Native - Explore the Dividends of a Community-driven Economy within the Blockchain

in #contest6 years ago (edited)


The market crash in 2009 which culminated in the inception of the blockchain technology is well documented. Ever since then this technology has given people the believe that they could manage their money by themselves without any third party influence. It makes sense to say that 2009 marked the end of old money and the beginning of new money!

Then came the housing bubble that culminated into the subprime mortgage crisis which affected a lot of homeowners, even financial institutions were not left out - one of the main causes being mortgage brokers lending more frequently to unqualified home owners than in the past while banks were also packaging this loans into bonds, then trading it and insuring the newly created mortgage backed securities. There were a lot of dirty game if you dig deep into this matter and I think that really marked the end of old value but in this case there was no system to replace what we have lost. Maybe because value is abstract or we bought the lie because it is still cheap and keep on with the old system.

Guess this explains the reason why we still fund government ambitions under the guise of the word 'community whatever' yet we suffer in silence because of small projects that can have potential impact on our immediate community. Projects such as building a bore hole, clean water, good electricity. It is obvious some propaganda has divided us for long but I believe the crypto community is a community of forward thinkers and therefore deserve better as we look to add value to ourselves in particular, our immediate community and the global economy via the blockchain.


For this reason, I will like to introduce this handsome project called Native, that looks to turn the table against the former detractors so that each and every one can add value in all the three phases outlined because their concept of a community is people-centric, which makes it an haven for growth when people with same interest comes together to achieve a common goal. This breeds trust and makes room for quick growth via mutual addition of value.


The Native Concept Explained In Details

Native is an ethereum-built platform that enables communities to generate their own unique token currencies and effectively manage their resources through collective decision making tools.

This is a thorough-bred vision of the founder who subtly learned through yoga that attention, value and energy are distinct in the sense that your heart and mind lies where your treasure is. People are at the foundation of the community and community is the way through which we interact and therefore the best way to add value to arrest the failed state of our immediate environment, mislead funding of government propaganda, partisan politics of big organisations as evident in the case of the housing bubble.

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Native offers people an option to democratically interact with developments within our community. Finding a community on Native is deeper than finding your friends or those who likes or likes you just like we do on conventional social media. It is mainly about finding people who have the same interest and therefore same ultimate goal as you. It is like having a team of carpenter, bricklayer, architect and surveyor build a house rather than having a master and his many subjects trying to build their abode. Who will build it faster??? Who will accomplish the goal faster and better?? The response is unananimous!

The latter represents how we hassle to add value to our immediate community in the present schedule of global governance while the former is the picturesque concept on which the NATIVE platform is instituted.

Native Operational Model

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Native platform is people-centric which means that members within a community have the right to democratically decide on which project will be relevant to the goals of the community.

This is achieved via an open governance model by the Native platform which allows every member, technical or non-technical to be directly involved in the decision making of his community since all decisions are based on a poll made by members filling a simple template.

This allows members to make decisions as well as fund and influence policies of local derivative project initiated on the native platform. Ensuring members get to actively be a part of a community of like minds!

Native Backed Ideals

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  • People's Economy

As an early crypto space influencer himself, and the founder of Cryptodex. Jake Varnatian, the bearer of this visionary initiative will use his solid experience in token launching to help community operating within the Native platform launch their unique currency to drive an economy that centers around its members.

This makes sense as each community is established by a vision and it is only fair to back the community with an economy that is ideal to meet their goals and aspirations. Also it is impertinent that members joining a community must actively participate inorder to drive a functional community.

  • Due Diligence

Apart from being able to make decisions on projects within their community, members have the right to remove community curator and also elect new curator.

So while a Curator can be seen as the administrator of the Native communities. He/she must be someone who have a deep knowledge of the community initial vision.

  • Verified Projects

Whether it is a trivial task or a major task, the members are only required to make a commitment for the furtherance of such project once the previous sections have being completed. This leaves little room for misuse of community funds at every stage of a project execution till completion.

  • Value Sharing

Members have the oppurtunity to initiate or volunteer for a project on Native platform. Which means that people can easily connect to exchange ideas and add value to each other. Also, members can join more than one community within Native or maintain distant restrictions only by purchasing the currency of their community of interest and joining.

How To Use the Native Platform

The platform is implemented by simply launching the Native app on a brave or cipher browser and purchasing some Native tokens (NTV) via metamask. Now as a token holder, you could launch deeper to explore more on Native via

  • Create A Community

Any local or digital collective who gathers around a common interest or mission can create a community. It is that simple on Native. The community members elects a curator to carry out these responsibilities outlined below unbehalf of it members

The administrators of Native communities
Have the deepest knowledge of the community’s initial vision
Are a filter to ensure only beneficial content is added for members to view and vote on
Approve or deny work created by community members

  • Find your cliché and grow together

Native is a place where people with common goals meet not necessarily your friend. So finding the right kind of connection via Native will channel your energy towards the things that matters to you; offering more time to be productive and grow in a positive environment like Native.

