
Getting caught up on Steemit is a never ending endeavor for me. Seems like just a continuous circle. But each time around seems to add a bit of growth so round I go again.

I'm used to it, I never get caught up on anything, work, home, steemit. That's my main reason to not have TV, I hate wasting my time. That way I spend most of my time working or learning, the things that I actually enjoy.

I just keep youtube playing in the background. At least there is a wide variety of choices for what to pipe into the brain. I do kind of believe television is called "programing" for a reason.

Well I think that is part of my problem, my ADHD is pretty bad, I'm never still and get distracted easily (squirrel?) Where.
Then there is the OCD side that like everything just perfect and gets so obsessed that I do nothing else. If I start on a netflex show I will stay awake for days and finish the whole thing....

I am the same way. And almost always watch the whole thing at once in a big binge.... then wish there was more lol Best I just stick with youtube auto play is great.
You got my head already lost in redneck rhymes we could have some fun with this one.

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