DocumentZ - Season 1 Episode 1 Entry

in #contest7 years ago

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DocumentZ - Season 1 Episode 1 Entry

Tim checked the driver's nerve but he was already dead. He looked out from the car there were 2 zombie eating a women, there was blood everywhere like a splatter house. Tim was scared as he heard the radio and now what he is seeing.

Tim tried to open the door but was unable because the impact was so strong that the car doors were jammed and as car windows were automatic the window controlling system was also not working. The thing was running in Tim's mind was to get of that place as fast as he can.

Tim used car headrest to break the window glass and escaped from window but he also got cut in his shoulder. As Tim got out of that taxi he saw a heavy 18 wheels container truck coming towards Tim very fast ramping all vehicles on the road. Tim quickly run towards sideway of the road to get away from taxi before that container truck also crush him.

Truck hit a mini truck few meter away from Tim's taxi and turned a little left and fell on the taxi also crushing those 2 zombies nearby, but Tim escaped on time.

Tim noticed his shoulder as it was bleeding very badly. Tim started moving on road but then 3 zombies from nearby crashed car got up and started following him. Tim was loosing blood very quickly, it's becoming hard for him to walk, his vision becoming blurry but he is moving to save himself from those zombies.

Its hard for Tim to see clearly but somehow he reach a wall in corner of road, he was trying to climb it but he was so weak because he lost too much blood. Somehow tim climbed that 5 ft wall and fall on the other side. Tim's vision become dark and he is gone unconscious.

Tim woked up but he was still feeling little dizzy, he heard people's voices. He realised that he was inside some building, he touched his shoulder and found that someone stitched his shoulder wound.

Tim got up and started moving towards the voice but he was still weak. He somehow managed get to the door from where the voices are coming, Tim opened the door and saw people there in clean clothes, no blood on their mouth which give Tim some relief that these people are not like those he meet on road.

Tim fell on the ground, 2 man run towards him and managed him to sit on on the bench. When Tim worked up again he found little healthy as he got blood transfusion done.

A women come towards Tim and introduced herself as Nancy and Asked him what is your name, Tim replied that my name is Tim. Nancy told Tim hello Tim we had done blood transfusion with you but it took time because we didn't had proper equipments to find out your blood type but hay we did it, we saved you.

Tim thanked Nancy and asked where I am and where did you found me. Nancy replied that you are in Lincoln college hall and Jason and Nick found to in very bad shape near the boundary wall of parking and brought you here.

Nancy- you are lucky that we haven't found any zombie bite mark otherwise we would already crushed your head.
Tim- wooww hold on, did you just said zombies.
Nancy- yes, that's what I said.
Tim- so you mean all those people eating each other are zombies.
Nancy- not each other as Zombies only eat flesh which doesn't contain Z-virus in it.
Tim- OK I understand now, but how did you get here and who are all those people.
Nancy- I was in city hospital visiting my friend when people started attacking each other, I and some other managed to escaped from the hospital in an ambulance.we were moving towards city central but then we heard radio broadcast so we decided find some place same nesrby and we found this place and we found 3 students already inside Jason and Nick are one of those 3.
Tim- okay thanks, for all your help but I would like to leave now. I have to go to Lakewood side to visit my kids.
Nancy- are you out of your mind, do you know how far is it and how are you planning to go there.
Tim- i will find some way.
Nancy- come with me.

Nancy told Tim to come with her and they started to moving towards the main hall everyone staying. They reaced the hall, Nancy told Tim to look out from window.
Tim looked outside, he saw that the parking is full of zombies may be 80-90.

Nancy told Tim , see we have no way to go out as north exit is from parking side which is full of zombies and we baricated south exit because it is also full of zombies and it won't hold long.

Some people came in hurry and told everyone that south side exit not gonna hold long it can be breached any time. Everyone was scared.
An old man Bob said that we have to take risk on north exit or die here.

No one knows who to do, everyone is scared.
Then Tim give an idea that few of us will climb to the top of building from windows and find some vehicles to get everyone out.

Everyone aggred with Tim's plan. Jason , Nick and 2 other men voluntered to go with Tim. They started to be ready to go out, they found 2 baseball bat, nail box, tool box, a wrench , rope and 2 metal pipes. They hammered nails in the baseball bats to make them effective against zombies.

Tim and Jason had nail d baseball bats, Nick got wrench and 2 other men's got metal pipes.

