in #conspiracy6 years ago

While watching the Tour de France this year I started thinking about all the ongoing drug use. It's a pretty safe bet that nobody has ever won the tour clean since 1946 (a huge range of new drugs were developed during WW2)

Like most cover ups, the Lance Armstrong story has many levels of deception, and while the "Armstrong was on EPO and used blood transfusions" story has been well documented, there are several other angles that have not been widely discussed.

Here a few others:

The entire pro peloton has always been fully into taking drugs, and still is, with more recent additions including Human Growth Hormone, 'designer steroids' and GW 1516 — a substance that sends more oxygen to the muscles, burns fat and increases muscle mass "but which was not given clinical approval because it was thought to cause cancer".


The range of drugs used historically is wide and includes amphetamines, anabolic steroids, probenecid, (a “masking drug” used to flush steroids from the body), and Erythropoietin (EPO) which goes well back.


Many top pro athletes (not just in cycling) have later gone on to have severe health issues and to die young because of all their drug use.

After watching the movies "Tour de Pharmacy" (very funny but aims to turn Lance's drug taking into a joke) and "The Program" (well done but seems to want to make Lance look the an inspirational hero who had little choice about his drug use), I started thinking about the next level of deception.

And the question screaming out here is "DID LANCE ARMSTRONG EVER REALLY HAVE CANCER?" - we have never seen his balls (or ball) and there are no obvious signs of major scars from surgery on his head because his hair supposedly covers them. So all we know is what we have been told.

Armstrong is an American and The Tour is not that big a deal in America, unlike in Europe. But cancer is a very big deal. America is number one in cancer, and cancer is a key foundation of the whole sickness industry.

The key thing to address first with cancer is mental issues such as trauma, guilt, anger and resentment.

After that, there are treatments that can help reverse cancer such as Vitamin C therapy, B17, Rife treatment and a high nutrient diet with plenty of quality animal foods. But these have been heavily repressed, while highly profitable (US$ 100 Billion a year in America) and totally ineffective "treatments" like chemotherapy and surgery (which are all that Armstrong supposedly had), have been made out the be the only way to "fight" cancer.


Statistically more than 97% of people who have chemotherapy die within five years. https://www.chrisbeatcancer.com/how-effective-is-chemotherapy/

So if Armstrong really had chemo in 96, the chances of him even surviving past 2001, let alone winning The Tour seven times, were not high.

Armstrong appears to have the world's largest ego (he wants to be the next Oprah Winfrey now), so being the world's most famous cancer survivor was great for feeding that monstrous ego.

There is a theory that he agreed to do that interview with Oprah Winfrey and admit to some (but not all) of his drug use because she had the inside dirt on his fake cancer and agreed not to reveal it in return for the interview. I wouldn't trust her any more than him, they are both total bullshit artists, and this sounds pretty typical.

So in this cover up, the part that still hasn't been revealed (and probably never will be) is that Armstrong never really had cancer, and apart from building his huge ego, the main agenda was to make the public believe that chemotherapy and surgery can reverse cancer. Even in the biggest drug cheat of all time.

So nothing has really been revealed, and the scam is still working better than ever. Armstrong is still just another cancer industry PR man.



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The more I read your posts, the more I like the content you bring. Thanks for the interesting and informative read.

My dad died from his cancer. It was one of the most frustrating things to witness. He was so sure that chemo was the answer and he was not open to any other forms of treatment. If it was alternative then it wasn't worth his time.

I've not been a close follower of Lance Armstrong, but I think winning such a physical competition 7 times after going through chemotherapy is a bit far fetched. I've seen how those awful drugs completely destroyed my dad and I can't imagine how anyone would be able to perform at a peak after that. Two other family members of mine have been through chemo. One swears she's never going through that again. Her treatment was 10 years ago and she has never fully recovered. Her body is broken and there's tasks she is just unable to do. She is lucky to have her life. The other one is more recent (a couple of years) but she is utterly broken. Her health is going down hill each day.

The sad thing is that they all had complete faith in their specialists and couldn't or wouldn't think for themselves and try or even look at alternative treatment options.

I understand that it's a very personal and private journey and everyone needs to make their own decisions. Unfortunately for my dad, his decision ended his life prematurely. I believe he would have still been with us today if his decision was different.

