Government Mistakenly Sends Journalist Documents On Remote Mind Control. Oops!

in #conspiracy6 years ago



Sometimes it’s easy to forget that “the Government” is just a bunch of people.

And even though our beloved Big Brother often flaunts a veneer of infallibility and omnipotence, sometimes they just plain fuck up and send secret documents about mind control to journalists who weren’t asking for them.

Wait… WHAT???!?!


Yes, it’s true.

When MUCKROCK journalist Curtis Waltman sent out FOIA requests for information pertaining to Antifa and various white supremicy groups, what he got in return was, well… strange, to say the least

What he received was a document titled “EM effects on human”. Go ahead and download that file while you still can.

Hell yeah, dude.

EM stands for electromagnetic. What you are looking at here is “psycho-electronic” weapons that purportedly use electromagnetism to do a wide variety of horrible things to people, such as reading or writing your mind, causing intense pain, “rigor mortis,” or most heinous of all, itching.

Washington State Fusion Center accidentally releases records on remote mind control

What does “EM” mean? And what ARE its effects on the human body?


In the document are three image files and three pdf files.

For the record, I'm putting it here on Steemit.






EM effects on human body.gif

EM effects on human body.gif


These documents seem to be a collection of damage reports that source mainstream news articles:

STAC 24 Hour Report - 22 March 2017.pdf

22 MARCH 2017


(U) Banning – Two Teens Arrested in Alleged Shooting Plot at Riverside County High School
(U) Two students at a Riverside County high school were arrested this week after officials learned they were allegedly planning to carry out an on-campus shooting. Police were notified Monday afternoon of the plot at Banning High School, about 80 miles east of Los Angeles. After witnesses overheard an unnamed student making threats to open fire Tuesday, investigators mobilized and recovered evidence that allegedly shows two teenage students had planned an active shooter-type incident, according to police. The police searched the two students’ homes and did not find any weapons. Both suspects were arrested and booked on suspicion of criminal threats.

SOURCE: 21 March 2017, Los Angeles Times

(U) Carlsbad – Hackers Hit Carlsbad Dental Company
(U) Zezt Dental Solutions of Carlsbad was hit by hackers who may have obtained credit-card information from an undisclosed number of customers. They recently learned that an unauthorized entity had compromised their e-commerce system, potentially affecting customer payment card information, according to a company statement. Information compromised by the attack may have included customers’ names, billing addresses, phone numbers, payment card numbers, expiration dates, and CVV numbers from payment cards for online transactions. The company has notified the California Attorney General’s Office regarding the breach.

SOURCE: 21 March 2017, San Diego Union-Tribune

(U) San Francisco – Twitter Shuts Down 377,000 More ‘Terrorism’ Accounts
(U) Twitter has shut down more than 377,000 accounts for promoting terrorism in the second half of last year. It represents a 60% increase on the last numbers provided by the company, which covered the period from February to August 2016. Nearly 74% of the accounts that have been suspended were discovered by internal, proprietary spam-fighting tools, according to a Twitter report. It also said that it had shut down a total of 636,248 accounts for promoting terrorism since August 2015, when it first began tracking numbers.

SOURCE: 22 March 2017, BBC


(U) District of Columbia – AQAP Trying to Hide Explosives in Laptop Batteries
(U) Washington – Intelligence obtained in recent weeks found that an al-Qa’ida affiliate was perfecting techniques for hiding explosives in batteries and battery compartments of electronic devices, according to a US official. The discovery that al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula was looking to exploit batteries and their compartments in laptops and other commercial electronic devices led the United States and United Kingdom to ban devices larger than a cellphone from certain flights. The new security restriction requires airlines based out of the Middle East and Africa to prevent people from eight countries from bringing any device bigger than a smartphone aboard the aircraft.

SOURCE: 22 March 2017, CNN

Form # 2f35dc19-4d14-4901-884a-729b2a15ea7c



(U) Greece – Eight Parcel Bombs Found in Greece
(U) Athens – Greek counterterrorism officers have uncovered eight parcel bombs resembling several sent last week to the German finance minister in Berlin and the Paris offices of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), according to the police. The packages were discovered during a search of the Hellenic Post’s sorting office, north of Athens. The parcel bombs were addressed to European Union officials and to multinational companies. The packages were similar to ones sent to the German finance minister and to the IMF, according to the police. A Greek anarchist extremist group called Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire claimed responsibility for the parcel addressed to the German finance minister, but the group has not claimed the most recent parcels discovered.