Although new members must commit a stake of their funds fron their wallet denominated in Native Currency to a community before they can join.

Native Ecosystem Architecture Overview


This entails how the Native token interacts with the Native currency to drive a standard economy.

Native (NTV) token serves as the base currency for the currency deployed in each community as bancor smart tokens, thereby allowing this tokens to hold a reserve in Native token.

This reserve along with autonomous market-making algorithm creates a liquidity economy that allows user to easily convert between any two tokens at a transparent and fair market value without any second party via the bancor protocol

Because these smart tokens utilize a continuous token model, tokens will be minted or destroyed as users interact via the bancor protocol with the smart contract.

This model helps Native to keep the token supply stable . Other benefits of this model are

  • Instant Liquidity for tokens at calculated price
  • Accurate Indicators of market size and activity
  • Currency value based on tangible results rather than speculation
    Source : Whitepaper page

Inorder to drive high investors interest at the early stages , Native will adopt a resource sharing formular that seeks to ensure a significant pool of liquidity should users want to move back to BNT or ETH.

Native token initial conversion split

Community fund - 50%
Smart Token Converter - 10%
Converter Balance - 40%
Source : Whitepaper page

              Community fund - Resource pool for community spending
              Smart Token Converter - Traditional Bancor converter which modifies price and supply based on connector weight
              Converter Balance - Direct addition of value to existing token supply
             By and large, This represents the three major paths through which funds sent into a token contract can travel

Connector/Reserve and Token Pricing

Token Price is calculated using three variables:

  1. Connector/Reserve Balance - Value of Base Currency held in Reserve

  2. Outstanding Supply - Number of tokens in circulation

  3. Connector Weight - Connector Balance (defined above)/Smart Token Market
    Here are the formulas:

                Price =  (Connector balance) / ( Smart token's outstanding supply X CW)
                          CW = ( Connector Balance ) / ( Smart Token's total value )
                                                                    Source : Whitepaper

See the Bancor Whitepaper for a further breakdown of this model.

While the community currency initial conversion split differs as summarised below

Native token initial conversion split

Community fund - 80%
Smart Token Converter - 10%
Converter Balance - 10%

However adjustments will be made once communities are in full-fledge.

Full Features and Benefits of Native Platform

  • Each community has its own unique token to signify membership or to use as a medium of exchange e.t.c
  • Members have the ability to vote on polls and give their feedback to the community
  • Members can complete important task in exchange for tokens
  • Intuitive Interface to enable transparent and effective decision making
  • Items that requires an escrow are decentralized e.g financial
  • Non-financial components are centralized e.g creating a poll
  • Provide maximum benefit ensuring native is not a single point of failure
  • Dashboard to display an overview of all activity within a community such as active project proposal, available task, membership history

In Conclusion

You As an Early Adopter of Native platform

Presently there are Six pilots community that have launched so far on the Native platform. Although it is still early days but this might be the right time to step in to the loop , deep dive and explore exciting ideas and who knows you might be surprised to find out there is someone who thinks just like you out there. And like the saying goes, there is nothing that surpasses the power of the collective!.

Native Launched with 6 Pilot Communities:

Earth Guardians is a Boulder, Colorado based non-profit that engages young people in programs to empower and amplify their voice, specifically around environmental justice.
Imaginal Films is a community of conscious film enthusiasts: filmmakers, viewers, and founders convened in one digital ecosystem to collectively develop, produce and distribute conscious films.
SDG Futures is a decentralized and distributed communities and technology stack for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Peace Accelerators is a New-York-based non-profit that is committed to accelerating the spread of global peace by using a community-driven, tech-centric, and future-forward perspective to devise solutions that leverage emergent technologies for the betterment of humanity.
DOLO is a decentralized open learning organization working to iterate towards a future of smart education that is more open, agile, and rewarding for all stakeholders.
The Rick & Morty Crew is a collection of fans committed to embracing all things wubalubadubdub!”

OR better still you build your own tribe and let somebody like you find you on Native!

Use Case

Jade is a fantastic event planner but he just moved to a new city and would love to familiarise herself with the ways and tradition of his new community before she gets to handle any client.

A platform like Native can give her the needed visibility to meet new people who shares her passion and who knows her next job might just be from her new connection.

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