 weeks of absence and missing the last 2 rounds I'm back...

Here is my entry for this round, https://steemit.com/ifc/@jbreheny/i-am-legend-ifc-s2r15

Thanks jbreheny! I think it's a good match since our players were already getting so many curies... And I'm excited, hopefully it makes the competition a bit more fierce with the prizes doubled! And hopefully in the future it attracts more players having such a big name connected to our community.
Nice to have you back after a couple weeks! Good luck! (PS might be a few days before I check out the entry as I'm super busy, but will check it out when I can.)

That's amazing that @curie is going to support the project. Awesome!

This sounds like a cool but challenging topic. I'll have to give it some thought :)

I'm also a bit late on the scavanger hunt. But I do plan on submitting an entry if it's okay to submit a late entry?

Posted using Partiko Android

Indeed! I agree. Was very cool to see that curie will help us. :) I'm excited about that.
And yeah! This quest should be an interesting one! I'm curious to see what you all come up with. :) It can be a very deep question! And we have some deep thinkers in the community, have a feeling it will be a fun one! :D

Oh and yeah, please feel free to submit a late entry. I'm not sure if anyone actually got one in in time.. I don't think anyone did.. And that's a bit discouraging.. I think that was the only round in the history of the IFC that didn't get a single entry.. I could be wrong and I just missed it, but.. Pretty sure no one got an entry in.. Oh well, it is what it is.

I believe @bengy submitted a scavenger hunt entry on time - in case you missed it :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Ah. Good to know! Thanks for the info.

Lol I've been asking myself that question all my life and I still have no idea at all.

Jokes aside though, I have a seriously great idea for this one, but since I'm already so behind the rounds, it looks like it'll take some time before I can actually make an entry for this one.

Whenever I do, I hope it sparks some curiosity. All the best to whoever's participating :)

Lol I've been asking myself that question all my life and I still have no idea at all.

Heh.. Not sure I've been asking it my whole life but I've been asking it a long time and I'm in a similar boat!
It's a tough philosophical question if you really try to get deep into it.

Glad to hear you have a great idea for this one, I look forward to seeing it!
And based on your previous entries and blog posts I have a feeling it will indeed spark some curiosity!


This is a very meaningful topic and I'm glad to add something here. @ifc


Posted using Partiko Android

Hey again! Here's my entry:
When Your Sense Of Self Is Broken - Exploring The Hardest Question Of Life

It took a lot of time, effort, and thought to make and I'm not sure if it's for everyone, but I've tried my absolute best to make a complicated topic seem interesting yet informative to read. Hope y'all like it :)

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