Native - Create and participate in communities thanks to collectivity and cryptocurrencies!

in #contest6 years ago (edited)



Are you someone who usually manages communities where the opinion of others always counts? Are you someone who is interested in participating in communities where your opinion can be heard and even applied? Meet Native: A platform where you can create and participate in communities in a very simple way and where you can enjoy Blockchain technology as well.


What is Native?

Native is a platform that allows users to create and participate in communities where collectivity is the strong point for them to achieve goals through the joint work of all participants. If you want to participate in a community that has a value and this can be measured in cryptocurrencies, Native is your home.

Native allows communities to have their own cryptocurrency to make transactions between members or vote ideas that want to integrate the project or community in which they are participating. You can also earn cryptocurrencies for tasks requested by the curators of the project, for each task you perform successfully you can be rewarded with the cryptocurrency of the project.


How does this work?

As mentioned above, you can create and participate in communities in a totally autonomous way and without having to depend on third parties, ensuring that the collectivity of the community (participation, decision, etc.) is a determining factor in each community since the project itself will be managed by the community.

Let's not go crazy either, to ensure that the community doesn't turn into total chaos there are 2 types of users that must exist in each community:


This type of user must initially be the creator of the project/community, must have a vast knowledge of the subject on which the community is based and the initial vision of the project to guide new members of the community to participate in it, make decisions that significantly improve the project/community. It is also in charge of approving the proposals made by the members of the community.


These users are only the people who make up the community, join the community for the interest they feel regarding the topic related to the community, being a member of a community gives you rights to participate in the tasks they request in the community and be rewarded for fulfilling them or voting for community decision making.

They also have the right to replace the curator if this is completely necessary, a hypothetical case: Imagine that the curator of the project has formed a large community and suddenly begins to make decisions that end up damaging it, a user with coarse reputation, who has collaborated since the beginning of the project and is also interested in the prosperity of the project could replace him by taking a decision between the community for the change of curator to occur, thus ensuring the prosperity of the community.


What benefits do I have as the creator of a community?

Suppose you are someone who is interested in creating a community in which ideas can be shared, meetups can be organized, and community members can be rewarded for participating in tasks or events organized by the entire community. The problem that most communities have today when it comes to holding events is: funding. Yes, most communities don't usually prosper or get to carry out activities on a large scale due to the lack of funds to organize these activities. It is a very common problem and I have personally suffered and seen how communities surrender in the end for not being able to interact among their own participants.


What solution does Native offer?

Native offers your community the opportunity to have a cryptocurrency in order to contribute to the activities that take place within the community, in the same way goals can also be fulfilled thanks to the participation of all people, in the same way it offers the community the way to be able to participate in tasks organized by the curator and reward the participants with the community's own cryptocurrency.



And as a member of the community? What's different?

One thing that many people may wonder is what is the difference between participating in a community thanks to Native rather than any other platform, there is no difference to the naked eye, is there?

Native is an incredible platform to participate in communities thanks to the factor that I consider an incredible characteristic of Native: Collectivity. Because Native is based on communities interacting with each other without any intermediary being able to intervene, collectivity is a basic factor in thriving in a community, decisions, events, even votes will be chosen by the community.


One factor that I find incredible is also the reward for doing activities within the community. Using a hypothetical case: Suppose the curator of the community needs a logo for the community to be able to represent it on platforms outside of Native, all members of the community can participate without any problem in the community, the curator can even decide whether to reward all participants or only one part who did an excellent job. All this under an exclusive cryptocurrency of the community.


Things to keep in mind

In order to participate in Native communities, you will need to have Ethereum at your disposal, in the same way you will also have to install the MetaMask wallet in your browser, if you are a Google Chrome user you can install it very easily from this link.

In each community there are fees that are charged to each person wishing to enter a community, each community can choose the fees that will be charged to each interested person, the fees that currently exist in the communities that come pre-determined in Native are as follows:


You may ask yourself: Why should I install MetaMask and why should I have Ethereum to be able to participate in the communities? Well, to be able to participate in the communities you need this because each community charges a fee to be able to belong to it, with the Ethereum you have in your wallet you will have to buy Native Tokens (NTV) to convert them to the cryptocurrency that is used in the community to which you want to belong.

I recommend that you read the Native Quick Start Guide so that you have better training when integrating into a community in Native.


What are some of Native's existing communities about?

As we mentioned earlier, there are some pre-determined communities that come in the Alpha version of Native. These communities are very interesting and their goal are things that are really very interesting worldwide, communities that caught my attention a little bit:

  1. Earth Guardians
    This community is made up of young people who seek to increase their participation in various fields. For example: One of their campaigns is dedicated to increasing the participation of young people in U.S. voting.

  2. The Rick and Morty Crew
    This community is made up of people who love the Rick and Morty series, it's the one with the cheapest rate of all the communities that currently exist in Native. If you love the series, why not share your ideas about it with others?

  3. Peace Accelerators
    This is the community that I personally liked the most since it is a community focused on peace. They are dedicated to carry out campaigns, events or projects dedicated to peace in order to accelerate its worldwide adoption.



You can also use browsers like Brave!

Do you know Brave? If not, I'll give you a small summary: Brave is an open source web browser that offers you more security than the common browsers used today (Google Chrome, Firefox) and also offers you the ability to browse freely without having to worry about ads.

In order to use Native in Brave you will still have to use MetaMask, but you will not be able to install it in the same way that it is installed in Google Chrome, therefore, you will have to resort to these steps that indicate in the Native Quick Start Guide:



So why should I choose Native to participate in communities or to create them?

