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RE: IFC S1 R40 - Help steem

in #contest6 years ago

I would like to say that I have really enjoyed this challenge from the very beginning. This year has just flown by for me. I can not believe it is almost halfway over. So many cool post, so many nice people. So much having to think outside of my own little box where the walls sometimes felt insurmountable, but I tried.

I climbed those walls, and I did what I could. I tried. That was what was important for me, to at least try, and you know what?...I had fun doing it. I mentioned to someone in some comment somewhere in the last few days, what good is a challenge if it does not challenge, so many people, and so many comments, I can't remember for sure, but I think it was to @charisma777.

So I would like to say thank you to everyone that has been involved in the IFC, those that have been here from the beginning, and those that only played a few rounds and those that have stopped by to lend a hand or word of support or words of encouragement. I have very much appreciated all of you and all of the help you have provided, you have all made the last 5 months on steemit very very fun and engaging for me.


What a great comment. I'd give this one a Hidden Ladder if you could get more than one in a season. But in all seriousness, I vibed with your words a lot and I feel the same way, or.. At least very similar anyways!
For me it's been sorta like hiking the Grand Canyon in a day or Havasupai on a bruised heel which were some of the hardest things I ever did physically and mentally.. But.. Similarly I think when I can look back on it, it will be an invaluable learning and growing experience. :)

Plus.. As much as I enjoy hiking and seeing beautiful nature lol, this was a lot funner! And more rewarding in so many ways, I could write about it for pages and pages and I have a feeling we're just seeing the first beginning stages too, hopefully this will go on for years to come and we can make many more memories and good experiences for peoples. :) I'm really passionate about it, and I'm going to do my best to see it continue, hopefully steem continues to grow as well, if so.. Things are looking positive!

Anyways.. It's been a real pleasure doing this with you bashadow, and everyone else as well though you're definitely one of the main peoples I think of who has been here since the very first round and who has helped so much to bring this community to life. Cheers friend. :) Hope you have a good weekend and onwards!

It's truly been a amazing ride and I'm glad we've all been able to share parts of our minds we may not have shared until coming to the ifc!! Good luck everyone who gets to the sweet 16! and goods luck I all your adventures from here on!!!😎

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