Comment of the Day #26 -- and CotD 23 report

in #contest7 years ago


Quote the comment you want to nominate in the comment section here and add a link to the original one. Can not be your own comment, make sure its on the right day and contest. Please find a later CotD Contest post and nominate there instead. You can link a comment by clicking on it's timestamp and copy the url on your browser.

do it this way


  • Only comments made after contest date will qualify
  • Up to 3 nomination per person permitted
  • Winner will be based on a few factors like number of upvotes, people behind the upvotes, and the quality of the comment itself.
  • Self-nomination not allowed


Top 5 comments and their nominators get rewarded as follows.

80% of SBD rewards goes to comment author.

30% of the SBD goes to winning comment #1.
20% of the SBD goes to winning comment #2.
15% of the SBD goes to winning comment #3.
10% of the SBD goes to winning comment #4.
5% of the SBD goes to winning comment # 5.

30% of the total SP reward will be shared among the nominators of the winning comments. Which will be sent via direct Power-up to winning nominator.

12% of SP reward goes to nominator for winning comment #1.
8% of SP reward goes to nominator for winning comment #2.
5% of SP reward goes to nominator for winning comment #3.
3% of SP reward goes to nominator for winning comment #4.
2% of SP reward goes to nominator for winning comment #5.

Comment of the Day 23 Payout Report

Congratz to @cem, @billyjohnsonart, @gary-wood, @donkypong and @speckofdust for your win in Cotd #23! You are free to use the badge by @elyaque proudly!

Great job to @hanshotfirst, @jznsamuel, and @digitaldollars for finding great comments! Keep them coming!


Go forth! and nominate the Comment of the Day!


As participation, im nominating @nedia for her Comment as quoted below:

Hey, are you are a mind reader? Cause that's what I think to myself too. I quit my job to take care of my baby when he was born. You would think I have all the time in the world after kissing corporate life goodbye, but there's never enough time. Every night, I'd ask myself: what have I accomplished today? What will I accomplish tomorrow? What are my non-negotiables? Self discipline is the hardest skill to master, and the most needed when you're a free bird.

Omg you nominated my comment! Suddenly feeling touched hahaha. Thanks bro, have a great weekend.

I would like to nominate @fairbee for this helpful explanation in the comment

I am nominating the comments by @prana. I am really touched by his concern and love for my autistic son. His recommendation of music as a tool to help my son is promising and although there is no music therapist in Kuching, I will see what I can do. Here are his comments in total.

Speechless, touched and honoured...

You are most welcome. Do ask your friends to vote for it.

I would like to nominate @elderfinancial 's comment

great !!!

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