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RE: Contest Artwork

in #contest6 years ago

Awesome!! I already told you in a private message how much I love this, but I wanna say it again here. :) You did an epic and great job! I think it's perfect for what I was looking for, absolutely perfect!
It's a bummer you didn't get more feedback, but hopefully in time when you get more followers and a bigger audience that will help in regards to that.

Also, I didn't notice this until I looked closer, but I saw you put yourself down in the bottom right drawing the scene as well? That's so cool! I'm glad you are in our digital world in the picture. :)
I'm really so happy! You did an excellent job! Thank you so much!

Also.. Here is your next piece. :)
This is one of our main players in the game and he earned this by getting us a sponsor, what I essentially want is this picture of him and his girlfriend smiling, BUT.. I'd like you to put a farm in the background, and.. If you'd like you can put the crystal castle in the background somewhere, but that's not necessary.. We essentially want to see this guy kryptocek and his girlfriend smiling with their farm in the background. :)




Hope you like it! :D

Wonderful work as usual!! Love the sun flowers they are one of my favorite flowers. :) It looks like a really peaceful and nice farm there and you really did an awesome job of bringing kryptocek and his girlfriend to life in this virtual world. :)

Will send payment shortly and I'm waiting on kryptocek for the next image of ats-david..
But.. I suppose I could do another one while we wait for that.
Now that we have a sponsor, I think we can do quite a few more pieces easily, and in the future hopefully even more and more as this grows. :)

Ummm.. So.. Next one.. Actually.. I want to think on this a bit more. I'll get back to you soon when I have a more solid idea of what I want.

Thank you so much!
Sure! Think about the next one and let me know :D

You're welcome! Will do! And.. By the way.. As weird as this sounds, lol.
Do you think you could make addempsea's skin a little bit darker in the picture of the judges? At first I wasn't sure if it was him or not cause his head is kinda white, his arms are darker, but.. It wasn't just me, he actually messaged me and asked if he was included in the artwork cause he wasn't sure if it was him either. He said he doesn't really mind and has "no qualms" or issues with it, but if it's not too much trouble I think it'd be cool if you could make his skin look a little darker and less white.


Ok, here’s the picture with addempsea’s skin darkened! I’m really sorry I haven’t noticed it at the beginning and also that it took so long, I hope it works now!

Omg that’s true, I haven’t noticed that! Hahah it’s because of the photo that I took of it 😂 but I’ll work on that, no problem!

That's okay! And no worries! It definitely looks better now. in my opinion and I think addempsea will appreciate your efforts as well. :) Could you send this to my email so I can get the high res version? I'm not sure if copying directly from here would work as well, so that would be helpful if you can email the high res one to me. If you forgot my email is [email protected]

Thanks! :D

I sent it to your email :)

HAhaha yes, I was wondering if you’ll notice that I’ve put myself there next to the signature 😄😄😄
Great, I’ll work on this next piece as soon as I can ! 😄

Sneaky! In a good sneaky way though. :) I know I mentioned something about you being in the pictures, though was a pleasant surprise when I actually noticed you in there! I think it's awesome and adds a lot of personality to all of this to have you be in there as well. :)

Also, I had someone ask me if they could use the artwork for IFC related stuff.
Is it okay that other people use the pictures as well, as long as they give you credit?
I am buying the images so I assume I should have the right to give other people the right to use them? But.. I just want to check with you first.

I'd like to encourage anyone to use any of the images in the future as long as they give credit, and if that happens I think it would hopefully bring even more people back to your blog and your page!

Of course, for me it's great, you can give the right to use it to anyone you want :) Even though I'm not sure what IFC is, but I trust you :D you're helping me a lot, I appreciate it!!!

Oh by the way, wow.. I see your image just got upvoted for $70!!! Darn! Nice job! I think that's more than our contest has made the entire time, lol! But that's super awesome I'm so happy for you!

Yes, I couldn't believe my eyes at first! It's all thanks to you, Thank you again for this great opportunity!

You're welcome, but.. I just helped a lil bit, you are the one who actually made the amazing artwork. :) So thank you for sharing your spirit and talent with us and for giving us the great opportunity to appreciate your beautiful pictures! :D I wish you more success like this in the future!

The IFC is the contest you are making the artwork for, the Information Finding Championship.

And awesome! Good to know. :) I think letting all the players and judges or people interested to use the artwork will help a lot!
Also you're welcome! I think it's very mutual at this point. :) We're helping each other. :D

I'm happy to hear that! Haha I was trying to check it out on the internet, and I only found International Finance Corporation :D

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