SOURCE: 21 March 2017, New York Times

(U) North Korea – North Korean Missile Explodes Seconds After Launch
(U) Pyongyang – North Korea fired a missile Wednesday morning that exploded seconds after launching, according to South Korean and US militaries. The attempted missile launch comes at a time of heightened tensions in the region, with the United States and South Korea conducting joint military exercises aimed at countering the North Korean threat. The missile was launched from North Korea’s east coast near the Wonsan Air Base but is presumed to have failed, according to South Korea’s defense ministry.

SOURCE: 22 March 2017, Washington Post

**(U) Philippines – Maute Terrorist Group Has Established Presence in Manila
(U) Manila – The militant group Maute, formed in the southern Philippines and allied with ISIS, has established its presence in metropolitan Manila, according to the Philippine National Police. The group was mentioned during a press conference with the Director General of the National Police, where he also spoke about the arrest of Nasip Ibrahim, the fifth suspect in a failed November 2016 attack near the US Embassy in the capital. The police seized methamphetamine, a pistol, and an improvised explosive device during the raids on the home and office of Ibrahim. He is suspected of having direct links with Maute in Quezon City, north of Manila.

SOURCE: 22 March 2017, Latin American Herald Tribune

(U) United Kingdom – ‘Cufflink’ Terrorist Samata Ullah Admits Terrorism Related Charges
(U) Cardiff – A man who used a USB cufflink to store extremist data has admitted five charges of terrorism. Samata Ullah, 34, of Cardiff, pleaded guilty to being involved with ISIS, terrorist training. Ullah is suspected of preparing terrorist acts and possessing articles for terrorism related activities. When he was arrested on 22 September, he had a USB cufflink with an operating system loaded onto it to conceal extremist data, including a blog. A UK court heard that between December 2015 and his arrest, Ullah had provided instructional videos on how to secure sensitive data and remain anonymous online with the use of encryption programs.

SOURCE: 20 March 2017, BBC

(U) FOR QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS, PLEASE EMAIL [email protected], OR CALL 916-874-1100.
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This document contains excerpts of suspicious activities and incidents of interest to the STAC as obtained from open and unclassified sources.
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STAC 72 Hour Report - 26 June 2017.pdf

26 JUNE 2017

(U) Sacramento – Burned Quran, Cut-Up Pages Left Outside California Mosques
(U) On 24 June, a burned Quran, filled with bacon, was found handcuffed to a temporary fence outside the Masjid Annur Islamic Center in Sacramento, according to police. On 23 June, an individual dropped a "large quantity" of cut up pages of the Quran outside the Islamic Center of Davis. Both centers have been targeted by hate crimes in the past, according to reporting.

SOURCE: 25 June 2017, Sacramento Bee


(U) North Carolina – Teen with Ties to ISIS to be Sentenced on Terrorism Charge
(U) Asheville – A Morganton teen accused of killing his neighbor and having ties to ISIS will be sentenced on 27 June, and is facing life in prison, according to reporting. The suspect pleaded guilty last November to one count of attempting to commit an act of terrorism transcending national boundaries. He is also accused of murdering his neighbor in December 2014.

SOURCE: 24 June 2017, Morganton News Herald

(U) Ohio – Government Websites Hacked with Pro-ISIS Rant
(U) Columbus – Government websites in Ohio and Maryland were hacked on Sunday with a message purporting to be supportive of ISIS. A message posted on the website of Ohio Gov. John Kasich said, "You will be held accountable Trump, you and all your people for every drop of blood flowing in Muslim countries." The message, left by "Team System Dz," ended with, "I love the Islamic state," according to media reporting.

SOURCE: 26 June 2017, CNN

(U) Texas – Kidnapped Border Patrol Agent Says He Feared for Family
(U) El Paso – An off-duty US Border Patrol agent in Texas told investigators that on 9 June, he got into a vehicle with two men who then allegedly kidnapped, assaulted, and stabbed him, to get the men away from his family. The agent said he agreed to give the suspects a ride because he noticed one of them had a handgun, according to federal court records. The two suspects have since been arrested and face federal kidnapping charges.

