Just a moment - constrained writing

As we stood face to face in the doorway, rain falling beside us and silence in the dark night. My world stopped. This was years in the making. Years of friendship, hanging out together and years of waiting.

I was so nervous. My friends had told me what to do, but this was different. She was right in front of me with those wide brown eyes looking straight into mine. I could smell the perfume that had been haunting my dreams for the past three years.

Brushing her long dark hair behind her ear I had to go for it. I leaned down towards her tilting my head to the left and moving closer. I could see her eyes close as she moved in the same way, closer and closer until our lips met.

In that moment we were alone in the world and I knew exactly what to do. It was like were thinking from the same mind as our heads and hearts moved in tandem.

As everything outside our circle faded away, everything in it became so much more real. I could taste the cherry from her lip gloss and smell the scent from her shampoo. Time no longer meant anything as long as we stayed like this.

All the flirting and jokes, arguments and disagreements melted into one moment. This was where we were meant to be.

All the advice meant nothing. All the movies and TV shows that I had watched meant nothing. Everything that I needed to know was being taught to me right here and now. Both of us unsure and hesitant to begin but growing into it more and more as we figured out what was right and what wasn’t. Working in unison and it just felt amazing. Neither of us willing to break away and end what was a special moment in our life.

Finally after what seemed like a second but could have been an hour, we broke apart and just looked at each other. A smile crept up the side of my face and all the tension left. She started laughing and as we walked back to our friends hand in hand, we knew that it was just the beginning of a chapter.


How romantic
awesome story ..
thank you for share ..

Thanks for reading. I always appreciate feedback.

a very beautiful story!
And so close to Valentine's day also! :D
I sincerely hope you have a special someone waiting for you at the end of a rough day, just falling into their arms and letting go of every worry there ever was - reliving the moments you described in your story ^^

Thank you very much for your entry!

Thanks. It is based roughly from life but that was a long time ago and a different life almost.
Im not usually one for romance but the theme for this week just brought it into my head. Must be the valentine's effect.

It would appear you have fallen victim to the arrow of love indeed. :P

If "learning a lesson" brought a love-story out of you, then you are surely a romantic.

Lovely story, thanks for sharing ❤️

Lovely scene you just grounded me in. I could smell so much of this story in my mind! And your last line is... perfect. I hope you'll come hang out with us in the Isle of Write! We're a Discord group of Steemit fiction writers and poets. 😃https://discord.gg/qhUgAGv

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