Flat Earth Experiment

in #conspiracy7 years ago

This is an experiment anyone can duplicate..

If you take a flight from New York to London you are traveling East for the duration of the flight.

flight 1.png

Now take another flight from London to Tokyo you are still traveling East for the duration of the flight

flight 2.png

Now take another flight from Tokyo to California you are still traveling East for the duration of the flight

flight 3.png

Did you fall off the edge or did you go around the world?

Game Over?

No not unless I can show you the curvature of water. Click link below.


But nobody is allowed to go to Antarctica. Click link below.


Check Mate.


That would be such a surreal vacation. Im afraid the movie ‘the thing’ has killed the tourist trade. Alan moore sure did have an intuition about antartica in his watchmen comic. Ever read it professor?i like to entertain the far out conspiracy theory that the entrence to the inner world is located at the poles so beautiful and advaced with the elders ancient technology that once you go there you never come back.

cant say I have read the comic. I wouldn't mind hiring a private jet for a flight over Antarctica I don't fancy walking it too cold for me.

What's that about Antarctica being the entrance to hollow earth from a comic book? If you have the reference, I'd LOVE to see it! I wasn't aware that was where the idea came from. @jazzresin

I believe the hollow earth theory is ww2 nazi germany myth. x-men comic books and alan moores watchmen also.

Ok in watchmen it was an antarctic base, i havent seen the movie,

Haha strike two. So the xmen hollow earth idea is the savage land. It has been a long time.

Your posts are interesting and funny maybe when you post other interesting things you will succeed in steemit

That was easy enough.

on a flat earth it still works. you just went in a circle.

what you can't do, or we haven't seen, is anyone flying over the south pole. nobody does it.

It is amazing what passes for 'knowledge' and proof.

That's my best shot at proving it's a globe. How do you go in a circle? Surely if you are traveling East all the way then you are going in a straight line?

nope. on a flat earth it would take you in a circle at the latitude you started at. it makes sense when you look at the flat earth map.

and just another nail in the globe coffin, check this video out about the vacuum in space...


it pretty much proves our space suits couldn't withstand the vacuum.

or this one about the thermosphere and satellites...


both provide damning evidence that what we have been taught isn't just unlikely, but wrong.

I see the North pole is in the middle of the flat Earth map. Thought i had you.

yes the north pole is in the middle, and as you walked 'east' it would take you in a circle on a flat earth. if you actually walked 'a straight line' you would end up walking south, and eventually hit the Antarctica.

but if you followed the compass, it would indeed take you in a circle.

The magnetic North pole actually shifts all the time it moves as the Earth shifts on it's axis. It's current location is in Canada at 86.5°N 172.6°W and far away from the geographic North pole. Ask someone in Canada how their compass behaves there for the interests of scientific experiment. You could compare the results between the heliocentric & globe Earth models. I don't know the results, I would imagine the compass would behave erratically near to it but a bit further away it could prove either theory correct. It could be interesting to know maybe someone will see this comment & try.

Pan Am went over the south pole.

Several people have flown over the south pole.



It's been circumnavigated by many sailors, all with times consistent with a 14,000 ish mile continent and not a 60,000 mile ice wall.



And it's been crossed on foot from one side to the other.


Pretty clear Antarctica is a circumnavigable continent.

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