---Is there a bit of light at the end of the tunnel?--Project front wall and gate in Thailand--Part 4

in #construction7 years ago

G'day and hello once again. I've been busy all the time.That's a bit why I'm falling behind here on showing you of the progress what happened.
For new readers,who want to start at the beginning,the links are right here:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3


After some heavy rain we had,another crew came one morning and started with the plastering work on the front wall and poles.The local truck driver just dumped a load of sand and gravel halfway into the road. Mai pen rai the Thais say,which means as much as no worries,all good.
The cars can drive around it,as you see they even put a stick with a plastic on it,for a visual warning,caution sign......



They work as clockwork and are making good progress.Almost done.


That's the view the next day.I love their work.Very neat for Thais.A big compliment to the plaster crew.

In the meantime,the 2. crew worked on the driveway.They dug a bit down at about 10 places,made up some wire mesh,put it down into the hole and poured concrete into it.
This should avoid cracks in the driveway and gives more stability,I reckon....
Also they laid the concrete blocks on each side of the drive way.


The wire mesh is laid and the Sparky (me) put a conduit in for the motor of the gate.I'm very happy with what has been achieved so far outside with the external contractor .


PD HOUSE is still fixing things inside and outside of the house.To compare PD HOUSE with the local guys who work here is like day and night....
Well,one day PD HOUSE will be gone,I hope sooner than later.

All pictures are made in early July 2017

Stay tuned...more to come...

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Certainly looks like a nice house, and the wall looks nicely organised too. But, I am worried you have a lot of hummidity there, are you heading for a lot of maintenance too? Also, what does something like this cost? Looks fairly expensive house. Will you be living there forever now?

thanks a lot.it is very humid here,like Darwin....there shoudnt be too much of maintenance at the moment....
i have made a blog on teakdoor.com....i give you the link(didnt i give it to you already?!...who cares....

it is a expensive house for thai standards,yes.we wanted to use quality materials, instead of cheap shit....lol......better bricks,windows,roof tiles,insulation etc etc
about 250'000 AUD.....well i need BTC at half a million right now...then i could live here forever.......

we will move around october back to CH....we made this decision long time ago....our boy needs to learn swiss german and then go to school there....

Urs, thanks for your reply, so interesting my good friend. What will you do with the house when you move to CH? Rent it out? Also, do you still have a house in Australia? Will you need to find new work in CH?
Or got your own business? 250.000,-- AUD sounds a very legitimate price. I took a look at the PD House website since you had mentioned it. At this point I would like to maybe discuss some things about "passive house" with you. You know, in Australia there is a huge gap. People don't know how to build a house. The Australian house is a "thermal bridge" with holes in it. Pity you don't have bandwidth, I would like to show so many videos. Your house project looks very wet earth. Holy moly. Please take a look at this: http://www.geocell-schaumglas.eu/

no worries at all...thanks Jegor.
my wife's parents gonna look after it.they just live around the corner,not even a 100 meters away.
our condo in BKK is rented out and an agency is looking for that,which is based/has an office in the condo itself.

i never had a house in AUS,was too expensive already when i came in 2006.
no mate i have to find work again in CH. im still in good contact with my old boss...if there is any work,i can go back there anytime.

once im in switzerland,im gonna have good internet connection.please remind me then again and i can have a good look at all the videos.

yeah i saw that many times when i started as a TA in AUS-housebashing...putting the cables in the walls and cavity..WA regulation i think...

Minergy and Passivhaeuser are very trendy in CH...very interessting this geocell stuff....

yes the soil is more clay like.that was why we wanted the house to start/begin in the dry season....which worked out well...

Hallo Urs! Ich habe deinen Upvote auf zwei meiner Posts gesehen und nun deinen Block durchgeschaut. Ich folge dir nun und hoffe wir sehen uns öfter. Ein kleiner Tipp für mehr Reichweite, wenn es dir nicht zu viel Arbeit ist mache doch die Posts zweisprachig, auch auf deutsch mit dem Tag deutsch, dann wirst du von der deutschen Gemeinschaft ebenfalls unterstützt.
Viel Erfolg mit dem Hausbau und eine gute Zeit! Gruß aus Bayern!

hallo Gerbert und danke fuer die upvotes.ich war schon ein paarmal auf deinem hausblog.sieht sehr gut aus...ist halt schon ganz verschieden wie gebaut wird hier in Thailand as in deutschland/schweiz/oesterreich
folge dir auch...
danke fuer den tip,ich habe auch schon darueber nachgedacht.
ich koennte es ja mal versuchen,schadet sicher niemand.......
vielen dank,wir sind fast fertig,umgebung und der eingangsbereich sind noch in bearbeitung..
wuensche dir auch ne gute zeit und gruesse aus Thailand

Poste die bisherigen Bauposts doch einfach nochmal in deutsch und dann in Zukunft zweisprachig, du siehst dann ja ob es was bringt. Ich wünsche Dir einen schönen Tag!

eine gute idee,danke schoen...es wird nicht mehr sehr viele folgen geben...1-2 oder 3..maximum.....
ist ganz sicher einen versuch wert.ich werde es ja sehen,ob es etwas bringt......

mein ganzer hausblog ist auf teakdoor in englisch.ich habe schon daran gedacht ihn in etwas kuerzerer fassung hier auf steemit in deutsch zu bringen...

der tag hat nur 24h und ich will ja auch nicht alle zeit hier verbringen.....gibt noch viel zu tun....du weisste es ja selber wie es ist mit einem neuen haus....das noch nicht 100% fertig ist.....
danke,ich wuensche dir auch einen schoenen sonntag...

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Nach dem Hausbau ist vor dem Hausbau :) Es gibt leider immer was zu tun :)

danke vielmals fuer dieses tool...erspart eine menge arbeit....

..es ist leider so....fertig ist nicht fertig...lol....

Looking good @urs. Nice and neat. Going to look great when it's all done.

thanks mate.yes it is very neat...good and proud tradies.....very rare here....
the gate is in production by another crew.....
cant wait until its finished....

@urs got you a $1.96 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice!
@urs got you a $1.96 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice! (Image: pixabay.com)

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