Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 15

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

Hello there! Welcome to our digital castle.

Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and on instagram

Hey again everyone. Hope you're doing well!

It seems like things are always busy around the castle these days! And..I was originally going to do a contest for the judges last week, but.. Thanks to recent assistance from @timcliff the judges have already got a pay raise.

However, they do a really amazing and time consuming job.. I still want to try to help them out more. So.. Let's do a round for the judges shall we? :D This is going to be a round in celebration of the judges and whoever can help out the judges the most wins this round. :)

It's really up to you how you choose to try to do that! And the judges will vote based on which they like the most.
You could make them a poem, or draw a picture or send them a tip/donation, or find a sponsor! Or who knows, maybe something else..?

Additionally.. If you win this round half of the steem/SBD you earn from this round will be shared with the judges.

We also recently hired a new judge in the form of @deliberator who I think will make a great addition to the team.
And.. We plan on doing "guest judges" as well, our first is going to be @plushzilla and @tonyr for round 14.

They will not get paid for being guest judges at this point in time, maybe in the future guest judges will be paid, I'm not sure.. But.. I would still like to let them contribute and be a part of the contest when they have time if they want to.

For those who aren't up to date and who are curious the judges are..
@charisma777 @luckysteem @rarebooksleuth @addempsea @deliberator
And the guest judges so far are @plushzilla and @tonyr with more planned.

And now a moment for our sponsors!

First up is @ats-david who has helped greatly! If you appreciate this contest or just his efforts in general you may want to look into voting for him as a witness at @ats-witness, he does a lot of other cool things for the community as well!

Next is @timcliff who has similarly helped out the contest significantly and who is also a witness who does a lot for the community, so likewise if you appreciate the efforts you may want to vote for him as witness also!

I'd also like to thank @theguruasia who has pledged at least 20 steem to the second and third place prizes and he said he may even donate more.

And @nxtblg who has been regularly resteeming and upvoting our challenges which has been a big help!

Plus one other person who has been helping a lot who deserves some credit is @soundlegion who has also been upvoting the contests regularly.


The rules are..

You must create your own blog post on your page in regards to the challenge with a title mentioning the specific contest, IE something like.. "Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 15 entry" and then link it here on this page in the comments below. And you also have to use the #informationfinding tag in your blog post as well.

For this challenge.. If there's a tie.. We will do another round to see who wins.

The winner will be decided by whoever gets the most votes.
The only people who can vote in a qualifying sense are myself and the judges I've selected and we will vote by leaving a comment on the submission that we like the most and say something like.. "I vote for this one" and a reason why we voted would be good too, but is not mandatory.

You have until this challenges post payout ends to submit your post.

The challenge will finish after 7 days when the post ends and provides its payout cycle and unless there is a tie, the winner will gain the steem, level up and have a point to go towards their long term win. (minus the 25% for curation)

Just in case anyone is confused.. To clarify again in regards to the rules.


1. Fifthteenth challenge starts now and is a challenge to see who can help the judges the most. 2. Create a blog post for the contest. 3. Title must contain contest round, "Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 15 entry" 4. Leave a link to your post in the comments below. 5. And you also have to use the #informationfinding tag in your blog post as well.

Acceptable content

  1. Whatever you can think of to help the judges.
  2. Language is primarily in English and if you would like to participate from elsewhere in the world it is up to you to translate your message into English so we can understand you.
  3. We also encourage Role Playing for those who enjoy doing that. :)

Good luck in the contest!
Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and on instagram

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For those who do not know the judges include myself, @luckysteem, @rarebooksleuth, @addempsea, @deliberator and the other guest judges mentioned.

Oops! I should have mentioned everyones names in the post. Guess I was thinking more generalized and I've been a bit overwhelmed, though thanks for pointing that out! I'm going to edit the post to include everyones names as well.

Right on. I just figured it would be easier for those who didn't know who the judges were. No worries. I am off to bed, I will be back later! Hope you enjoy the rest of your evening.

Resteemed. Looks like you're going a little meta this late in the season. :)

Indeed! Lol. I've been surprising myself with the quests lately, though I do want to move back towards simpler ones so more people can play! They seemed a bit confused on one of the recent rounds and, while I do want to do some difficult rounds, I'm trying to appeal to more laters and the more difficult rounds should prolly be later on in the game near the end. But oh well, it is what it is! We're all sort of figuring this out as we go. :)

Also thanks again for the resteem! :D You're awesome. <3

Congratulations @deliberator, great choice indeed.

Word. I've been really impressed with him since I met him and I can only say that very rarely unfortunately! He seems like a good guy. Also, one of our recent players told me that it was you who suggested they sign up, so thanks @leighleigh for helping to bring another player to our game! :) It's much appreciated.

It's a pleasure @apolymask, unfortunately I'm not very artistic myself and also haven't had much time to participate, but there's still a way to go :). @deliberator has just lost a very close friend, so is a little quiet at the moment, I miss him as he's always encouraging. Have a great week.

Understood! We have a number of people who are similar and we appreciate the interest on whatever level anyone is willing to show it. Even if they don't want to play or be a judge or sponsor or whatever, it's cool to just have people who are interested in the idea and who support it.. And like you, who help get the word out to new players as well! That was awesome of you. :)Thanks.

Oh and yeah.. I heard about what happened with deliberator.. That is sad. It's a really tough thing to go through.. I wish him well.

This round should be interesting! I am ready to see what you all come up with! Good Luck everyone!

Like the last round this one is going to take a little bit of time. I need to think how I want to go about this.

To avoid a potential conflict of interest I might have to sit this round out until I complete the 'guest judge' duties :p But I am definitely going to have a look at the entries in round 15 and get some discussions happening for sure. And in the mean time also try to get a few more people participating in the IFC :)

Hmm.. Yeah I'm not sure if it matters or not, but I appreciate you trying to do the right thing! :) And cool! That's awesome I super appreciate the support and I'm sure I'm not the only one! I'm glad we connected cause this contest would be no where near as special as it is if it wasn't for you. Thanks for being a part of all this. :D

Good to see your post. Thanks for share such a nice post. well done and keep it up!

Wow !!!!!!!
Great championship @apolymask...
It is a extremely good contest.Great initiative taken by using
@apolymask, because of you we can see such splendid work.Thank's to all different participant for their exceptional work.This is a sort of initiative which will make the proficient people greater active.Thank's for sharing such satisfactory publish......
I want to join this championship...
Thanks ..

I think you mentioned you wanted to join before and when myself and others tried to help you, you didn't respond. Are you even a real account or are you some sort of bot? If you really want to join, let us know and we will help you.

Yes, I am really interested to join this championship...@apolymask...

Okay. Are you stuck somewhere or do you need help in some way? We would be happy to have you join. All the rules and instructions are contained in every post if you click the links, how can we help you join and get started?

Thank you so much for such a wonderful opportunity to support minnows and help them grow on steemit.. i cant explain how grateful i am to join this contest.. i appreciate the opportunity given to me and to all steemians...
here is my entry :

You're welcome. Happy to help. And I'm glad you're interested in the contest and are trying to participate, however.. I think you may have been confused about the subject of this round.. The subject of this round is about the "Judges".. Your entry doesn't appear to have anything to do with the judges.

You're free to start over and do another entry on the judges if you'd like! But this one you entered is not what we are looking for this round.

My round 15 entry for the Judges. Was tough to think of a way to help, and to honor you all.

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