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RE: There are alternatives to fighting..

in #conspiracy5 years ago (edited)

I can appreciate your position, and cannot deny it's appeal. I myself yearn for a small community of like-minded folks in a rural area to live amongst. It would be nice to watch the world go to hell from a little patch of paradise, from where the people that pick up the pieces could emanate after the collapse. This is not an uncommon idea, given the nature of our oppressors and their prey, and it is one they have encountered.

I lived innawoods for an extended period prior to coming to Steem. I was not independent of society, but 99% of my time was spent out of eyeshot of people and under trees. If you're planning to have a human habitation, eat food, and do other things people necessarily do, you will also need to occasionally dive into society from your bugout shelter. We all think about producing our own goods and essential services in such circumstances, but I have discovered through experience that there are things we forget, and a lone man simply cannot produce replacements for all of the essentials with the economic support generally available to us. Community greatly expands the independence possible, but even village sized communities cannot replace all things necessary.

I did not own property at the time, so was subject to the whims of property owners. In the state where I reside, the law allows folks 2 weeks per year camping. As a result I spent most of the time I lived innawoods dodging a particular state employee whose job it is to find people camping longer and chase them out of the woods. Because of how I live (I keep a clean camp) I gained allies in my quest to live in the forest, and local Sheriff's Deputies brought me food betimes - and warnings of consequence regarding my pursuers. I successfully outmanouvered that forestry official until I returned to civilization, but I would not count on such assistance were society more actively oppressing folks, and the numbers of feral people considerably larger. Without such forewarnings mobility is the only strategy potentiating success I can envision, and that precludes permanent siting, which has other impacts. Basically you would need to be able to live on only what you could carry on your back, and that is highly limiting.

I have also owned land, where I raised my kids. I had a house on 10 acres smack dab in the middle of what most people would consider wilderness. I am pretty sure more Elk set foot on my land during my possession of it than people. Suited me fine. However, civilization intrudes on such idylls, and there are particular vectors that are of more consequence in chasing people into urban areas. Zoning and permitting are responsible for keeping people from living on the land they own a lot. I know of multiple examples where people are prevented from lawfully residing - even just camping for more than two weeks a year - on land they own hereabouts, by such use not being permitted by local government.

Doing so without permission results in eviction, and further economic sanctions that can remove real assets from your portfolio. As oppression worsens, I expect this vector to be further refined to get people off privately owned land more robustly. Depending on what you're trying to do, other governmental agencies also come into play. I homeschooled my sons, which put me in the sights of schools (who I was costing $10k per year per kid I did not enroll. In conversation with school administration, it was clear to me that this was a substantial motivation from their perspective, and I undertook certain initiatives to enable them to reduce their economic losses which was, IMHO, successful in reducing the vigor with which they sought to stop me from homeschooling) medical agencies, CPS, and ornery neighbors.

I eventually failed to surmount all the difficulties, lost all I owned, my family, and my freedom. I'm not going into too much detail regarding how, but the big takeaway lesson is that people working together are much more capable than one alone, but treachery is a weakness that a lone individual does not suffer. People inside your guard can strike your heart easily, because they have your trust. Nothing is more important than personnel. Give more attention to who you are doing things with than what you are doing, because it's more important.

Presently I have elected to live in a small village in a rural area. There are presently moves afoot by developers to reduce the pesky citizens impact on their economic endeavors. I think this is common to every small village today. Behind the scenes political intrigue is undertaken by substantially capitalized parties to increase the profitability of their enterprises, and this always creates pressure from government on private citizens that pushes them into cities and out of the villages. The community has successfully delayed zoning initiatives that would have essentially outlawed moderately priced rentals and private homes, as developers sought to gentrify, but I suspect that eventually the developers will prevail, and the village will become a company town, where only employees of the developers will be allowed to reside, and the rest of us priced out of the housing market. This is being done under the guise of developing affordable housing. I do not find it surprising that eliminating affordable housing actually available to people of moderate means is effected by government claiming to provide affordable housing, since whatever government claims to be doing is the opposite of what it is really doing, but plenty of people are fooled by rhetoric, having not yet seen how things work out. There's a reason old people and youth do not see eye to eye, and it's usually that old people have experience that young people do not yet have.

Based on my experience, I highly recommend being cryptic in your intentions. I also encourage you to seek to adopt means of production to the degree advisable in your circumstances, as making your own goods and services reduces your dependence, and reduces the parasitism on your production. Look for folks making the stuff you don't, and see how you can work together. Work towards a community of like-minded folks, rather than seeking to be an island of freedom in a sea of oppression. You'll need the help, and one guy is easier to take out than hundreds. Remember always that treachery is the weakness of society. It is those you trust that can most easily take you down, because they're inside your defenses. Make good choices in the people you work with, and what you're working on hardly even matters. Good people you can trust can be flexible and adapt to changing markets and circumstances as advisable.

My best wishes for your enduring joy and success.


great comments and wise perspectives from experience. definitely worth flagging (rolls eyes)

i don't intend to be there alone and do intend to trade locally of course, though this will dwindle as time goes on because of expected political circumstances. i also have no idea where or when this will be, i'm just saving everything i've got instead of spending it on campaigning and protesting etc. etc.

there is one thing i do know though - when we need it, it will only be for 3.5 years maximum.
that's 1260 days, or 42 months, in case you're wondering ;-)

all the best friend, thank you.

I don't recommend certainty regarding much, but will leave that to you to ascertain per your obvious intelligence and experience.

The paradigm shift ongoing in various technologies decentralizing means of production is pregnant with potential, and I hope you carefully consider 3D printing, aquaponics, and similar mechanisms that prevent your production from being subject to vampirism while enabling access to an ever increasing set of goods and services that you can make yourself, or with a little help from your friends.

A half dozen people with gardens and aquaponics can mutually contribute to a far more varied and useful menu of food than any one of them might produce. Similarly, several folks with 3D printers using different materials can also vastly increase the products they can avoid parasitism by sharing between themselves.

When you swing, swing for the fences.

tru, all dat. thank you :-)

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