If it is not yet clear to you why Native could be an incredible option when it comes to belonging to a community where the objectives of the community can be chosen in a totally collective way and where the benefit of all the members of the community is assured, I will explain it to you in more detail:

Thanks to Native your community itself will have an intrinsic value, because you will have your own cryptocurrency you will be able to exchange it for NTV and then you will be able to exchange it for any other cryptocurrency in the real world to be able to fulfill the objectives of your community, to be able to carry out events, projects and even campaigns to forge a community based on the decisions that have been taken thanks to all the community itself and thanks to the excellent work that the curator of the community has done.


Moving towards a future totally autonomous and free of third parties

As we have emphasized as we advance in the article we realize that Native operates under a blockchain, in this case under the Ethereum blockchain, therefore, all communities will not be intervened by third parties in any case, the prosperity of the communities will always be due to decisions made by all members of the community itself, the collectivity in this case is a fundamental factor as this will define the trajectory of the community in the future. Something totally innovative and that if used in a good way, can create communities that function as a beehive, working all together to ensure the prosperity of it and ensure the growth / expansion of the community.

Personally I'm not attracted to the communities that currently exist in Native, not because they are bad, but because they are communities that cover topics that are not really of my interest, if there are communities dedicated to the study of cryptocurrencies would be something that I would consider totally great because it would have a lot to do with Native itself and with the technology that covers Native. In the same way, people interested in cryptocurrencies can begin to share information among more people interested in that field while living on a platform that is covered under a blockchain, a very representative technology when talking about cryptocurrencies.



Native also has its own community!

Native also has its own community within Native, its current curator is Jake Vartanian who at the same time is also the founder of the Native project. This community is the first community within Native and is a community that seeks to make communities thrive through its team of individuals and organizations focused on creating a platform that enables this.

If you are interested in the Native project and want to participate in it by contributing to decision making, supporting with your ideas and carrying out activities requested by the curator of the project, you can apply to belong to the Native team. If you want to become a Native advisor you can also do so by applying from this link.


Use cases

Alex and the LOL community

I am Alex, founder of the League of Legends LATAM community. The main mission/vision of my community is to promote the League of Legends game in the Latin American region by conducting campaigns, events, organizing tournaments and motivating people to participate in this incredible game where tournaments are organized regionally, nationally and even internationally. The first obstacle I encounter is the problem that most communities interested in holding large scale events usually encounter: Funding.


I dedicated myself to researching and taking courses in administration and project organizer/illustrator towards people so that they can invest in my community so that I can take the project to many more people to fulfill the mission that I propose: To promote the League of Legends game in the Latin American region.

After a long research on how to make my community successful, I came across Native. A platform that allows me to manage my community, listen to the requests of the members of it and be able to make decisions that favor all the people who belong to my community, I also knew the blockchain technology and heard for the first time the cryptocurrencies. In my community we have a cryptocurrency called LOL which is the acronym of the game, all people interested in my community should simply join as long as they pay a fee of only $7, this money is always dedicated to the goals of the project and projects that the whole community can participate in events, campaigns and even activities that are carried out throughout the community. This is how my community is progressing little by little thanks to the fact that more people join and are encouraged to belong to the community thanks to the activities that I do and I give them back with parts of the cryptocurrency of my community.


I'm Miguel and I contributed to a school!

My name is Miguel and I have always been educated with the intention of helping other people, especially when it comes to educating them and teaching them the human values that we must have in all our lives. I was also always attracted by the idea of helping to create places where education can be reinforced and also where people can live with other people while they are in that learning process.

I already have knowledge of blockchain technology and while I was on the internet I found this incredible project called Native. Their way of interacting with communities caught my attention and I got a community that was focused on the creation of a school, I was just starting and therefore the school still did not have enough people to be able to start its mission. The fee charged to belong to the community was $25, I did not think anything of the other world and decided to contribute to the registration and also with a couple of ideas that I have implemented before in other similar projects, the other people and I discussed the ideas and really seemed great to implement them, a lot of potential costs were reduced and so we came to a conclusion all people and equally the curator was responsible for approving our idea.

Today the school is a total success, more than 240 students enter daily to learn, teach, discuss and especially reinforce the basic studies that every young person should have and also strengthening their capacity as human beings.





The Team of Native

Screenshot_20.pngJake Vartanian - Native Curator
Screenshot_21.pngMichael Shaun Conaway - Storyworks Strategy & Development
Screenshot_22.pngAlex Melnyk - Storyworks Brand & Marketing
Screenshot_23.pngTyler Wallace - Storyworks Onboarding
Screenshot_24.pngHeidi Cuppari - Anastasia Finance Investor Relations
Screenshot_25.pngMike Slavin - Storyworks Social Media
Screenshot_26.pngVen Gist - Odyssy Product + Design
Screenshot_27.pngDekan Brown - Odyssy Dapp Development / R&D
Screenshot_28.pngSam Kuhlmann - Odyssy Full Stack Development
Screenshot_29.pngHarrison Neff - Ideas by Nature Project Management
Screenshot_30.pngJeffrey Vier - Ideas by Nature Operations


Trusted Advisors

Screenshot_31.pngDemitri De - Jonghe Ocean Protocol Co-founder
Screenshot_32.pngEvan Caron - Swytch Founder
Screenshot_33.pngMatt McKibbin - Decentranet Founder
Screenshot_34.pngMicah Spruill - XSquared Ventures Partner
Screenshot_35.pngBrad Mills - Alphabit
Screenshot_36.pngDean Eigenmann - ZK-Labs Auditor





Websites and Resources

  1. Native Platform
  2. Native Website
  3. Native Whitepaper
  4. Native Medium
  5. Native Telegram
  6. Native Reddit
  7. Native Facebook
  8. Native Twitter
  9. Native Youtube



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