Global Conspiracy: MYSTERY HOLOCAUST

in #conspiracy7 years ago

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Every May, precisely on the 9th, the Western world, especially former Allied troops, celebrates the end of World War II. After all, the war that almost resulted in the whole world has made its own history for mankind. The world still remembers, World War II leaves memories of the Nazi ultra-nationalist cruelty, and the holocaust.
The Holocaust was the annihilation of almost all European Jews by Nazi Germany and its group during World War II. The Jews often refer to this event as Shoah, the Hebrew term that means doom or catastrophe. Holocaust itself comes from the Greek, holo which means whole, and caustos which means burning. Originally, the holocaust means a sacrifice of fire or religious sacrifice by burning. It is said that Nazi Germany is believed to have destroyed about 5.6 to 5.9 million Jews.
German hatred
The background of this destruction story lies long after the end of World War I (World War I) where Germany is on the losing side. At that time, many Germans blamed the Jews for the cause of Germany's defeat in World War I, some even claiming Jews had betrayed the country during the war. In addition, at the end of World War I, a group of Jews tried to inflame the Soviet-style Soviet-style revolution in the German state of Bavaria. The Germans increasingly regard the Jews as a dangerous enemy for the country.
At that time, the Nazis as a political party were able to attract the masses on the basis of their anti-Semitic outlook. Hitler, the Nazi leader, blamed Germany's bad situation at the end of World War I on an international Jewish conspiracy. The Nazis believe Jews are responsible for what they call the degeneration of modern society.
When the Nazis went on the political stage, a policy that put pressure on the Jews was applied. Jewish rights were lifted, their possessions confiscated, plans to expel them out of Germany were designed, until, it is said, the physical annihilation which means massacre.
In the spring of 1941, the Nazis began massacring Jews in the Soviet Union which was considered a source of life for Bolshevism. The Jews dig their own grave and then are shot dead. That fall of the same year, the Nazis expanded the massacre to Poland and Serbia. Jewish slaughter camps began construction at Auschwitz, Dachau, Bergen-Belsen. The camp is equipped with gas chambers and large stoves. They use gas chambers to kill Jews. Some Jews were put into the gas chamber, then Zyklon-B gas, a hydrocyanic acid-based pesticide gas, flowed. There are also stories of Jews burned alive in the stove. In fact, some believe Nazi Germany to make soap from the fat of the Jews and mosquito nets lights from the skin of the Jews.

****History Questionable****

For about 2 decades, the 'history' of this massacre persists in the minds of people. The testimony and memoirs of the Jewish survivors of the holocaust tell of all the horrors above. Until 1964, Paul Rassinier, a survivor of the holocaust, published The Drama of European Jews questioning what the Holocaust believed to be. In his book, he claims that there is no Nazi extermination policy against Jews, no gas chambers, and the number of victims is not that great.
Arthur Butz published The Hoax of the 20th Century: The case against the presumed extermination of the European Jewry in 1976. He claimed that Zyklon-B gas was not used to kill people but for bacteria removal processes in clothing.
Regarding the mass death at Auschwitz, Robert Faurisson, professor of literature at the University of Lyons 2 claimed that typhoid killed the prisoners, and not the gas chambers.
A construction expert and installation tool execution from the US, Fred Leuchter, went to Auschwitz and conducted investigations and tests in place. In conclusion, the gas chamber at Auschwitz is unlikely to be used to kill people.
After these people questioned the truth of the holocaust, the wave of criticism and denial of what happened in the holocaust began to rise. Those who doubt the truth of this holocaust call themselves revisionists.

****History Questionable****

For about 2 decades, the 'history' of this massacre persists in the minds of people. The testimony and memoirs of the Jewish survivors of the holocaust tell of all the horrors above. Until 1964, Paul Rassinier, a survivor of the holocaust, published The Drama of European Jews questioning what the Holocaust believed to be. In his book, he claims that there is no Nazi extermination policy against Jews, no gas chambers, and the number of victims is not that great.
Arthur Butz published The Hoax of the 20th Century: The case against the presumed extermination of the European Jewry in 1976. He claimed that Zyklon-B gas was not used to kill people but for bacteria removal processes in clothing.
Regarding the mass death at Auschwitz, Robert Faurisson, professor of literature at the University of Lyons 2 claimed that typhoid killed the prisoners, and not the gas chambers.
A construction expert and installation tool execution from the US, Fred Leuchter, went to Auschwitz and conducted investigations and tests in place. In conclusion, the gas chamber at Auschwitz is unlikely to be used to kill people.
After these people questioned the truth of the holocaust, the wave of criticism and denial of what happened in the holocaust began to rise. Those who doubt the truth of this holocaust call themselves revisionists.

