Information Finding Championship - Season 1: Round 6

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

Hello there! Welcome to our digital castle.

Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and on instagram

I've heard a few people mention the one challenge a day for the first week being a concern, and.. It finally hit me.
I'm tired, I need a break, heh. Though I'm going to push through these next couple rounds like I planned to cause I think it's important for the challenge in general. :)


So.. I'm pretty excited about this next round cause I am fascinated by the subject of UFO's and aliens. And..
This is our first alien round! :D

Recently we've been hearing reports about strange craft or beings in the skies and not even our fasts aircraft can get close to them.. This is a concern! We must know more about these things, so.. I would like you to gather any information you can find about the subject. Thank you.

Also.. A little background on me.. And.. This part is actually a true story, I'm not role playing with this part, as far as I know cause I don't believe my parents were lying when they told me.. But anyways.. They claim that the morning I was born a UFO followed the midwife to our house and then hovered outside for a while.. And that the next day when they took me to a local marketplace to get weighed that an old weird hippy dude walked up, stopped them and pointed at me and exclaimed that I was a "Space ship pilot"....

What are the odds of that? If it really did happen like my parents say, that a UFO followed the midwife and hovered outside the house the morning I was born and then immediately after that the next day I get weighed and a weird hippy claims I'm a space ship pilot?!

I dunno, but I've always felt sorta like an alien, lol.. And... most of my life because of that story and so many UFO sightings of my own that I've lost count, and I've been really intrigued by the subject. I feel like something is going on in the skies we don't know about.. but what? I don't know. Could be all kinds of different possibilities!

So the object of this challenge is either one of two choices.
Either you can bring me the most compelling UFO evidence you can find.
OR... Bring me some kind of cool alien/UFO artwork. :) Could be a drawing or a song or a movie or a funny meme or whatever, who knows! It's up to you.

Oh, by the way.. Before I get to the rules.. We are no on round 6 , if you're new to this or behind on the challenges I'd like to remind you there are 6 challenges actively ongoing right now! You still have time to go back and enter in all of them if you want to. Though that window is closing and we will have our first winner in the next couple of days! I'm super duper excited! :D Can't wait to see who is the first person in IFC history to win a round and level up. :)

One more thing before we get to the rules.. I wanted to say that @kryptocek is doing a really great job of putting a lot of spirit into this and getting into the virtual world and "role playing".. And it's making me and another one of the judges really happy to see.. So.. We wanted to encourage you all to "role play" if you want to, you of course do not have to.. But a few of us think it really adds a lot of spirit and character to the contest. Additionally! We were talking about maybe creating an extra additional bonus prize that we will award to the best role player. :) So you may want to keep that in mind.


The rules are..

You must create your own blog post on your page in regards to the challenge with a title mentioning the specific contest, IE something like.. "Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 6 entry" and then link it here on this page in the comments below. And you also have to use the #informationfinding tag in your blog post as well.

For this challenge.. If there's a tie.. We will do another round to see who the winner is.

The winner will be decided by whoever gets the most votes.
The only people who can vote in a qualifying sense are myself and the four judges I've selected and we will vote by leaving a comment on the submission that we like the most and say something like.. "I vote for this one" and a reason why we voted would be good too, but is not mandatory.

You have until this challenges post payout ends to submit your post.

The challenge will finish after 7 days when the post ends and provides its payout cycle and unless there is a tie, the one with the most votes will get a level up and a point to go towards their long term win and the steem/sbd from the challenge (minus the 25% or so for curation)

If you are new and want to know more about how the contest works in general, this link may help that explains the Information Finding Championship in more detail.

Just in case anyone is confused.. To clarify again in regards to the rules.


1. Sixth challenge starts now and is a challenge for finding the most compelling UFO/Alien evidence or the coolest UFO/Alien artwork. (see below for acceptable content entries) 2. Create a blog post for the contest. 3. Title must contain contest round, "Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 6 entry" 4. Provide a source for the art work, even if it is yourself state it, or if it is "unknown artist". 5. Leave a link to your post in the comments below. 6. And you also have to use the #informationfinding tag in your blog post as well.

Acceptable content

  1. Most compelling UFO/Alien evidence or coolest UFO/Alien artwork
  2. Language is primarily in English and if you would like to participate from elsewhere in the world it is up to you to translate your message into English so we can understand you.

Good luck in the contest!
Artwork credit - Joshua Clement on Facebook


OK guys thats a rap! now find your Alien! : ) go ring that spaceship bell!

I think we just found out who the true satoshi nakamoto is. Brought here by an extraterrestrial life force to share a new form of digital currency to bring balance to our world. He goes by the Steemit name of @apolymask

missed the C in my name for an S whoops haha!

Ooops!! I was so tired yesterday, lol.. I thought I double checked the spelling. Will fix that now. My bad. And haha, yeah.. I dunno about being Satoshi, but.. Perhaps I was seeded here for some kind of reason? I dunno. I am open to that possibility. Maybe there's a lot of us who were seeded to help this planet? Or.. I really have no clue, it's all so difficult to quantify.. Though I definitely think there's some kind of curious mystery going on!

haha no stress man!

I couldn't agree more though. I actually just watched about an hour on your 9/11 video.. some crazy stuff! Life is just one big crazy mystery and its our goal to the the best and be the best we can be.

really its acreative cotest.awesome art.this challenge will grow intelligence.good job

just Awesome..

good steem post

so informative post.
thanks @apolymask:-)

i missed it becouse of bandwich so sad

You haven't missed any of the contests yet, they're all still on going. Though you're running out of time on the first couple.

Fantastic art.

creative art!!!love to see it

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