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RE: 1+ SBD Gift: SteemIt BOT ideas

in #contest7 years ago

I made a bot once that upvoted all new articles 100% just to see what would happen. I let it run for weeks and my voting power never dropped below 3%
I'd like to see a bot that links to related articles on steemit. So for example, if I write an article about cars then maybe your bot would find another post that's similar (and preferably recent) and put a link to it in my post.
I think something like that would help the community find the content they're interested in and get upvotes to more lesser-known writers.


Not bad, but it doesn't seem to me that such a bot can grow.

Let's say I put 100 SP in it. It will give 3-4 cents per post, which is not too big of an exposure. It will need to grow, and I doubt that a lot of people will help it out without gaining anything themselves.

If I put 10'000 SP it will be much more effective, but I don't have that much money hanging around. Also - even if I did - I wouldn't put them to charity.
I'd want profit.

Sorry. Didn't read property. I thought I needed to upvote the related posts.
The bot you proposed is not bad, but it will not give any benefit to myself, while taking up a decent amy computing power, since it will search for a stuff on every new post.
I want a project that can grow and give benefits.

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