ONEPAGEX - making cryptocurrency exchange easy as ABC!

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

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Blockchain technology has taken the world by storm even though many people are largely unaware of this revolution in financial technology. Since the birth of Bitcoin in 2009, cryptocurrencies have decentralized entire traditional systems and programs, while delivering optimal security and transparency to financial record-keeping. While some people are still speculating on the strong influence of cryptocurrencies on traditional systems, Landmark achievements continue to soar and there is no stopping the progress made thus far in blockchain development.

One crucial feature of cryptocurrencies is cryptocurrency exchange platform. Exchange platforms facilitate the efficient transfer of value across blockchains. With more than 1600 cryptocurrencies currently in circulation, exchange platforms provide an infrastructure to support the trading and transfer of digital currencies in the cryptosphere. They are the bridge that connects various blockchain technologies to communicate, trade and transfer digital assets in a streamlined fashion. While they play a crucial role in blockchain development, cryptocurrency exchange platforms are largely imperfect. Much like blockchain technology itself, there are deficiencies in exchange platforms that must be quickly addressed to clear the path for further breakthroughs. Quickly take a look at some of these challenges.

Challenges of Cryptocurrency exchange platforms today

There are many problems that plague cryptocurrency exchange platforms. Here are some of them:

1. Complex registration and login requirements: Most cryptocurrency exchange platforms have sacrificed convenience and ease of use in the alter of complexities. I personally use three exchanges and all of them share one thing in common - your must login through your email. Once you click to login, a mail will be sent to your email and you are supposed to check your email and access the login link before your are allowed to continue. Also, among two of the three, you have to provide a government issued identity card and a recent passport photograph before you are allowed to trade some selected pairs. While these are presented as security measures, they are really annoying. They make the system complicated and it becomes difficult to use. Also, almost all exchange sites require users to go through rigorous registration procedures before they are allowed to trade. These protocols scare newcomers away, while seasoned traders endure because their funds are at stake. Sometimes its confusing for all.

2. Few cryptocurrency pairs for exchange: As stated above there are more than 1600 cryptocurrencies in circulation, but many exchanges list pairs less than 100 in number. This is a huge problem as traders may have interest in several coins which are never available for trading on the platform. Even the so-called top exchanges do not fair better. For example, according to a coingecko article, Poloniex lists 122 cryptocurrency pairs for trading on their platform. The problem is especially significant when traders buy low value coins and wish to exchange them for Bitcoin or Ethereum. This becomes a big challenge for such traders. So having very few cryptocurrency pairs for trading affects both the volume of trading on most platforms and the ease of blockchain adoption for new-comers.

3. Lack of simultaneous exchange capabilities: Most - if not all- Cryptocurrency exchange platforms are designed with a liner approach. So if a trader quickly needs to do several exchanges at a go, it becomes quite impossible. Cryptocurrency traders understand the volatile nature of the markets. The margin between profit and loss could be less than 5 minutes in size. This kind of unsteady financial system requires quick thinking and action. A trader may decide to trade 5 cryptocurrency pairs quickly in the shortest time possible. With today's crytocurrency platforms design, the trader may lose it if they are working against time, because the trading will happen one pair at a time.

4. Lack of third party integration tools: Merchants that receive cryptocurrency payments do not have a way to let customers quickly do an exchange without leaving their site. While developers are all well aware of numerous APIs that allow web masters to integrate useful web apps into their website, there are probably no such tools to help website owners plug-and-play a cryptocurrency conversion tool on their sites. This would make customers leave a site to change their coins on an exchange platform before returning to pay in the accepted cryptocurrency. Not having such a tool limits the application of cryptocurrencies in business.

The above are some of the challenges facing cryptocurrency platforms today. These problems are crying out for a solution. In the next paragraphs of this article, I will review a blockchain exchange platform that proposes a workable solution to these challenges and a way forward. It is called ONEPAGEX. See how it works.


ONEPAGEX - the simplest cryptocurrency exchange platform ever!

