FREE Litecoin (LTC) and XSPEC Contest / Giveaway!!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

What's up Steem? We've just started pumping out all sorts of crypto related content, and in an effort to speed up getting some of you guys and girls reading and participating in the posts, I'm going to give away some free crypto!!  

Rules for the contest: 

~ One post per account please!

~ follow @cryptotraderspro

~ Upvote and Resteem this post! 

~ Write a comment telling me what you love about crypto, or how you think crypto can play a part in the future moving forward!

I will be randomly selecting the top winner! The winner will get minimum 0.2 Litecoin (I was going 1+ LTC but surprisingly no one wants free crypto?!?) depending on how this post goes. 

 There will be multiple other winners who I will send XSPEC too. XSPEC is soon going to have a hard fork where they will be splitting the chain creating a new XSPEC coin and the current chain will be re-branded to WISP. The fork will be 1:1 so it will be even more free money just by holding them for the next week or 2.  The XPSEC winners I will choose myself based on how much I love your comment about what YOU love about crypto!! Best of luck!! <3 


For me, cryptocurrency is a digital financial asset that can rise in price in the future. While I can not use cryptocurrency as a currency, that is, to exchange it for goods and services. But I'm holding it and investing it with the hope of getting richer. So for me, crypto is another form of money.

I'm really not sure why only 2 people were willing to try for free crypto! PM me (or post here if there's no PM) your LTC and XSPEC address and I'll send some.

My Litecoin LanrcaTqXB63KWcssNE8iTmrrUH8aZRfL6
XSPEC SZwatSfxByR7xSmXndsSMb9u5RiD6rG1Zh

LTC sent, XSPEC is re-downloading the entire chain. Will be finished in an hour or so and I'll send.

Thank you! I will check it later

XSPEC sent! Cheers!

Thank you! I got 10 XSPEC

I love crypto because it helps people and it helps the world! We are still the early developers in this space. And, I'm so encouraged because I see so many good people. I see people helping other people. And, when you help people, it helps you. The world needs this. Helped people help people, and hurt people hurt people. We have the huge opportunity to help the WORLD! right now! I really believe that cryptocurrency is going to help the world, and it will turn the world into a helping world! We need that very much! I truly believe that our descendants will look back on us as the revolutionaries that changed the world and turned society into a voluntary, sharing society once again after thousands of years of centralized control. We're going to Mordor and dropping the ring of centralization into the fires of Mount Doom and ending it's grasp on mankind forever.

Really don't understand why barely anybody was willing to try and get free crypto? Lol. Thanks for the great answer! PM me your LTC and XSPEC address please. Easy win for you 2 that did it.

Is there even a PM system on here? If not just post addresses here.

I think it has more to do with exposure. It takes a little while on here. Thank you!

LTC- MCbsMkK4CPKbcn17QLqezRmYrGnxK9xTBE
Spectre - Sh57v5wEXsVgofFLNoTmCnPSDvCDTajbce

Understandable, I'll have to wait until the page grows a bit more than before trying another one of these! LTC will be on the way soon, XSPEC in a bit. My staking laptop restarted itself which freezes the wallet and causes an error for syncing when restarted. I have to re-download the wallet and sync the blockchain. Will take a couple hours and I'll send.

Ok cool. I'm new to Spectre. I'm pretty excited about this.

It's an interesting turn of events with the hard fork happening. I'd recommend getting into the Discord channels if you use Discord. LTC is sent also.

Ok thank you! I posted the stealth address. Does it have to be the default address to stake?

Yes, I would go back and get me a public address. For the upcoming fork I would imagine you'll want the coins on a public address.

And yes, staking on a stealth address is not invented yet. It's apparently being worked on by XSPEC and will be revolutionary if true, but as of yet it's not out.

@omitaylor @cryptoscout you might be interested in this. Also, they have the best group on facebook!

I love crypto because it is the great equalizer against central monetary control. Oh and I’m geek 🤓

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