Week 40- Win a Membership in Steem Basic Income - Tell us About a Favorite FreewritesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #contest6 years ago

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A Favorite Freewrite

Every Tuesday, you have a chance to win a membership to Steem Basic Income, SBI, at the Freewrite House.

Try to win one, my friends. An everlasting vote on your posts is nothing to sneeze at.

We want to make it super easy for you. Your task is to tell us in the comment section about one - or more- freewrites of others you have read in the last couple of days you really liked. Yup, not your own!!

The comment must be at least 50 words long - no upper limit 🤪

See the rules below for details.

In an ideal world, you also give that person a nice upvote - but we are not going to check on that.

To be entered into the drawing, go to the Daily Prompt post by @mariannewest. We are doing our best to resteem them to the Freewrite house profile.
Read as many Freewrites as you can. Then tell us about a freewrite you really liked and why.
Choose from the last couple of days if possible so others can go, visit, and, inspired by your description, leave a vote.

Win, Win, Win!!!

You Tell Us for a Chance to Win a Membership in Steem Basic Income

Thank you to our sponsor for this week's contest!!


1 Steem Basic Income from our sponsor

1 Steem Basic Income from the Freewrite House

2 x 100% upvote from the Freewrite House

The Rules

This is what you have to do for your chance to win a membership:

  • Leave us a comment as specified above
  • Remember, the comment must have at least 50 words

Here are a couple of free word count tools:

At 8 PM Pacific time the Thursday after the publishing of this post, we will close the contest and draw the winner through a random drawing tool.

The winner will be announced and sponsored the same day.

Steem Basic Income

Steem Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a basic income to as many Steemians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Steem Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content.

Here is last week's winner announcement

Finding a Freewrite

If you are not familiar with the daily freewrite prompt and the many wonderful writers who produce the most amazing 5-minute (or sometimes much longer) Freewrites, go to @mariannewest and look for the prompt. The graphics look like this


In the comments, you find lots of links to all kind of freewrites.

The Latest Freewrite Favorites

Freewrite Adoptee of the Week

You Can Be Part of the Freewrite House!!

Find out how here Post is past payout, please do not vote on it.


Make sure to participate in all the fun events at the Freewrite House

Regular Features

  • Freewrite House Adoptee of the Week - Monday
  • Recommend your Favorite Freewrite and Win SBI - Tuesday
  • We-Write and win SBI - Every other Wednesday
  • Freewrite Favorites - Thursday
  • Recommend your Favorite Freewrite Poem - and Win SBI - Friday (paused)
  • Over 20 Club - Saturday (paused)
  • Poetry Digest - Sunday (paused)


Join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

Join the Freewrite daily prompt



I'm back with @wonderwop again.


I looked in the cougar prompt and I am not the only one to talk about it as a woman instead of an animal. So many angry and disturbed posts for this one!

Count on @wonderwop to make his post funny, and about his male cat (with three teeth). Plus telling us his wife was not wanting to be photographed as a cougar lol. We only get a bit of the slice of life, but I think @wonderwop-land must be a fun place

It getting pretty interesting around here. 💕

Posted using Partiko Android


Nine #freewrites in and this weeks adoptee @juliamulcahy pens another fine 5 minute story. Julia writes about a woman traveling home, unsure how her return will be received or even if there will be any body at the airport to greet her. An incident happened, Mike stormed out, and not a peep from him since. Go visit our new #freewrite and tell her Uncle Bruni sent you. 💕

This story is more of a real-life report. I felt like I had met the characters described. @prepared wombat takes us right into a homeless shelter and describes the reality of it from a standpoint of an outsider - a volunteer at the shelter - but without judgment.


While delivering today's prompt with my wonderful partner @deirdyweirdy, I read a cute story by @dranuvar that made me smile. It was told from the perspective of an elf with eyes of purple and I can't seem to get that image out of my mind. I would have never thought to use purple for the color of eyes and I thought it was creative. This child elf bought something from a "Gnome merchant" and was surprised by its effect. Check out this story to find out what the elf bought. It is a fun read and I am sure it will make you smile too.

A Weekend Free Write hits you with 3 prompts, one after the other. You don't know what's coming until you are done with one prompt. And trust someone who calls him @improv to tie it all in. Words tripping over each other, dashing back and forth between Sunday and Tuesday, it will give you a good laugh. Read it yourself right here

And the same 3 prompts went in a totally different direction with this one from @blueeues8960. She took it to a dark place. Sometimes you think it wasn't meant for you because this was not the way it was supposed to be, but then again maybe this is why it wasn't the way it always is. Step inside if you dare right here

Thanks for the mention and those kind words!

Writing a freewrite is not that difficult, you simply write down what pops up in your mind. A given prompt can make it easier or... more difficult, so does a time limit.
There are many freewrites and I did not come to read them all, but as I read @blueeyes8960 her weekend freewrite I knew I would recommend this one for this week.

Callie is a courier, usually working on Tuesdays.
Someone did change the scedule and she has to go to a place she normally would not go near... a neatly dressed gentleman walks by with his mini schnauzer, a guy with a gun says you can't be too careful in this neighbourhood and in her mind she hears a guitar playing the funeral march.
Is Callie overreacting or are her senses right?

Posted using Partiko Android

My favorite freewrite this time came from @byn. Hats off to @byn for penning down this emotional tragic tale.

The story was knitted in such a way that that tale takes place in front of us. The climax is really soul ripping. Tears ran through my eyes when i read those final lines. Tragedy is unfortunate, but can't be avoided sometimes is the theme of this tragic tale. May all their souls RIP.

The link is


Wow! Thank you @marvyinnovation for the wonderful compliment!!! <3

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