OnePageX have simplified the process of exchanging one cryptocurrency for another. True to its name, it is the first cryptocurrency exchange platform where the entire transaction is started and completed on a single page - that is the height of efficiency and simplicity! OnePageX realizes that one reason why blockchain technology still struggles with mass adoption is because of its enoumously technical nature. With this challenge in mind, OnePageX has lowered the entry requirements by allowing users of its platform to exchange cryptocurrencies without signing up first. OnePageX boasts one of the highest number of cryptocurrency pairs listed for exchange on the platform. It also allows third party integration of its exchange platform on all websites. This will allow merchants to accept cryptocurrency payments of choice on their site.

Consider why OnePageX is the game-changer in cryptocurrency exchange business.


Why OnePageX is truly Unique

There are many cryptocurrency exchange platforms around, but OnePageX has a number of features that made it truly outstanding. Some of them are listed below:

1. A large number of cryptocurrency listing: OnePageX give users a large selection of cryptocurrency to transact on. Currently, there are more than 140 cryptocurrencies avaliable for doing exchanges on the platform. Considering that there are more than 1600 cryptocurrencies availlable in circulation, OnePageX have one of the largest selection of any other exchange platforms. This is very important when we remember that users have differing choices when it comes to cryptocurrency trading. This large selection makes OnePageX appealing to a very large audience of cryptocurrency users and traders. Since many user should be able to find their cryptocurrency of choice, OnePageX will drive mass adoption of blockchain technology.
Consider how OnePageX stacks up against other exchanges when it comes to the number of coins listed on the exchange:

Number of coins349264140+1029570

The table above whose data was pulled from a cryptocurrency analysis site shows how OnePageX compared with some well-established exchanges. Apart from HitBTC and Binance, OnePageX outperformed the rest in terms of number of coins listed. Considering that OnePageX just came into the exchange business and is already beating some competition, it will definitely play ahead of all competition in a very short time from now.

Here is a chart of all the cryptocurrencies listed on OnePageX

Chart 1 list1.jpg

Chart 2 list2.jpg

2. No sign up:This is another special feature of OnePageX. This service requires no user personal details or any kind of registration. Anyone can just open the platform and start exchanging right away. OnePageX was designed such that users could start and complete a transaction on the same page. A session will be created once the user initiates a transaction. The page URL is appended to the session which the user can bookmark for future references. This page contains all the information about the transaction. The user can always access the bookmarked page to monitor and get information about the transaction

There are many benefits of not requiring users to register before they can use the platform. It will definitely speed up the time it takes for newcomers to start using the platform. In this jet age, everything happens or should happen fast - fast money, fastfood, fast this and that. Now we have the fastest cryptocurrency exchange platform ever!
More important, this is a world where personal data and privacy is very much in danger due to frequent cases of hacking and intrusion. While blockchain technology is the most secure of all systems, everyone is aware tat nowhere is completely safe. So OnePageX lets users to take care of their personal data by not requesting it from them. In any future event where a user's personal data was compromised, OnePageX will automatically not appear in the suspects list.

3. Multiple Transactions: Most cryptocurrency exchange sites today handle one transaction at a time, not with OnePageX. Platform users can initiate and complete more than one transaction at the same time. This feature allows users to add "cards" of transactions that can run concurrently. Each of them have status indicators that inform the user how far the transactions have gone.

Users of OnePageX will gain much from this multiple transaction feature. To start with, cryptocurrency markets are volatile. Traders usually battle with time. The margin between gaining and losing may be as tiny as five minutes. In such a situation, traders may quickly wish to do more than one transaction within a shortest time - for example if they speculate that some coin may lose or add value. With time running out, OnePageX can help such traders do more in less time by allowing them to set up many transactions at the same time. Also, allowing multiple transactions will increase the overall exchange volume which happens everyday on OnePageX. Finally, doing multiple transactions on one page will help the user monitor all the transactions and also reduce the workload of doing all the transactions one after the other. In other exchanges, the user would navigate several pages which would be more stressful than doing all of them conveniently on the same page.

This image illustrates two concurrent transactions

These images show the transaction statuses on a page

New transaction

Pending 2 confirmations after bitcoin was received

Withdrawing to user wallet

Transaction completed

4. OnePageX Widget: Another powerful feature of OnePageX is the widget called onebox. This widget will allow web masters to implement OnePageX exchange platform on websites. This will give web visitors the ability to quickly do cryptocurrency exchanges on those websites. Users would have no need of leaving the site to exchange one coin for another. onebox makes OnePageX very portable and the widget functions exactly like the platform - everything happens inside the widget in one page.

