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RE: Information Finding Championship - Side Quest - WALLY TEST

in #contest6 years ago

Looks like I'm a couple hours late, but here's my entry anyways.

When you see geese flying in a V formation, why is it that one leg of the V is always longer than the other? I'm not sure.. Perception maybe?

Why are there so many Smiths in the telephone directory? The same reason as any other name I guess but also Smith usually means some kind of trade or skill, so that could be an extra reason.

What is E.T. short for? Extra Terrestrial

Where do you find a no-legged dog? In a hospital? Or.. A hotdog bun? I dunno.

Approximately how many house bricks does it take to complete a brick house in England? No idea. Lol. I'm going to guess.. Maybe.. Around.. 5 thousand?

How do you stop a bull from charging? Lay down on the ground.

What cheese is made backwards? Uhhh..? Can't even really offer a guess on this one.

Take away my first letter, I remain the same. Now take away my fourth letter; I remain the same. Now take away my last letter; I remain the same. What am I? Once again I dunno, I suck at this, heh.

If a white man threw a black stone into the Red Sea, what would it become? What would what become? The black stone? Or the red sea? I'm guessing the stone.. And I don't see why it would change color, the red sea isn't really red is it? Even then it would still be a black stone and the sea would still be the same color. I'm terrible at this game. Heh.

How do you make a bandstand? What's a bandstand? I assume some kind of musical thing so probably with wood.

Whew.. I just did pretty awful at that, haha.. But.. At least I would probably survive the bull charging at the very least! :D

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