King Jun Junbart, Crustacean king of Cancer.

in #contest6 years ago (edited)



His crabiness, King Jun Junbart the IV is a very young king. His father, Late King Loki Junbart III dies on the battle field with the sharks when King Jun Junbart was just twelve years old. He was so sad when the news came to him about his father bravery in the battle field and how he died. He does not have a wife because he thought he has not seen his kind of woman. It was not a mandatory obligation for him to get married before he can become king. So he was still searching for the right one. When he heard of his father’s death, King J.J as most of his close kins always called him, never seek for revenge rather he came to term with the Cartunge (Sharks) Kingdom and they became best of friends and allies. Now the humans and the Whale’s Kingdoms are fighting real hard and he is just fifteen years of age and his people are relying on him.

Since the creation of the Cancer Kingdom, there have always been troubles in the kingdom. The citizens of this kingdom have always suffered from either their own neighbors or the human kingdom. Some were hunted by giant whales that yearly came to the Cancer Kingdom to hunt and feed their young. Every time they came, the whole kingdom is almost empty because these Whales flushed everyone inside their giant’s mouth. On the other hand, the humans who live above the Aquatic kingdom also come to hunt with their strong nets and baskets. Past kings have made all efforts to bring peace to this kingdom but to no avail. The King Jun Junbart has consulted other neighboring kingdoms like the Cartunge kingdom (who are now his ally), the Scales Kingdom made up of the tilapia fishes and more. Still, there was no hope.

“There must be something I can to do to redeem my people” King Junbart confusedly muttered to himself. “I have met all my neighbors who are my allies but still their military strength cannot be match with the humans and the whales.” He continued.

King Jun was interrupted of his thoughts when a male servant in the palace crawled in and said, “Your crabiness, the Mutu is here to see you Sire.”

“Let him in.” King Jun ordered immediately.

Mutu is the traditional chief priest of the Cancer Kingdom. He is known for his prophetic utterance since the death of King Loki Junbart the III. He warned him not to go on a battle with the Sharks but King Loki will not listen.

“Great news! Great news!! Great news!!!” the Chief priest shouts to his craws.

“What news it is Mutu?” King J.J asked with great expectations.

“My king, the gods are wise. I have been told how we can defeat the whales with the help of the human’s nets.” Mutu happily said.

“..and how do we do that? How can we get hold of the human’s net? You know we cannot go to the human’s kingdom; we will turn their food? King J.J said confusedly.

“The gods are wise!” Mutu muttered as he moved closer to King J. J to whisper what the gods has conveyed to him.

“But how will that be possible?” King J.J finally sounded.

“It is possible my King. The gods has not lied to me before now. And they will not start now.” Mutu said.

“Alright, I will do as you said.” King J.J said with a relief breath.

The next day, King J.J summoned all able young ladies in the kingdom to embark on the journey to the Human kingdom in order to negotiate these terms with the humans. This is very impossible to all those who heard about it. In fact, all but one of these ladies did not honor the kings’ invitation because suicide and the King’s mission are brothers.

Amy, a 14 years old lady was the only one who was courageous enough to honor the king’s call. She lost his father and mother to the whales. So she has decided to die fighting to be sure the Whales no longer terrorized their kingdom.
King J.J was not disappointed because he knew no one would want to go into the den of those who takes him as food. He counted himself lucky to even have one of these maiden. He is already feeling guilty of sending Amy to her death.
“My King, you do not have to worry about me. I do not want to continue running rather to help you redeem our home. I would be fine.” Amy courageously said.


“What a beauty that I am about to lose. Why haven’t I see her in my Kingdom? She is so beautiful.” King Jun thoughts.
“Alright then, I pray the gods of our land guide you and bring you back home.” King Jun said.

Amy was given all she needed for her journey to the human lands. She was to meet with the fisher men at the sea shores and told them what was her message. Amy crawled from the deepest kingdom of Cancer up to the shores of the Whales. She can hear hungry Whales cry afar. She is becoming scared but she has to be focused. She has to redeem her people from the terrors of these monsters.

Finally, she can see the shadows of a fishing both above her. She has to be very careful of the humans’ invisible nets else her mission would be thwarted. What if the humans are with water explosives? What if she get mutilated by these explosive? Thought of that started flooding her mind. She was now very scared; more than she had at the Whale’s shore. As she was lost in her fears, suddenly a human net caught her by her claws. She struggle and struggled all she could but the more she tried, the more she entangled herself with the human’s net. She was getting weak. She no longer can move her claws. Then she thought of her home, King Jun and all her extended family members. She wishes she can one day see them again.

Now, the humans’ net was dragged to the surface. She can see the fisher men now but she was too weak to talk to them. “How can I even talk to them?” She thought to herself. “I am better left to die.” She concluded. Then, one of the human fisher men came to the fishing net and tried to untangled Amy from the net. But he noticed something about this particular crab. She had some beautiful designs on her back. The fisher man thought to preserve this crab and keeps her in his aquarium. Amy was taken to the fisher man’s little aquarium on the boat and there she can breathe again and she gradually regained her strength.

The fisher men continue on their fishing when they saw a whale was approaching towards their both. For years now they have been looking forward to catching a Whale now it is their opportunity to get this one. Their boat was too small to catch a Whale but yet, they have to because these opportunities come once for a long time. The brought a giant arrow and a bow to strike the Whale. The fisher men fired at the Whale and it was a nice hit. Nevertheless, the whale has to struggle for his survival and pulled the fisher men’s boat all around the sea until the boat conversed and then Amy’s little aquarium was open. Amy came out of the aquarium and she immediately swam to towards the deepest kingdom of Cancer to tell the King that the mission was not possible that she came from the pit of death. Luck brought her home.

On getting to the gate of her Kingdom, there was merriment all over the city. The fellow crabs saw her coming, walked towards her and carried her on their shoulder and sings that she is the messiah of the Cancer Kingdom. Amy did not understand what was happening yet she decided to meet the king before she talk about her mission.

On getting to the Palace the King was happy to see her and even bow to her. She was not comfortable with what is happening. She wants to tell the King of how she was almost killed but every time she tries to talk, she is always muted by someone praising her bravery.

After days of merriment in the Cancer Kingdom, no one wants to hear Amy side of the story. All she ever heard was that the Whales has migrated from that region of the sea because of the Whale’s King who almost was capture by the human arrow when Amy was away on her mission. They believed Amy talked to the human to fight the Whale and now they are gone. They will never have to battle with the Whales any longer.

King Jun Junbart got married to Amy and he had 300 children. He is happy he is the first King that his children will survive since there are not Whales eat them all up. What about the humans? King Jun has to find a way to have a coexistence with them.

Thank you for reading this fantasy story. This is @steemmonster contest entry. You can leave an upvote to encourage me. God bless

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