Integrating onebox into any website is super simple! Just copy and paste the code below into any web page and its done!

Click here to get a text version of the code


Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the four main questions everyone would probably like to ask?

Question 1: Are there any transaction or network fees that users must pay?
Answer: Yes

OnePageX charges 0.5% along with a small network fee on all transactions. All fees are included in the estimate shown.

Question 2: How long does it take to complete a transaction?
Answer: It depends on how long it takes to confirm your deposit.

While the exchange happens instantly, it does not occur until your deposit is confirmed. The time for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain may vary based on asset, blockchain congestion, and fee paid. Most transactions are completed within 25 minutes.

Question 3: I want to integrate OnePageX into my website/service, what should I do?

OneBox is a turnkey solution for embedding OnePageX on your website. Visit the OneBox link via the navigation bar and simply copy the provided code into your template. OneBox is both desktop and mobile friendly, offering the full functionality of OnePageX in a single frame. A public API is in development and will be released once ready.

Question 4: Where can I see other Frequently Asked Questions?
Answer: Click Here


Use case

John is a marketing executive on a 2 weeks trip to NewYork from Germany. He wants to quickly change some Bitcoin to DASH but has forgotten his login details. His favorite exchange platform agrees to help remember the login details, but he must first upload a copy of his identity card which was used to create his account on the exchange site. He left that ID card at home. John is disappointed. He quickly called Fred, a seasoned cryptocurrency trader and narrated what happened. Fred laughed and told him not to worry. Fred told him to use OnePageX which requires no registration, login, ID card and all that stuff. John checked OnePageX, did the exchange quickly and was happy with what he discovered.



Its a jet age, everything needs to happen fast. OnePageX will not only simplify cryptocurrency exchange, but will guarantee speed for users on the go. This amazing platform does not collect user data which is the highest form of security - they will never abuse your personal data if they do not have it. Launching with 140+ cryptocurrencies is simply amazing, considering that some exchange platforms are yet to get close to that number after operating for some time now. The easy integration of OnePageX into websites will bring blockchain technology closer to the people, as well as provide a convenient means to change one cryptocurrency to another anywhere. OnePageX will forever change how we use exchange platforms and will continue to add and deliver amazing services as time progresses.


Useful Links

OnePageX Website
OnePageX FAQ
OnePageX OneBox
OnePageX Twitter
OnePageX Medium
OnePageX Steemit
OnePageX Telegram


Who Organized this Contest?

This contest was organized by @originalworks. You can participate in the contest by clicking here.


Image Credits

Unless otherwise indicated, all images on this article where taken from a OnePageX Medium article and the contest post.


Twitter link





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Hi @focusnow

Thank you for your kind comment (trivial review). I decided to check your profile just to realize that we seem to share a number of interests :)

In particular that we both share a similar passion towards cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology :)

big fat upvote on the way! :)

I will follow you closely :)
Take care, Piotr

Thanks friend @crypto.piotr, sorry this reply came a bit late. Its amazing to find people who share common interests. I love cryptos and write about them. I was actually selected by @sroka87 to write reviews for Trivial and have done two or more reviews for them. He told me we have to pause until they finished work on the site. I even did a post like yours to create awareness for Trivial:

I will get in touch with him to see how far they have gone. I will be happy to work closely too with you on anything crypto. Thanks for your time

Wow. You're full of surprissed @focusnow

I hope your experience with @sroka87 has been pleasent. I had a chance "to talk" to Jon only once or twice and he made great impression on me. Honest and humble guy. But then, that's just an impression :)

I will read your post within a minutes. Thx for link.

ps. perhaps you could drop me a message to my email: [email protected]
I would love to get to know you closer.


Goodmorning Mr. Piotr, thanks for finding time to reply me. I visited your steemit blog page last night. I saw the post about your Fiancee and i sent you a mail using the email address on your profile info. Hope she's doing fine now. So i will use this one to send you further mails right? This one [email protected]?
@sroka87 is a nice guy. Very understanding too.

Hi @focusnow

Pleased to meet you Okeke :)

[email protected] is my business email, which I only share with those who I personally get to know (like yourself). the one on my profile is a public one and Im receiving mostly spam there :P


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63098.06
ETH 2563.30
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.83