Well, it's obvious that you think differently about cancer and its' so called treatments...our numbers are growing. I would find it extremely distressing to watch family members go through what your family members went through. I sympathize.

Thanks - glad you find it interesting, and sorry to hear about your dad.

I'm an ex-cyclist who was diagnosed with a golf ball sized benign brain tumour in 2002 - I was told I'd die within a year without surgery, but I told them where to go.

Fortunately I'd been studying vaccinations and nutrition for about five years by then, so knew the sickness industry was mostly a scam.

And that is why I rip into this stuff sometimes.

That's so great to hear how well you did with nutrition and other treatments. I completely understand why people do go ahead with it (surgery and chemo). I mean, being told you'd be dead within a year must've been a most terrifying experience. However, taking a step back and exploring your options in anything is always a good idea.

Thanks for the information. The more that's out there the better, in my opinion. You never know who might stumble upon this information at a desperate time.


what treatments did you do? Do you you think you've shrunken it or made it go away?

You really think laetrile works. Does one need to mail order it? Or will blending an Apricot Pit onto a smoothie in the Vita Mix Bender work?

I saw a guy once claimed hos bender would smoothie an Avocado pit. And that for some health reason one should occasionally consume avocado pits.

I read the FDA is trying to ban IV Vitamin C therapy here in the USA

This could get long - but I'll just answer the tumour Q for now - it's still there, and it's only about 10% smaller but it's just a dead lump these days and my brain had reshaped itself around it.

When this scan was done in 2002 I was pretty fucked up... Apparently the third largest tumour of its type in NZ - even on the scan you can almost see the way it was pushing my left eye out - the head aches were severe

We used to sell apricot kernels but the gov made it illegal 2 1/2 years ago- now they are a black market domestic product like marijuana. So readily available but not on website :)

For B17 info see my web page:

Amazingly it's my 13th most popular page - google really promotes all my fake porn pages so the list is funny :)


well you know commenting without upvoting can blah blah...hi its friday go jizz over something
Related image
see no upvote.....:( GFY

Project 6_33-01.jpeg


Yep, I think you're right. Going by the cancer industry's own published data the five year survival rate is 2%. You say 3%, so maybe from the last time I checked to now, the rate has increased by 1 %. Yea, bells and whistles, high fives, we're making progress in the war on cancer! ... what a pile of bullshit.

In testicular cancer, chemo is 41.8% effective toward 5-year survival. Taken from ... https://www.chrisbeatcancer.com/how-effective-is-chemotherapy/

If that don't work there is always this ...

Project 6_31-01.jpeg

In theory he had brain cancer as well, which has a very low survival rate.

In all his chemo pics he has a shaved head but looks healthy - people on chemo for real look ill.

And the supposed site of his surgery is either covered with dressings or by his hand. Nice cover up...

Most chemo pics are PR for the American cancer society, but real before and after pics are somewhat different...

You are probably right, the man is a lying swine.

yo sift you online right now- I just sent you an email present thru your Gmail account go check it out. what ever you do- do not publicly mention what that gift was. certain people don't like it passed out

Thanks - I'll check it out next. Have just got my gmail login working

Have started reading - interesting, many thanks. Do you think crypto psychics are any better than tea pot analysts?

I probably shouldn't mention this either but you can email me on xxx - i just use gmail to gather junkmail I don't look at, but am big on email using our our server

well I just got your email here- so if you want to delete it now - you can.

Back in the old days they knew how to cheat

1904: The original winner was Maurice Garin, however he was found to have caught a train for part of the event and was disqualified.

1996: Bjarne Riis has admitted to the use of doping during the 1996 Tour. The Tour de France organizers have stated they no longer consider him to be the winner, although Union Cycliste Internationale has so far refused to change the official status due to the amount of time passed since his win. Jan Ullrich was placed second.
1999-2005: these races were originally won by Lance armstrong, but in 2012 his wins in the tour de france were removed due to doping violations.
2006: Floyd Landis was the initial winner but subsequently rubbed out due to a failed drug test.
2010: Alberto Contador was the initial winner of the 2010 event, but after a prolonged drug investigation he was stripped of his win in 2012.

Yeah i heared that LANCE ARMSTRONG has cancer.
Are you think anything about it.

Thanks for sharing sir @sift666.

YES! - I think he never really had cancer...

Okk sir you are right.

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