SOURCE: 25 June 2017, My San Antonio News


(U) Canada – Elephant Tranquilizer Found in Street Drugs Seized in Nova Scotia
(U) Nova Scotia – Test results on street drugs seized by police earlier in the month show a high probability of containing carfentanil—an opioid far more potent than fentanyl—according to a 23 June announcement by the provincial chief medical official. The official went on to say it was the first time carfentanil had been identified in Nova Scotia, and the discovery highlights the potential of opioid—in pill or powdered form—street drugs to be contaminated with the drug.

SOURCE: 23 June 2017, CBC News

(U) France – ‘Missing Link’ Terror Cell Members Jailed in France
(U) Paris – France sentenced 18 members of the Cannes-Torcy cell—a notorious jihadist network officials consider the ‘missing link’ between multiple terrorist attacks—to prison on 22 June, for a 2012 grenade attack on a Jewish grocery store that resulted in one injury. The man who threw the grenade received 18 years in prison, while other members received sentences for travelling to Syria, and planning further atrocities in France.

SOURCE: 23 June 2017, Sky News

(U) Iran – Officials Arrest ISIS-Linked Group Planning Attacks
(U) Tehran – Iranian security forces arrested members of an ISIS-linked group on 24 June, charging them with planned bombings and suicide attacks in religious centers, according to state television reporting. Agents confiscated three rifles, night vision goggles, three suicide belts, three phones for remote detonation, a large quantity of bullets, and other technical tools for bomb-making. Officials so far have not elaborated any further information.

SOURCE: 24 June 2017, Reuters

(U) Pakistan – At Least 40 Killed in Bomb and Gun Attacks in Three Pakistani Cities
(U) Peshawar – At least 40 people were killed and nearly 100 were wounded on 23 June in separate bomb and gun attacks in three major Pakistani cities, officials said. The suicide bombings, hours apart, hit near the office of the police chief in Quetta, and a crowded market in Parachinar. Gunmen attacked and killed four police officers that evening in Karachi. Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, a break-away Taliban faction, claimed responsibility for the attack, as did ISIS, but officials have been so far unable to reconcile the competing claims.

SOURCE: 23 June 2017, CBS News

(U) Philippines – Terror Leader Wanted by FBI 'Goes on the Run' in the Philippines
(U) Marawi – Isnilon Hapilon—the man who is allegedly the ISIS leader in southeast Asia, and one of the FBI’s most wanted terrorists—appears to have gone on the run after a five-week battle in the southern Philippines, according to media reporting. Hapilon currently has a $5 million bounty on his head, and was indicted in Washington, D.C. for his involvement in the kidnapping of three Americans in 2001.

SOURCE: 25 June 2017, Sky News

(U) Saudi Arabia – Saudis 'Foil Suicide Attack' on Mecca's Grand Mosque
(U) Mecca – A suicide bomber blew himself on 23 June up when security forces surrounded the building he was in, injuring 11 people, including police officers. Five other suspected militants were taken into custody, officials say. Millions of Muslims from around the world gathered in Mecca for the end of Ramadan. Saudi officials have not released any further details. In July 2016, four security officers were killed in a suicide attack near the Prophet's Mosque in Medina.

SOURCE: 25 June 2017, Guardian News

(U) United Kingdom – London Mosque Attack: Man Charged with Terrorism-Related Murder
(U) London – The man accused of driving a van into a crowd of Muslim worshippers last week near the Finsbury Park mosque, killing one person and injuring nine others, was charged on 23 June, with terrorism-related murder and attempted murder. London Police have characterized the incident as a terrorist attack.

SOURCE: 23 June 2017, Fox News

(U) United Kingdom – Cyberattack on Parliament: Dozens of Email Accounts Hacked
(U) London – A cyberattack on the UK Parliament may have compromised up to 90 email accounts, according to media reporting. Hackers attacked the email server for Parliament on 24 June, prompting the digital security team to shut down external access to members of Parliament (MPs) and peers' email accounts. While the attack has been contained, preliminary investigations cited by the media suggest there may have been a compromise of MP communications.

