[Ask Steem], 16 Questions About The Las Vegas Shooting That Mainstream Media Doesn't Want To Talk About !!!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)

More than ever, All useless comments will be flagged... but useful comments will be rewarded!

Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,

The public is not being told the truth about what really went down in Las Vegas.

As you will see below, the evidence is mounting that there were multiple shooters and that this was an operation that was planned well in advance. But according to the mainstream media, a 64-year-old retired accountant with a flabby physique that had no military training whatsoever and that wasn't very experienced with guns was able to pull the whole thing off all by himself. We are being told that Paddock was a "lone wolf" that didn't have any ties to terror groups, and since he is now dead nobody is ever going to be able to interrogate him.

But the American people definitely deserve some answers about what took place, and that means that all of us should keep digging.

The following are 16 unanswered questions about the Las Vegas shooting that the mainstream media does not want to talk about…

#1 Photos of Stephen Paddock's hotel room have been leaked, and one of those photos appears to show a suicide note. Why hasn't the public been told what is in that note?

#2 (answered below - strobe light) Were there additional shooters? A taxi driver reportedly captured video of an automatic weapon being fired out of a lower level window. A video from another angle and brief footage captured by Dan Bilzerian also seem to confirm that automatic gunfire was coming from a floor much lower than the 32nd floor room that Stephen Paddock was located on. And if you weren't convinced by the first three videos, this fourth video should definitely do it.

#3 (answered below - strobe light) Why were law enforcement authorities discussing "another suspect on the fourth floor", and why isn't the mainstream media talking about this?

#4 As Jon Rappoport has pointed out, it would have been impossible for Stephen Paddock to kill and wound 573 people in less than five minutes of shooting with the kinds of weapons that he is alleged to have used. So why won't law enforcement authorities acknowledge this fact?

#5 How in the world did Paddock get 42 guns and "several thousand rounds of ammo" into his hotel room without anyone noticing?

#6 How did someone with "no military background" and that wasn't a "gun guy at all" operate such advanced weapons? Because what we are being told by the mainstream media just doesn't make any sense whatsoever. I really like how Natural News made this point…

Far from what the firearms-illiterate media claims, these are not systems that any Joe off the street can just pick up and use to effortlessly mow down 500 people. Running these systems requires extensive training, experience and stamina. It is physically impossible for a guy like Stephen Paddock to operate such a system in the sustained, effective manner that we witnessed, especially when shooting from an elevated position which throws off all the ranging of the weapon system.

Far from being a Navy Seal, Stephen Paddock is a retired accountant senior citizen with a gambling problem and a flabby physique. The only way he could have carried out this shooting is if he were transformed into a human superweapon through a magic wand. I'm calling this "Mission IMPOSSIBLE" because of the physical impossibility of a retired, untrained senior citizen pulling this off.

#7 Why was one woman telling people in the crowd that they were all going to die 45 minutes before the attack?

#8 Why did it take law enforcement authorities 72 minutes to get into Stephen Paddock's hotel room?

#9 Why did Paddock wire $100,000 to the Philippines last week?

#10 Why was Paddock's girlfriend, Marilou Danley, in the Philippines when the attack took place? Did she know what was about to happen?

#11 Was Paddock on antidepressants like so many other mass killers in the past have been?

#12 Why was ISIS so eager to take responsibility for this attack, and why was the FBI so quick to dismiss that connection?

#13 Apparently Paddock had earned millions of dollars "through real estate deals". If he was so wealthy, why would he all of a sudden snap like that?

#14 Why did he move so frequently? It is being reported that Paddock had 27 different residences during his adult life.

#15 Why were nearly all of the exits out of the concert venue completely blocked?…

In essence, the concert trapped the people, preventing them from escaping, and denying them the ability to seek cover. From there, sustained, full-auto gunfire is almost impossible to survive.

From Fox News, a caller named Russell Bleck, who survived the shooting, said live on air, "There were ten-foot walls blocking us in. We couldn't escape. It was just a massacre. We had nowhere to go."

#16 Why was a country music festival chosen as the target? Was the goal to kill as many Trump supporters and other conservatives as possible? And is there evidence that Stephen Paddock was connected to Antifa in any way?

At first I thought that this was a fairly straightforward story too, but the more I have dug into it the more complex things have become.

Personally, I have come to the conclusion that Stephen Paddock definitely did not act alone. That means that the others involved in the shooting are still out there, and they must be brought to justice. Let us never forget what these extremely wicked individuals did to innocent civilians such as 27-year-old Tina Frost

A 27-year-old woman has lost her right eye after a bullet ripped through her face during the Las Vegas concert massacre.

Tina Frost remains in a coma in hospital after undergoing surgery to remove the bullet that became lodged in her eye when a gunman opened fire on the crowd of country music fans on Sunday night.

Frost, who is originally from Maryland but moved to California several years ago, is expected to remain in the coma for a week.

Whoever did this is going to pay greatly. Yes, I do believe that Stephen Paddock was involved. But he did not act alone, and the mainstream media is doing the public a great disservice by ignoring all of the evidence that this was not just a "lone wolf" operation.

_Michael Snyder is a Republican candidate for Congress in Idaho's First Congressional District, and you can learn how you can get involved in the campaign on his official website. His new book entitled "Living A Life That Really Matters" is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com._


Disclaimer : This is not the real Tyler Durden! I read ZeroHedge every day to find the one or two best articles and reformat them for Steemit. I appreciate the upvotes but consider following the account and resteeming the articles that you think deserve attention instead. Thank you! Head over to ZeroHedge.com for more news about cryptocurrency, politics and the economy.


