RE: Earth IS FLAT!
I've read the article, interesting piece. A lot of information provided about the lunar and space missions is indeed fake and there is a lot of proof backing this. For instance the "Van Allen Belt". How did we manage to fly through this radioactive belt? There is a video from NASA where they address this problem (this is from a couple of years ago???), which would make the lunar landing impossible..
The cameras and film they used also couldn't survive this. There are also many examples where it is to obvious that the live feeds are not live at all (Myth Busters live chat with astronaut). They are pasted together in lengths that correspond with the weightlessness time of the NASA test (weightless) plains.
I also investigated the flat earth theory and at one point i too was convinced this was true.
There is a lot to say about the 2 (or more) theories and all the info about it doesn't make it easy to proof one or the other..
NASA - Never A Straight Answer
I agree, it isn't easy to prove one way or another. For me the preponderance of evidence lies with the earth NOT being a ball. Seeing chicago from 50 miles across lake michigan should be impossible on a ball earth of the stated size, period. Still lots I cannot explain on a flat earth though, but knowing how we have been lied to makes the case for a ball earth even weaker in my opinion. Thanks for your thoughts and honesty!