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RE: The Psychology Of Control & The Manufacturing Of Mainstream Culture

in #conspiracy6 years ago (edited)

I do agree that much manipulation is intentional but there framing is also an incredibly powerful tool of influence and it’s something we all do and rarely notice. It’s natural that we use our own understanding of the world to express our ideas, but we need to be aware of our own tndancy to do this and do it responsibly, and also recognize that others do it too and not get stuck in a one sided outlook just by hanging out with people who share a similar perspective. An example of this is how my vocabulary and way of interacting has been forced to change after joining steemit. Not only are there terms like minnow and whale but also subtle differences in our outlook that come from adopting these words. I use words like “investment” and “stake” which we’re completely outside of my somewhat hippie lifestyle before. These words are also imposed upon us by a dominant culture, which doesn’t mean they aren’t useful words, but I try to be aware of how they influence my thinking and adjust my ideas as I see fit to remain true to myself.

Also, I appreciate you using the #nobidbot tag, I just wrote a post describing it’s formstion and vision, please check it out


Yes I agree, one way or another due to the algorithmic nature of the internet and indeed social media we're all to varying degrees being pushed towards echo chambers and I feel that is very dangerous to a cohesive society. Equally, I have extensively written about how this is being used to ferment division. Within my writing I make sure that I discuss a broad and diverse range of topics and I always remain true to myself. Outside of steemit I also have a very eclectic range of interests and indeed friends, but yes I can certainly see where you're coming from as I have highlighted similar concerns.

No problem, in regards to the #nobidbot i think it's a great idea and when I get the time I may also write a post pointing people in it's direction.

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