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RE: Some thoughts on current stories/ distractions - Coronavirus, Trump impeachment, Climate change, Markets

in #conspiracy5 years ago (edited)

Thanks for the chuckle I got from that video exchange between Gore and Valentine. Impossible, of course, to expect Gore would speak so forthrightly, which was what made it so funny.

Regarding savings, if hyperinflation hits, having cash will not be much good. Gold will be good, as will food that preserves well. Fuel does not preserve well, as a rule. I have no confidence in digital mechanisms, of which BTC is one, as censorship is all that is necessary to prevent it's utility.

Better to be knowledgeable about how to grow food, make fuel, and provide essential services that will all be necessary to folks in every economic circumstance, and barter for things you can't make yourself.



thanks for your comment - read your piece on getting old, i think you won't have to wait long to put those skills to the test so you'll be fine..

cash for the first few days; nothing else will be tradeable at that stage as shops will still have stock but the currency will be deflating first if banks freeze. gold and btc later on. covers all eventualities, though i couldn't agree more about soil, seeds and livestock if possible.

fuel in metal jerry cans will last, though obviously there's a limit to how much can be stored - again i'm thinking of the first 7 days of catastrophe.

they're really making a thing of this coronavirus aren't they? still not convinced by any of it though.

Well, you're completely on point regarding events lasting a week. I'll leave off BTC, as I reckon my dissent isn't much use to anyone but me around here. Fuel will last weeks, even months, well stored, but will not last years, and that's where I was aiming.

The kind of disruption under discussion will last a lot longer than a week or two. I'm looking at disruption of food supplies that began this year and will get worse for decades. Should the coronavirus be as bad or worse than the media is fearmongering, that impact will also last decades. Economic disruption, as well, even without the other two exacerbations, will also persist for the foreseeable future. None of the obvious vectors of disruption will be over in a week, AFAIK.

Be well. I am confident you have the practical wisdom to manage any of these circumstances.
The most important asset you can have during such times is practical knowledge and being willing and able to do the work. I reckon you have that.

alas i have only just begun to learn outdoor woodsman survival stuff (bushcraft) but i have some tools and a little knowledge is better than none.

i am thinking in terms of stages: initial currency freeze shock; then scarcity of supplies as the chain breaks down; then massive inflation due to currency collapse as the truth comes out about the world economy. i think the coronavirus is to temporarily tank the markets - i think they'll be back up at ath's within a week and it will all be forgotten about.

however, as we know the underlying economy is weak, only financial 'wizadry' (crimes) are allowing politicians to repeat ad nauseum 'greatest economy ever.'

i have no idea how long they will prop it up for - could be another 2 years; we've had 'false alarms' before.


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