Good Content vs. Selfish Content

in #content6 years ago

So for the first time in a long time I was reading through comments on Steemit and was inspired into writing on some idea that popped up into my mind. This idea isn't mind-blowing or life changing, but it does perhaps give a plausible explanation and some insight in the decline and withdrawal of the community in recent months. And this time I don't really think it is the money's fault. Well, it is the money's fault, but not directly.

The content on Steemit for the most part sucks. But it's not Steemit's fault (blame the algorithms, but if you think about it isn't their fault either). Of all of the subreddits I occasionally check up on, the crypto-related ones contain the least substance and are generally the least interesting. And people post there for free (although some may have ulterior motives).

The problem is the type of content one experiences on Steem. It's heavily based on selfish desires and the thoughts of the author rather than catering to the desires and thoughts of the audience. The content is often sacrificed in order to reach some goal (make money) rather than make the content something admirable in itself. Good content makes the audience think and great content invokes deeper feelings. I often feel nothing when I read here.

I picked this picture because it was interesting

Take a look at the image that I stole above. It differs from the type of photographs I usually select in that it has zero relationship to the actual content I'm presenting. But the aesthetic framing and lighting invoke feelings and makes the picture quite an interesting one to look at. As opposed to a large majority of images which are selected merely to give an article more visual appeal with little attention paid to the actual depth available in the visual medium.

And I'm guilty of using images just to use images. It gives Steem the feel of some lazily put together generic fest of half-assed articles and isn't very appealing to look at and that's only the beginning of the problems. Because writing is often done as haphazardly as the selection of these visual complements.

Writing is often dry like an essay that you would write in grade school because you had to. Which can be fine at times if you have interesting ideas (although I would argue that you should at least sound like you are excited or intrigued by the ideas you are presenting). But often a lot of writing isn't done for the audience's sake.

Look at the trending page (or don't). Inspirational talk about Steem or why Steem is the future or getting hype about SteemMonsters or blockchain advertising. All these forms of content are done to some extent to further the viewpoints or agendas of the author rather than provide something interesting to the audience reading the content.

Now granted, every author has a right to share their ideas and shouldn't be relegated to simply being a performer, but good art mixes audience appeal with a meaningful message. And Steemit is lacking good art because there is too much attention placed in one's personal objectives than their followers' wants and desires. And that's why the user retention is so low. Because a relationship is never really crafted.

People are too busy trying to do their own thing among other people trying to do their own thing. And often any conversation is rather shallow in that people communicate to serve their own needs rather than consider the piece of content in front of them. All twisted by some interior desire for wealth, fortune, and fame.

So, I want to apologize. I'll try to be more interesting in the future. And hopefully others will join in this pursuit. We need to stop complaining and fighting about the platform and focus on the one thing we will always be able to influence. Our content. And we need to get over ourselves and realize that if we want this whole idea to actually catch on, we'll have to do this for something more than ourselves.


And Steemit is lacking good art because there is too much attention placed in one's personal objectives than their followers' wants and desires.

Follow @slothicorn and you'll see people doing it for the love. There are a lot of great artworks coming through that account's resteems and that's only the tip of the iceberg. There is a huge hidden mass of great art being posted here, and also a lot of mediocre but heart-felt amateur art.

And often any conversation is rather shallow in that people communicate to serve their own needs rather than consider the piece of content in front of them.

Again I disagree. In general I read and discuss the post at hand, and I see many others doing it. Perhaps I'm blind to the droves of "nice post" type comments now, but there's a lot of good action too.

I suppose though there has been a lull in really great content. Perhaps it's that I'm just not seeing it (have you controlled for this too? are you really looking at a representative sample of the entire ecosystem?) but there do seem to be a lot of people blogging as their day job, which can often be dry, but not always.

So, I want to apologize. I'll try to be more interesting in the future. And hopefully others will join in this pursuit. We need to stop complaining and fighting about the platform and focus on the one thing we will always be able to influence. Our content. And we need to get over ourselves and realize that if we want this whole idea to actually catch on, we'll have to do this for something more than ourselves.

On this I agree. I'm finishing up some major work, which is why I haven't been posting, but I'd like to get reinvigorated too. I'll join you when I'm ready.

In my opinion, if steem could be distributed over an indefinite period of time rather than just 7 days on a post, the quality of posts might improve.

You could spend hours and hours writing, editing, and tweaking a post to perfection only to have it earn $2. Then you could post a picture of your breakfast cereal and earn the same $2. Over time, the better quality post would probably continue to earn money where the cereal picture probably would not do as well. With the current payment system, this just isn't the case.

I don't see why a post couldn't have unlimited payout time. It wouldn't change the reward pool, just the amount of posts eligible to draw from it.

There are various types of writer here, some like you mention go after payouts and you will see them on every bandwagon whether it interests them or not. Some only do their art which is fine but they also expect a payout.

Personally, I like to talk steem related (not very technically obviously) but, I also like to indulge in personal areas or in areas that I think will help the audience. I do not know if it is interesting at all but the goal is to take a broad approach and offer something for everyone in each piece if they give it enough mental energy to actually consider it.

The worst content on the platform is the stuff that makes me feel like i am in a biology lesson at school with a teacher who isn't interested in teaching or biology.

My feed isn't too bad. Do you want the link?

it is hard to disagree!

a lot of successful posts are those that:

  1. explain how to succeed here
  2. describe why things are wrong
  3. market the community excessively

My personal take is that such content is not useful. we are all mature adults and there is no need to extoll the platform's attributes or downplay it.

We are all here for a reason and there is so much negative focus on who is fishing and who isn't!

the system however is not geared towards showcasing quality content consistently enough. maybe things might improve now considering that payouts are low and there is no earthly chance of making any real money for content.

the danger does exist that the few really good content creators might dump the platform and move on to greener pastures. but as a community we will have to live with it.

I have heard many times that this is a social media platform and content is not the only thing. investments and networking are equally if not more important. shades of facebook?

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