Nick took ropes and started climbing on top of building using pipes outside windows. Nick almost climbed 4 floors , when he reached 5th floor a zombie from window grabbed him. Nick was struggling with the zombie as he will get bitten if don't free himself from that zombie or he will fall from 5th floor. After struggle of few minutes Nick threw that zombie from 5th floor and started moving up.

Nick reached the top of building. He tied the rope on a pipe of top and threw it near the window so others can climp up. Everyone climbed up.
They started looking for vehicle from the top of building as they are getting clear view from here.
They saw a school bus parked few blocks away from the college building so they started to find a way to reach that bus safely.

They found the side of tennis court has 5-6 zombies so decides to go out from there. As its already dark and tennis count has lights on so they will have no problem in seeing zombies at night.

They tied the rope on that side and started climbing down.
Nick reached the ground first, then Tim, Jason and one of the other man.
The last man was almost on second floor but then a zombie grabbed him from window and fall with him on the ground. The man was dead, but the things gets worse when 1 by 1 zombies starting falling from all the windows and moving towards the group.

Group made run towards tennis counrt, while running they saw 5 zombies in the court. Tim swing his baseball bat on zombie nearby him and his bat's nails are inside the zombie's head and that zombie was dead. Other also killed remaining zombies.

They jumped out from the fence and and now are on the road before other zombies catch them. But problem was not over yet when they found there are many zombies on the road.

the people inside college hall holding the south exit door and its becoming hard for them to long it more long. One scared man from group run towards north exit and opened the door of north exit and escaped from that exit but few zombies entered the hall before door gets close.

Zombies already killed 3 people before others could kill them but they get rid of those zombies.

Tim and group was hiding behind a building and decided that they will separate in 2 groups one of them distract zombies take them away from the road and other group will get to the bus and then join them .

Nick and other man go out from the cover making sound attracting zombies towards them. And that plan worked, Tim and Jason got an opening to make run towards the bus.

Tim and Jason started running towards bus but as they were were meter away from bus a zombie from corner of building surprisingly caught Tim but Jason quickly crushed his head and saved Tim .

They entered bus but they did not had keys. Jason saw driver's half eaten body on the ground l, Jason made rum towards it snd started searching driver's pants for the keys and luckily he found it.

They had keys now so they started the bus and moving towards the direction where they have to pick Nick and other man.

Tim found them they were safe. Now all 4 are in bus snd Jason was driving so they started moving towards north exit of the college hall.
They reach there and parked bus closely to north exit that bus gate covered north exit so no zombie can enter bus or hall.

Nancy and people inside were moving out 6-7 already are on bus.
Tim and other goes in to check for Nancy and other people.
They found Nancy with 3 man. They were holding the south exit door so zombies can't enter.

Tim said to Nancy and others but then they heard bus engine sound. Tim, Nick, Jason and the man made run and they saw that someone of the 6-7 people in the bus took the bus and left them behind.

North exit is full of zombies and south exit is about to be breached.
Tim and group had no choice but to take chance on north side.

They made exit from north exit and encountered all the zombies but then suddenly that school bus came back honking in full speed and crushed some zombies.
it was old man Bob driving the bus, they all climbed in and escaped from there. Old man Bob told that there's that stupid son of a bit*h sitting on last, he took bus away from there but i broke his teeth and bring back the bus.

Everyone one was lauging.
they have decided to go to city stadium 12 miles away as army have set camp there for survivors. Tim said I will not come with you as I have to find my kids.
Nancy- but you didn't know we it her they are there or not.
Tim- I don't care, i will take my chances.
Nick- hai Tim I will come with you too man.
Jacob- yeah and me to.

They found a vehicle on working condition which Tim, Nick and Jacob took and go to their seperate way from rest of the group towards Lakewood.

#### What will happen with Tim and others will they find Tim's kids and will Nancy and group will reach the stadium safely.... Stay tuned for next story if this story wins

Well done @abhishekrawat!

I can see that you had a lot of fun with this entry. It is probably why you did not want to stop!

We have quite a few people posting where English is not their first language and I do not think that this should stop you from taking part. I do take this into consideration when I score your posts.

So although you will learn a lot as long as you stick with us and I would need to adapt a post like this to make it fit... the essence of the post is appreciated!

Thank you @zakludick :) and yes English is my not first language so there may be a lot of grammer mistakes and use of simple words , I will improve :)

I would suggest you keep the words as simple as possible for now. You will grow and change I bet you!

Read all the other entries and keep writing with us and you shall see that you will have gone up levels once you get to the end of season 1!

Hi! post is getting better! :)

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