Art Prompt Writing Contest # 7- Hostile Earth

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

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Hostile Earth

Marcus, Really I do not like what I see at all, pay very attention, do you see that? Look at the cable inside slowly and carefully, any electric shock would detonate, Sgt John said to Marcus while trying to deactivate the device explosive that surrounded the body of a poor man in the city of Fallujah.

The two soldiers are working frantically, under great pressure to save the life of the poor devil, while far away in the safe area a large number of women and children watched the scene very calmly as if it were something everyday in the city; the sun and heat become more unbearable and Marcus and his partner John worked very uncomfortable inside their anti-explosive suits.

In a moment as if time freeze a , it feels a loud explosion John and Marcus fly out of the impact falling several meters away in of the place both stunned and disoriented by the strong blow get up and walk with difficulty to the safe area, the women and the children go into panic, the screams become terrifying, meanwhile a group of soldiers they come out together step together in several of their vehicles and his their weapons and between them begins an exchange of transmission of codes to ask for reinforcement.

-Alfa one, here Bravo six, change.

-Aqui Alfa uno, change

-Alfa one, here Bravo six, I request support, I repeat I request support.

-Bravo six, here Alfa one, status report, support is on the way ... change.

-Alfa one, there was a detonation, we have two explosive wounded light, for point of extraction, there is cross enemy fire ... change.

-Bravo six, a support helicopter is on the way, hold the position, 15 minutes for extraction point, change and of out.

When the two exclusivists regained consciousness they were already 100 meters above the air with the wind on their faces and the gunner on their Gau-17, greeting and commenting on how lucky they were to have saved their skin that day, during all the flight to the base, they thought about the situation that they lived and that unfortunately they could not save the poor man, who literally flew through the air in pieces.

A strong experience that we face that day of war; today the nightmares are increasingly frequent, I can not sleep, my mind only imagines the scene so bloody and desperate where people fled to survive, I wish things could change, said Marcus With his face of mourning, while John perplexed not compredia what Marcus said: -Marcus what are you talking about? questioned John, Marcus between sigh replied: - John, really I feel so guilty that I can not forget that terrible moment, nobody understands me, those officers are only interested in their medals and decorations, I hate them all. John goes to where Marcus is and he answers him with a hug: -"Brother, welcome to reality".

After that night two weeks passed when they again sent to Marcus and to John, this time the mission was to deactivate a load that was on the road which had caused casualties to a convoy that passed through the place; This big load of explosives was much stronger than the previous ones, which meant it was a difficult mission for the couple of friends, that explosion won the battle Marcus that unfortunately loses his life, what it mean to a very painful loss for John that fortunately remains alive but loses one of his leg and part of his disfigured face.

The days passed and John recovered from that tragedy, with much feelings and tears, he hands the flag of honor to the widowed wife of his great friend Marcus, a recognition of his great work and performance.

by: @edurley


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Interesting take on the prompt and good action sequence. Good luck!

Gracias amiga por apreciar mi trabajo, agradezco tus palabras,mucho exitos y suerte para tus proyectos,saludos.

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