Regarding #11 - I've seen reports he was on Valium, also known as Diazepame, which is also used as a sleeping pill. Taking such pills usually makes you feel drowsy and sleepy the next day - not the best shape to commit mass murder.
It is also incredible that the police took more than 1 hour to enter the hotel room. We have to assume that there was some security at the concert and the alarm must have sounded pretty quick...something doesn't add up!
One other thing I don't understand. How is it possible that the first reports only spoke of 2 dead and some 20 wounded when the final toll indicates a bloodbath. I'd say it would have been pretty easy to asses the scale of the tragedy ...

Regarding #6, the weapons that I saw pictured on MSM were fairly user friendly types (trust MSM or not is up to you). The thing that I find hard to get is the second point you raise there. How did an untrained man keep up a sustained fire with a rifle and not get all sorts of stoppages if not a critical failure. Also the shot from a height is both difficult and an ineffective use of an automatic weapon, the fall of shot being gathered by the geometry of the drop. This man seems to be experienced enough to keep an overheating rifle firing and yet stupid or inexperienced to the point that he created a far from optimal situation for himself. Then again this could have been a lure to get law enforcement away from the real shooter on a lower floor. Then again we could all be barking up the wrong tree and have absolutely no idea what the hell is really going on, but the scenario playing on the MSM stinks to high heaven.

Impending major financial upheaval in US means that it's pretty important to disarm the public - and this is a fast track method to promoting new anti gun laws?

effective manner that we witnessed

Did we really witness? What did we witness? Because I haven't seen a single video of a bullet hitting a person and this is one of the places in the world with the most cameras, not to count all the phones from the thousands of people in the concert. We were GIVEN 3-5 photos of bloody people on the ground and 2-3 videos of people being carried away, but we are talking about hundreds injured...how come we didn't see this?

Why were nearly all of the exits out of the concert venue completely blocked?

You really think some fencing or security staff can stop a crowd of thousands that is running from bullets? If you just got through seeing someone getting shot and keep hearing the bullets fly, is there anything that can really stop you from leaving?

I totally agree - sure I wasn't there - but from the video material I have inspected, which is a lot, there is no clear evidence of a single injured person. To the contrary people seem to be just scared of the sound. No one is falling in a "permanent" way, meaning staying on the ground for a longer time. This is topped by people yelling "Come on pussy" and stuff, which may either result from being very, very drunk or being conscious of the situation going on... There is this video about the guy being very calm about the situation, stating: "These are no real gunshots..."

Some of this is contained in here:


How about the suicide photos? Where is the tattoo on his neck?
Somehow they are gone. Check it out for yourself. https://steemit.com/news/@libertyranger/suicide-images-of-stephen-paddock-graphic-image-warning-can-you-find-the-number-13

Just my two STEEMS Worth.

The more I see of this event the more I'm sure it was just a drill gone live, though a very expensive one!
Some horror flick producers for the scene on concert square (that liquid blood coming out of the mouth effect is getting boring for anyone into horrors), while the Taxi video was some Drive inspired comedy. Sure the Taxi driver was a great actor and sounded almost convincing....but the people he was carrying were obvious fakers and typical Hollywood rejects.
As someone who's watched countless videos of real shootings from wars in Ukraine and Syria, and having seen real wounded, real pain and real suffering and grief.....that stuff from Vegas looks like Hollywoodized crap to me. Surely they stepped up their game compared to the Boston bombing hoax 10 years ago...but still faking real is a tough task. And some of the crisis actors were atrocious and were smiling all over the place in duping delight:

MSM reported on this shooting days before it really happened as Antonio says in his video

there's gotta be an explanation for this, can't believe they'd make such a blunder.
the guy is using google australia which is a day ahead so the news from the US should be a day or so behind...that does seem further behind that you'd expect hm. I'll look into it better later.

oh yeah, hes using .au hmmm... i know for sure that antonio is located in england GB... anyway its still strange about the dates...

I just found this video, an article came online the day BEFORE the shooting took place:

Here is the link, I tried to confirm the date google indexed it first. But I guess im not that tech savy...
So i hope someone can confirm the date?

The above link gives me the following result now:

I remember scanning the article and noticed it might be updated be cause it linked to this article CNN (posted on oct 3th):

I have a link that I am hesitant to share because it is """extremely graphic of the scene""", will wait till @zer0hedge approves before I do...

? This is Steem, you don't need approval, will just get flagged at worst.

Thanks for the consideration though,

Have you seen this one:


Late last night I was glued to that, its very interesting indeed.

I have seen many posts on here, reddit etc.. This is one of the best I have red out of hundreds, and you are very great for posting all of this. And I believe your thoughts and such on this will inspire alot of people to think much harder on what really took place. This will explode with upvotes, I know I will, and I will follow you also, because this is amazing work!

Hey @correctdrop, to be honest I was digging around yesterday and today regarding this topic. Didn't want to make my own post about it, because I recognized other guys having written already a lot about what I was tend to do. I am actually speechless how dumb and misinformed our society has become.

Have you checked out crowdsondemand.com ?

This is so sick....
I don't belive a word of the official narrative. It gets more and more stupid the more you dig into it...


Totally agree, I will check that link out, im sure most people did not even realize a service such as this exists!

Check this out too if you like: http://360daily.net/crowds-on-demand-inc-craigslist-ad-seeks-paid-protesters-for-vegas-protests/

Seems to connect to crowds on demand... The link on craiglist dissapeared yesterday... no idea if the image is correct...

Yeah wow man that seems legit though, and connects perfectly. Also with the sheer amount of people there, they would fit in, and blend in very good also.

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