Recorded Live- Snowpocalypse Survival Challenge Winner!!! And Join New Escape Game!

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

With a little assistance from and youtube with google hangouts, I was easily able to air a live broadcast of the winner!

Here is the recording- please bear with me- lol, this was my first time and I cannot believe I did it right my first go!

On a side note- the music is not mine! It popped up at strangely perfect times, perhaps someone can tell me how this happened because I am at a loss! LOL

Love you guys! Congrats @ainie.kashif! I loved your stories! All of you did an amazing job, and I am so happy we enjoyed this adventure together!

Stay tuned for more adventure challenges! And sign up for Escape The School- Winter Break, and exciting Escape game with a prize of at least $50 STEEM doanted by the ever impressive and never duplicated @hanshotfirst and run by the fantabulous @markrab with a little help from your one and only Kitten :)

Sign up for Escape The School here!

Give me a few days to transfer the participation rewards to the rest of you, there were a lot of players but I promise I will get to everyone :) I am but one Kitten, but I am moving fast ;)

Thank you again! I love you guys!!! Muah!


@arbitrarykitten My sincere gratitude for hosting the contest and reward. I may not be the grand prize winner but happy with the challenge and reward. I will be in the new escape game,wish me better luck and I hope I can catch up! The holiday is fastly approaching!

Good luck! Happy to have you join the escape game!

What time usually you guys post the escape game?

It will be at around 8pm Pacific, and you will have two days- 48 hours- after each post to answer. A new challenge posted every two days.

what happened to us zombies??? :(

Good question... And one today will be answered within the next few days...

Remember, Steven King and I shared a strangely similar childhood series of events...

Was your childhood that horrific?

LOL! Well, my first grade mirrored his, down to spending most of it in bed out of school due to chronic strep until a surgery was necessary...

And the fact I have vividly out of this world dreams and nightmares which account for many of my stories!

Ohh i am sorry to hear about your surgery. But when i compare you (present) and your childhood, i see that you have turned out to be perfectly fine. Infact you seem more than just fine.. you are incredible...
Normally people with that kind of childhood turn out to be serial killers :p (who knows may be you are.. rawrrr) :p

Nah, I just write about serial killings ;)

Hahaha You should watch "dexter" (if you have't already) ^_^

Dexter...Really? Isn't that about a detective who is a serial killer on the side? Actually... that does sound intriguing...!

haha it sounds like the music and little kichick background sounds come from that website. Maybe it's part of some built-in suspense thingy.

Congratulations! @ainie.kashif :)
/enthusiastic clapping

After wondering about it a while and looking all over my open pages for the source, I think you're right!

Hello @binkyprod! yes I also feel the suspense, nice site right. Thanks @binkyprod... am happy to mingle with all participants virtually. I read all postings and had always enjoyed reading all of them, and so much in love with the zombie appearance at the end. What a grand ending! I first stumbled upon @arbitrarykitten's page when I joined the Freewriters' group and was reading one of her freewrite when I saw this contest. I like all her postings, she is that kind of writer you read and you feel in agreement with what she writes. Take care and have a nice day!

Thanks. Maybe I'll see you around the school lol for the next contest :)

Oh yes sure @binkyprod, let's meet up at the next challenge 😊. Have a pleasant weekend.

So... close....

And I was SURE I was gonna win.😎

Thanks again!😍 This was fun!

You were so close! You did awesome :)

Hello there @arbitrarykitten, I just saw this post. My apologies, I should have acknowledged it as soon as you published it. That's why I make sure I resteemed your every challenge post so that I don't miss it and become the undead. Thanks again @arbitrarykitten, I read about the random selection after the game and was thinking, okay let the random do his work and we'll see if I have the chance to really really win it. As for your grand celebration of reaching 3000+ followers. I am too far from reaching your grand milestone. So you deserve a big big hug from us for being a nice cool chill kitten. Take care and Have a pleasant weekend!

You will reach your milestone soon! Patience and perseverance, that's all it takes :) Oh, and a good attitude- that is what will get you the farthest in the community :)

Thank you so much for playing, it was a joy to have you! And wonderful meeting you, I look forward to sharing this amazing Steemit Journey with you!

Thanks so much @arbitrarykitten, will heed to your advice to achieve that milestone. It was wonderful to have meet you too. Look forward to continue steeming together with you. Have a pleasant weekend. Cyber hug from me 🤗

I hope your weekend is wonderful :) Hugs right back!

Congrats Ainie! Great video!

Thanks @melinda010100, nice to meet you😊

Along with many others, we were stuck in the snow together, until I fell in the lake at the end! Maybe I'll see you over at the school!

Hahahha that's so fun right. The lake is the toughest one. I did imagine myself taking my belt out, the snow ice river, the panic attacked... it was really cool. Oh yesss the school... hahahha okay 😊🤔

You have to find another way to draw the winner. This could easily be arranged. Need a suggestion?

Did the video not play for you? It worked perfectly. But I am open to ideas for future contests

I just did watch the video. My problem is that I don't know how many time you went through this process until you got the winner you wanted. Then you post online only the one time that your favorite contestant happens to win the draw.

So this is my suggestion: tell the contestants that you will use some random but official numbers that have yet to appear such as 6/49 lottery numbers or future transaction numbers. See if a number corresponds to the rank of an alphabetical letter say, 22 which corresponds to the letter "v" and then select a winner with the first name starting with v or if there are none, the next letter after that one. This may not be a perfect example but it gives you an idea about how you can go around without arousing any suspicion.

Even better, just put the winning names in alphabetical order and then run the number (selected as suggested above) through the list until you reach a name. Say you get number 83 and there are 20 contestants eligible, the 3rd contestant on the list would be your winner.

Just make sure we know how you are going to draw the official number ahead of time and how you will use that number to select the winner.

Now if you were to decide to use such a selection method I'd be more inclined to participate in your future contests.

Oh no, I do not have a favorite, in fact I had never met this winner until this contest. Some of the other contestants I have known since I started Steemit and a few of those I consider friends...

I actually had decided on the method used for complete transparency, in both of the announcement posts I mentioned the Random generator would be used, and I have never video screenshot, lol as you can see I actually click on the open tab detailing different ways to live broadcast your screen.

I truly believed this live broadcast would be the best way to choose a winner, so you all could clearly see it without question. I feel very bad that you do not trust this, I am deeply saddened by this because I planned this contest to not only coincide with the milestone to show appreciation for my beloved Steemit community, but to educate while entertaining. I used my own hard earned SBD for the contest- I had no delegations.

I truly am sorry and sad you feel this way, I had intended this contest as something fun for not only my fans, but the Steemit community as a whole. I met many wonderful and creative individuals and was hoping all would have a good time while competing and having fun while learning.

I don't want you to feel bad. I may simply not have understood this process as I implied things that you say aren't factual ( I must take your word for it as I do not have the savvy to recognize whether or not this was done fairly). If others could log on as you did this then that was fair. It just didn't seem like that to me. I hope you will enjoy your next contest just as you did this one. Thanks for all the effort and all the money you're putting into it as I enjoyed participating. I didn't mean to insinuate you did anything shady but only that I thought the process seemed open to it. Cheers.

Thanks for the fun story game, @arbitrarykitten!

I am happy you had fun!

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