SOURCE: 25 June 2017, Sky News


(U) Arizona – Border Patrol Renews Smuggler Prosecution Policy with Mexico
(U) Tucson – The Tucson Sector of the US Border Patrol (USBP) has renewed its policy to prosecute human smugglers on both sides of the Arizona-Mexico border. In an effort to enhance public safety across the Southwest, USBP implemented "Operation Against Smugglers Initiative on Safety and Security" (OASIS) in 2005. The program enables the prosecution of Mexican human smugglers through Mexican courts, using information obtained from interviews conducted by USBP agents. In fiscal year 2016, the Tucson Sector submitted 143 human smugglers to the Mexico government as OASIS candidates for prosecution.

SOURCE: 24 June 2017, Associated Press

(U) FOR QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS, PLEASE EMAIL [email protected], OR CALL 916-874-1100.
Warning: This document is the exclusive property of the State Threat Assessment Center (STAC) and is UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (U//FOUO). It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the California Public Records Act (Govt. Code Sec. 6250-6270). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with STAC policy relating to U//FOUO information and is not to be released to the public, the media, or other personnel who do not have a valid "need-to-know" without prior approval of an authorized STAC official. No portion of this report should be furnished to the media, either in written or verbal form.
This document contains excerpts of suspicious activities and incidents of interest to the STAC as obtained from open and unclassified sources.
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STAC 96 Hour Report - 5 September 2017.pdf


(U) San Diego – Fugitive Task Force Arrests 50 Across San Diego County
(U) A fugitive task force arrested 50 criminals across San Diego County last week during a four-day operation that targeted people suspected of violating the terms of their parole. Members of the US Marshals task force tracked down people convicted of violent crimes including assault, robbery and attempted murder. The arrests took place all throughout the county, from Oceanside to Imperial Beach and El Cajon. There were 32 parolees, 16 fugitives with state arrest warrants, and two fugitives with federal arrest warrants taken into custody.

SOURCE: 1 September 2017, San Diego Union Tribune


(U) Illinois – Villa Park Man Charged with Fundraising for ISIS Fighters
(U) Chicago – A 31-year-old truck driver living in west suburban Villa Park was arrested by the FBI on 31 August on charges out of New York that alleged he raised money in 2015 to help send fighters from the United States to ISIS fronts in Syria. At a hearing in federal court in Chicago, prosecutors asked that Dilshod Khusanov, a native of Uzbekistan, be detained as a flight risk and danger to the community. He will be taken to Brooklyn to face the two-count indictment charging him with conspiring and attempting to provide material support to ISIS and al-Nusrah Front.

SOURCE: 1 September 2017, Chicago Tribune

(U) New York – New York Police Department Captures Radical Cleric Operating Overseas
(U) New York – A once-imprisoned Islamic cleric is behind bars again after an unusual investigation that took New York City police officers far beyond their jurisdiction, to the Middle East, to make contact with a member of ISIS. The international sting that led to the arrest of Abdullah el-Faisal in Jamaica last week was conducted by the New York Police Department (NYPD) without the involvement of the FBI or federal prosecutors. An indictment filed in state court in Manhattan said an undercover NYPD officer posing as a jihadist connected on social media with el-Faisal, who is accused of trying to recruit the officer to become a medic for ISIS.

SOURCE: 1 September 2017, Associated Press

(U) North Dakota – West Fargo Police Make Record Drug Seizure
(U) West Fargo – A California man was arrested in West Fargo after police say they found a record amount of drugs in his trunk during a traffic stop. Police pulled the suspect’s vehicle over on I-94 for a routine traffic violation on 3 September. During a search of the vehicle, police found 125 pounds of raw marijuana, 2,811 grams of marijuana wax, 168.63 grams of hashish, and two vials of marijuana oil. The street value of the drugs was estimated to be more than $700,000.

SOURCE: 4 September 2017, Valley News Live

Form # 2f35dc19-4d14-4901-884a-729b2a15ea7c


(U) Japan – North Korea Detonates its Most Powerful Nuclear Device Yet
(U) Tokyo – North Korea detonated a nuclear device on 3 September, claiming it was a hydrogen bomb that could be attached to a missile capable of reaching the mainland United States. Scientific evidence showed that North Korea crossed an important threshold after detonating a nuclear device that was vastly more powerful than its last—and almost seven times the size of the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima. This was the first nuclear test conducted by North Korea since President Trump took office.

