Constrained writing contest #9 (255 word limit) My entry

in #constrainedwriting7 years ago

This is my entry to the constrained writing challenge hosted by @svashta;

It had been dark a few hours and I had enough time to drive one or two more passengers around in my Honda before calling it quits for the night, My last fare was very anxious and high on some weird drugs and I prayed that my next customer would at least know where they want to go, There she was waving for me, beautiful natural smile and blond hair. "To the train station," she said, Her name was Lindsey and she was the most social passenger I have ever had the pleasure of carrying, we could not stop talking about our lives together as if we had known each other for ages. She was charming, unique, and unassuming, I lost my train of thought so many times in our conversation just thinking about her. I began to come down to Earth as I realized we were getting closer to the station, I felt like she could read my mind as I slightly eased up on the gas. She kept talking and my thoughts drifted again, "Can I have your number?" I said. She looked at me and smiled as she took out her lip stick and wrote it on the window with a heart next to it. I pulled up alongside the curb to let my passenger off at the train station, she was my last fare of the night but I was in no rush to see her go and she seemed to be in no hurry to get where she was going.


Oh man. You really do have a way with words!

You made me feel like I was there. I even imagined the number written in lipstick on the windshield.

Thank you very much for your entry! :D

Good ending. I'm glad he got her number.

Now who wouldn't wanna meet her.
It's always a revelation moment when I meet a girl like Lindsey somewhere. They're not all pale and superficial, true gems are to be found out there.
Thoroughly enjoyed this short travel of the mind to another place, thanks

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