****The Doubtful Holocaust****

In general, the revisionists agree with other historians that the German state under the Nazis treated the Jews with cruel and vicious. Revocation of Jewish rights, captivity in the ghetto, forced labor, seizure of property and deportation from Germany are the things that revisionists still affirm. What the revisionists denied was that Germany had a certain wisdom to exterminate the Jews by putting them into gas chambers or stoves. The Revisionist also stated the number of 5.9 or 6 million victims as a statement without exaggerated evidence.
These revisionist doubts stem from the absence of a German document containing the masterplan of Jewish extermination in Europe. There are no documents about orders, plans, budgets, weapons designs for Jewish extermination. There are only the sayings of Nazi officials who describe the hatred of Jews.
Photographs of prisoners in camps in Dachau, Buchenwald, and Bergen-Belsen are also questionable. Indeed, the photographs show a worrisome condition of the prisoners. But the revisionists believe it was not torture and the gas chamber was what caused them like that. The reason is more due to malnutrition, typhoid epidemics, dysentery, and diarrhea. These diseases instead arise as a result of the bombing of the allied forces that cut off the distribution channels of food, medicine, and sanitation services.
Oddly enough, the photographs that are always featured in history are horrible photographs. Though the revisionists managed to find the photographs taken at the same time but reveal healthy prisoners. They chatted with laughter at the camp. There was a throng of jubilant prisoners burying their hats celebrating their release. However, why do these last photographs never appear?
The gas chamber is indeed found in Auschwitz. However, the revisionists claimed that the gas chamber along with Zyklon-B could not be used for human execution, but for the fumigation to keep the bacteria in the clothing dead. From this health procedure, mitor killing with gas chambers emerged.
The Auschwitz Museum, a museum about the Holocaust, has for 50 years claimed that 4 million people were killed there. Now they even claim maybe only 1 million victims. The revision of this claim was not supported by the documentation of the 1 million people. Then, lies the number of 3 million people for half a century it?
The important thing is that if there were any mass killing in Poland against the Jews then the Red Cross, the Pope, the allied government, the neutral state, the leading leaders of that time would know and call it and criticize it. But it was not there.
Winston Churchill wrote 6 volumes of his monumental work, The Second World War, without mentioning the Nazi program to slaughter the Jews. Eisenhower searched his memoir, Crusade in Europe, also did not mention the gas chamber.

The Advantages of a Sad Story
Which is correct? Revisionist or pro-holocaust that keeps the 6 million victims, planned massacres, and gas chambers? You know a'lam. What is clear is that there are advantages of this exaggerated holocaust fanfare. The advantage is for the Jews.
Jews who feel victimized then ask for land in Palestine, ask for compensation to Germany, and ask for development funds to other countries while continuing to maintain the world memory of the holocaust. It is the Palestinians who suffer.
"The whole Jewish state is built on a holocaust lie .. what evidence Hitler and the Nazis killed 6 million Jews in the gas chamber? There is no evidence at all, except the testimony of a few surviving Jews. If 6 million Jews have been burned, there will be mountains of human ash, but we never hear them. There is no oven capable of burning millions of people without anyone kissing the smell. There is no evidence of a number of Jews living in Germany in the 1930s. Their number is less than 4 million and half of them have fled to the Soviets during the war. "Mahmud Al-Khatib said in Al-Arab Al-Yaum daily in Jordan.
Mufti Jerusalem, Shaykh Ikrimah Sabri, in the New York Times said, "There is a lot of mass murder in this world. Why is this holocaust more important? If this is our problem, nobody cares when the Crusaders massacred the Muslims or mass murder of the Palestinian people by Israel. And we do not continue to use and use this massacre to remind the world of the world's debt to us.
I never refuse that the holocaust takes place, but we believe that 6 million is exaggerated. Jews used this issue, in many ways, to blackmail Germany financially. The Holocaust is the reason that there is no greater unrest against Israel as an occupying power. The Holocaust protects Israel. It is not our fault that Hitler hates Jews. Are not they (Jews) hated everywhere? "
Holocaust details are still a mystery. Jews still have an interest in keeping holocaust as dazzling as possible over time in any way. Revisionists still uncover the conspiracy behind this holocaust propaganda. Alhamdulillah, Muslims in our country about ten years ago rejected the circulation of the movie Schlinder's List which tells of Jewish suffering under the Nazis. If we watch it, perhaps we will weep for the suffering of the Jews and forget how barbaric Jews are massacring the Palestinian people.

Thanks to @v4vapid

The Holocaust Controversy: The Case for Open Debate, by Bradley R. Smith
Holocaust Denial in the Middle East: The Latest Anti-Israel, Anti-Semitic Propaganda Theme, by Anti-Defamation League
Holocaust, by David Bankier, Encarta Reference Library


Got goosebumps when talking about Holocaust. I dunno but vivid images of tortured victims suddenly came to mind. And hey, it's almost 12 midnight now.

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