My Boring Photo (Contest entry)

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

Boring Photo Contest.png

Behold! My boring photo in all its glory!


Entitled: Busy.

The reason is two-fold.

First, I've been beta-testing the new site today. It's pretty rockin'. You can learn more about that HERE. I'm actually creating this post from there right now!

Second, just L👀K at that mess! Busy is an understatement. 😲

How the magical image was born:

I painstakingly, over the last several days, walked around my house searching for the most perfect mundane, boring, nothing-to-it shot for @saywha's Boring Photo Contest.

memoji couch.png

When finally, last night, I saw it. Sitting there, under the television, in all its naturally messy glory.

Here it is. Unedited. Naked. Natural. Beautiful.


Unfortunately, at that time it was late... and Fortunately, I was high image.png.
Needless to say, I'm posting today! 😜

Pay close attention to the specs of dust and hair details. And those shadows that bring about true meaning and depth of life!
Just magnificent! How do I do it every time?!


I bet I'll win. I mean. Hello! This is clearly a masterpiece to end all pieces of masters!



As always, thanks for stoppin' by!


Hugs & 👄 carrie signature.gif

carrieallen signature 2.png


My heart aches to see a PS3, you poor, poor soul! Gives you a sympathy hug

Lol! That's even borrowed!

Hubs plays occasionally and I use it for DVDs!

However, he just found THIS, which he finds quite exciting. 😍

😍I MUST get myself a SNES mini someday!
It was the best console ever and playing emulated versions on the PC just doesn't cut it. I actually would prefer the full original one and be able to get even more games with it.

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