SOURCE: 3 September 2017, Washington Post

(U) Philippines – Philippines Eyes Counter-Terrorism Task Force with Malaysia, Indonesia
(U) Manila – Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte will discuss with Indonesia and Malaysia the possibility of creating a task force to combat ISIS-inspired militancy. Duterte also expressed willingness to open his borders to Indonesian and Malaysian security forces searching for ISIS fighters. He plans to meet with Indonesian president Joko Widodo and Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak to discuss the potential task force. Southeast Asian nations have agreed to use spy planes and drones to stem the movement of militants across their borders, as concerns rise over the growing clout of ISIS in the region.

SOURCE: 3 September 2017, Reuters

(U) Philippines – Philippines’ Battle Against ISIS Continues
(U) Marawi – The battle between Philippine forces and ISIS has now surpassed the 100-day mark since ISIS militants seized the southern city of Marawi. Journalists were allowed in for the first time by the Philippine military, witnessing the destruction in the region from the numerous airstrikes and artillery barrages. On 31 August, three soldiers were killed, and 52 more were injured in the latest incident. Marawi and the surrounding areas, on the southern island of Mindanao, was once home to 200,000 people, the biggest Muslim-majority city in the Philippines. It is now relatively vacant but for a dwindling group of militants who claim loyalty to ISIS.

SOURCE: 1 September 2017, New York Times

(U) FOR QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS, PLEASE EMAIL [email protected], OR CALL 916-874-1100.
Warning: This document is the exclusive property of the State Threat Assessment Center (STAC) and is UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (U//FOUO). It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the California Public Records Act (Govt. Code Sec. 6250-6270). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with STAC policy relating to U//FOUO information and is not to be released to the public, the media, or other personnel who do not have a valid "need-to-know" without prior approval of an authorized STAC official. No portion of this report should be furnished to the media, either in written or verbal form.
This document contains excerpts of suspicious activities and incidents of interest to the STAC as obtained from open and unclassified sources.
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Again, download your own copy of the files here

So... what even is this, anyway?


Well, what it appears to be is a file sent by accident by the Washington State Fusion Center which has some strange documents which overview a process of weaponized remote mind and body control.

The affects on the body are startling to say the least. They appear to have the ability to cause any sort of damage, discomfort, manipulation, and influence at virtually any degree imaginable.

And then we have 3 pdfs which appear to be damage assessment documents. We can deduct that these sources are referring to operations where this technology was used.

Wild stuff, to say the least.

What do you think?


This is a but too much for my brain to process right now...

Please share your thoughts with me.

Images from Pixabay

Follow me @shayne


I saw something of this nature on a documentary.In it some secrets agents where taught to use metaphysical means to cull informations from their quarry.It's been a long time since i watched it so i cant remember the specifics clearly but it closely looks like what you describe on your post.

Great post. Very informative. People who think this stuff doesn't happen do not have a firm grip on reality

Great post! A few years ago I would have never believed that this occurs, but I grow increasingly skeptical. Thanks for posting!

Maybe it is possible that a guy woke up from his hypnotic state to realize the damage being done by his employers. He probably willingly sent the material to outside sources who can bring it out in the light.

Whistleblowers are everywhere.

Some will consider it a tinfoil nonsense... but thats the attribute of low IQ conformists.
Human body is just a machinery made of water, carbon, oxygen and calcium.
All machinery can be influenced externally in some way.

Key is only to find out what is affecting it.

If someone is thinking that such researches arent being conducted they are morons.
Dont know wheter whats written here is true or false.

But to dismiss it right away as "tinfoil conspiracy theories" is retarded.
Only question here is if they already have found a way or not.
And to what degree such manipulation can occur knowing limitations of physics.

Very scary world out there... Wonder how deep is the involvement of my country in this...

If you have ever been close to a cell tower, then you know they emit radiation. Radiation does affect people, and targeted frequencies were used in Germany by the Nazis.

Thanks for this post.

The EM effects on a human body diagram is on the verge of frightening.
Controlling and reading thoughts... controlling dreams.... forcing manipulations... involuntary body movements... neuro-controlled effects
To me this all sound one step away from a form or lesser version of AI.

I am, and have always been, an open-minded person... not by any means a believer or non-believer in the tin foil hats topics, but I can genuinely see things happening towards (not to say they aren't already happening) with cloning.

This post has been upvoted and picked by Daily Picked #35! Thank you for the cool and quality content. Keep going!

Don’t forget I’m not a robot. I explore, read, upvote and share manually ☺️

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