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RE: 💡I Love Lamp! 💡Art Prompt Contest 💡THEME: Light (Entry)💡

in #contest7 years ago

My favorite for sure was the "Lamp en Fuego" because it reminded me of the need to be a light in a land of darkness. There is nothing like the fire inside a person that comes from loneliness, friendlessness and despair. I will always remember some of the worst pain that I ever felt was being at Summer Camp and having no friends or anyone that I knew there. I became so homesick that I could not stop crying, no matter what the Councillors did I just kept crying uncontrollably. Even after someone in the family came and picked me up I still cried until my Mom and Dad arrived to take me home.

I had been to Camp the two previous Summers with no problems at all, but then I had my older brother and an older cousin who were in another section of the Camp. I had also made friends early on and had somebody that I could trust and hang with. But that year there was no one, the other boys were all mean to me and the councilors ignored me. Then some bullies broke into my locker and stole all my money, that was the last straw.

My point being that I have felt horrible fires that others can't see, they burn in the dark places in our lives and can only be extinguished by some light filtering in. In my case that light was the comfort of someone that I knew and trusted being nearby, in the darkness of loneliness and insecurity I was burning with the need of a friend or some love and kindness. I Love Lamp!


Wow. I totally understand.

I wish more adults would/could remember what it was like to be a teenager (I work with teens). During that time particularly, we are struggling with learning who we are and it's VERY easy to get stuck in the darkness.

You're completely right, the darkness is extinguished by little bits of light until the darkness simply can't exist. That's the thing about darkness, shine a little light and it simply disappears. I often try to be that light wherever I go (it's not terribly hard for me 😍).

Ironically, perhaps my choice of a literal light in this challenge had much to do with my own journey.

Thank you so much for pointing this out and reminding me what art does for us without us even knowing.

I hope to see ya around more! Do you participate in contests? I find them the best way to interact and get to know each other here. 😀

I have just started finding out about the different challenges and contests and that is helping me to meet and get to know new people on Steemit. I just won my first contest "Deadpost Initiative" this week. I will be looking for other contests that I qualify for as time goes by. I'm writing on Steemit for both challenges and contests right now and that's keeping me busy! I like to read and curate what others are doing also, so it is amazing how fast the day can blaze past! 😎

Let us both always be found walking in the light! 👍

P.S. I'm working with teens again at our Church, I always feel younger myself when I'm around a group of teenagers.

Oh! That contest is so nice! It's true a LOT of great content gets lost here. But before Steemit, all of it got lost (basically), so at least we've got a chance. 😉

I'm only 36, but really love working with teens. They need that special understanding.... of how it feels to be them during a HUGE transitional period of their little lives. I find I feel MUCH younger (or have to) when I'm around them more often. It's great. 😍

That is a good time of life to work with teens, you are not too old to relate to their problems and their likes and dislikes. I'm 60 now and it is hard for me to even understand their language or to relate to the things that they are going through. I'm having fun teaching them how we did it in the old days though, and you know what, it's new and fresh to them now and they seem to like it. You know that I'm a cool guy too for my age lol, I'm not a complete stick in the mud like the older generation that they are used to, and I'm not a complete idiot when it comes to technology so that helps also.

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