Week 8/28/2019 - Win a Membership in Steem Basic Income - Tell us About a Favorite Freewrite

in #contest5 years ago

presents (4).png

We are one day late - you all know why. 😄 Let's support each other and recommend those Freewrites!!

A Favorite Freewrite

Every Tuesday, you have a chance to win a membership to Steem Basic Income, SBI, at the Freewrite House.

Try to win one, my friends. An everlasting vote on your posts is nothing to sneeze at.

We want to make it super easy for you. Your task is to tell us in the comment section about one - or more- freewrites of others you have read in the last couple of days you really liked. Yup, not your own!!

The comment must be at least 50 words long - no upper limit 🤪

See the rules below for details.

In an ideal world, you also give that person a nice upvote - but we are not going to check on that.

To be entered into the drawing, go to the Daily Prompt post by @mariannewest. We are doing our best to resteem them to the Freewrite house profile.
Read as many Freewrites as you can. Then tell us about a freewrite you really liked and why.
Choose from the last couple of days if possible so others can go, visit, and, inspired by your description, leave a vote.

Win, Win, Win!!!

You Tell Us for a Chance to Win a Membership in Steem Basic Income

3 Steem Basic Income from @freewritehouse - let us know if you like to sponsor this contest

3 x 100% upvote from the Freewrite House

We decided to give out more rewards on this contest since it has been one of our more popular contests.

The Rules

This is what you have to do for your chance to win a membership:

  • Leave us a comment as specified above
  • Remember, the comment must have at least 50 words

Here are a couple of free word count tools:

At 8 PM Pacific time the Thursday after the publishing of this post, we will close the contest and draw the winner through a random drawing tool.

The winner will be announced and sponsored soon after.

Steem Basic Income

Steem Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a basic income to as many Steemians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Steem Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content.

Finding a Freewrite

If you are not familiar with the daily freewrite prompt and the many wonderful writers who produce the most amazing 5-minute (or sometimes much longer) Freewrites, go to @mariannewest and look for the prompt. The graphics look like this


In the comments, you find lots of links to all kind of freewrites.

You Can Be Part of the Freewrite House!!

Find out how here Post is past payout, please do not vote on it.


Make sure to participate in all the fun events at the Freewrite House

Regular Features

  • WE-Write
  • Steemzuela Ventest - Stories of Venezuela
  • Recommend your Favorite Freewrite and Win SBI - Tuesday
  • Freewrite Favorites.
  • Beta Reader Group -ongoing
  • Author Reading

Do you have an idea for a contest? Let us know!


Join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

Join the Freewrite daily prompt


Get some awesome Freewrite House Swag here


I have a few from the uncertain future prompt.

I like this post from @josyweed. It has a very unexpected twist to the story portrayed by a photo. Very creative if sad.

And here is a tale of hope that might not come true from @tristancarax



I have to nominate @iamraincrystal's first freewrite. Coming in at great time and telling us "worry about things that you can't control." Words to the wise this week.


And finally @marblely comes in with a poignant tale to remind us that we never know what is coming next.


I am humbled by the nomination. Thank you for appreciating my post. ^_^

Thank you so much for the nomination @fitinfunfood! 😘

I haven't read a lot, but so far this one's my favorite... it's a we-write entry (I hope it qualifies)


I read all the entries too. The above post had the makings of a whodunnit -- my kind of genre to read. It left the story hanging and opened many more plots to add to the original storyline.

I recommend @myjob she used the prompt burnt skin and tells you what a burnt skin leads to, where it all started and what happened next.
She is a great story teller. Her freewrites are always full of surprises and she knows how to keep your attention from the start to the end.


Posted using Partiko Android

My favourite this week is from @wandrnrose7 using the prompt "good night kiss":

It brings us a story about how a wife used to worry about her husband when he goes on duty but has since, left it to God's hands to take care of him. While reading the post, it also brings a realization of how most of us are always worrying about our loved ones. My heart stopped at the ending...

Thank you for the recommendation @marblely

Posted using Partiko Android

Sorry I wasn't able to participate! I babysit my granddaughter on Wednesdays and don't usually bring my computer along. Next week maybe it'll work out again. Meanwhile, I'll enjoy reading all the other nominations!

Wildfires by @improv

really hit home for me. I've lost papers in a flood, but not an entire home, not EVERY paper, every journal entry, every story I'd ever written. Fire is the worst!!

Oops, that was carolkean, not freewritehouse, there... toggling from one screen to another, I lose track of who I am. :)

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