A Halloween Terror, in Light Verse

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

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Yet another Halloween treat: blame @stevescoins for the plethora of ghoulish blogs. This time I tried my hand at crafting light verse, in the spirit of the season. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow lends itself easily to my imagination because my early childhood was spent on the outskirts of a small Hudson Valley hamlet. Also, some of my early forbears were Dutch settlers in the area--by the name of DeVoe. As a matter of fact, a pear from a valley farm was named after a distant DeVoe relative. So, the lore of the Hudson Valley was part of my culture as I was growing up.

This bit of Halloween gloom will be entered into @stevescoins Halloween 2018 Open Medium Contest. There's still plenty of time to enter. Deadline is October 29. Any Halloween-themed blog is welcome. There are recipes entered so far, photos, gory special effects, and at least one story. Join the fun! You actually can win a prize: 20 SteemBasicIncome shares. Check @stevescoins' blog for details. Also for colorful Halloween reading!

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This post was submitted for curation by: @f3nix
This post was given a rating of: 0.9981478534566581
This post was voted: 74.04%

Thank you! So nice to have CI come out of the Steemit mist and acknowledge my post. I loved writing this. That was the first reward. Your recognition is another, very heart-warming reward!

don't be afraid to join in on the curation yourself, you can even submit your own posts if you don't think anyone has seen them.

Thank you! I love the idea of community effort, of advancing other bloggers who have not been recognized.

well it's more than that. One of the biggest flaws of steem is curation rewards are based on stake. The big users can't read everything, and the small users have no reason to. In CI you get curation rewards based on your ability to curate. This isn't just recognising one of the problems small authors face and trying to fight it head on, this is attacking the systematic cause of it. The discord link is in the comment if you want to talk more about it. (I have some plans for the future that require a bit of community interaction)

Our account doesn't have too much SP right now but if we get more users actively working it will grow.

That's hardly light! But it's really good.

Maybe not light (as in funny) but a bit of fluff. Thanks for the compliment. I'm no poet, but I can usually count feet :) This was fun, and brave to put up. I've gone crazy with upvotes today so I'll have to wait until tonight to upvote you.... but I will

For me, poetry is so challenging.

Hats off to you.

Namaste, JaiChai

Challenging for me too, but as I grow older, I take a chance and don't worry if it doesn't come out too well. Thanks for the hats off :)

interesting that you share some cultural background with the story

you ever make it to that Terrytown bridge that might be the one that the story referred to?

I'll have to check...I left upstate when I was 11. A lot of time we drove around and I had no idea where we were--my home was further up the Hudson. I know I've been to Sleepy Hollow. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow was very real to me, because of the locale. I could relate.

Halloween was a big deal when I was a kid...firehouse decorated, people driving their kids in large groups. And, I'm afraid, some serious tricking if treats were wanting.

some serious tricking if treats were wanting.


but folks did know what was required to satiate the little goblins...their choice lol ;>

The fun of Halloween is the atmosphere. Even as an adult I can't help but enjoy this season and all the spoopy. This year someone finally dragged me out to a haunted hike and it was a ton of fun!


~ Mako

I think Halloween gives us a chance to exercise some of those fear muscles--bring the ghouls out of the shadows :)

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