An Analysis Of Australia's Tax Office Using Federal Police To Intimidate Whistleblowers! Following The American Model: You Are Free To Do What We Tell You!

in #conspiracy6 years ago (edited)

An insider within Australia's Tax Office blew the whistle on tax corruption in Australia's crippling tax system. The Government's response was an early morning raid on his house using Australia's Federal Police! Paid for with the Australian federal budget!

Here is what seems to be the new mandate in Australia: Drag the women out of bed in their nightclothes, frighten the children and harass the whistleblowers in increasingly severe ways. This is what western, so called "democracies" are becoming. America seems to be already living this dystopian reality.

Instead of defending the people from institutional corruption, government institutions are being used to frighten and strong-arm those who are revealing the truths concerning public theft.

What is particularly interesting about this case is that it involves taxation! Although I haven't discussed this topic at length I can assure you it's a scam. I will be doing a future post addressing this which should be poignant given that this story is developing. This will no doubt provide valuable insights into the mechanisms of totalitarianism and institutional corruption.

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This is the message that is being sent to Australians:

"Don't expose our corrupt practices or we will make your life a misery!" 😡

Although the details of what is happening now in Australia are only just emerging, there are already interesting aspects for us to examine. I was transiting through Australia recently and given an Australian newspaper. Normally I don't read commercial news publications, but when I do I can see clearly the stories which are not being told.

Lets get into this!

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Australian Tax Office (ATO) Uses Australian Federal Police (AFP) To Harasses Whistleblower!

The first time I saw this story was in The Sydney Morning Herald on Thursday, 5th of April, 2018 - Page 3! Here is what they told us and after quoting directly from the article I will discuss what these corporate manufactured "facts" are telling us through the negative space of the story.

"A public servant turned Whistleblower employed by the Tax Office yesterday had his home raided by officers from the ATO and Australian Federal Police, after speaking with a joint Four Courners and Fairfax investigation into alleged abuse of power by the Tax Office."

What? They are using Australian Federal Police (AFP) to raid this guy's house? I have met some AFP officers years ago and the ones I met were on drugs, dealing drugs and generally quite crooked - although pleasant out of uniform. They got good salaries and their regular "drug" tests could be fudged-ish so they could keep partying. Perhaps I only met a few anomalies! 😉

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"Richard Boyle, of Adelaide, who has worked at the ATO as a debt collector sine 2005, told the ABC his rental unit in suburban Edwardstown was raided by a team of four AFP officers accompanied by an ATO investigator."

"This is an astonishing use of public resources to investigate someone who has passionately and with every fibre of my being tried to assist taxpayers in meeting their tax obligations and to enforce tax payers who are ripping the country off by not paying their fair share of tax, he said"

Well... I really wonder if Mr Boyle truly understands the history and reasons for income tax? If he did he would have a much more incendiary truth to blow the whistle on. Perhaps he was misquoted - it happens a lot when the truth is unpalatable!

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"Mr Boyle said officers arrived at his door at about 8am. He was still in his dressing gown and didn't have time to change. Mr Boyle tried to film the raid but the AFP officers seized his mobile phone and the phone of his finance."

How convenient that there is no documentary evidence against any legal transgressions (possible crimes) of offers acting on behalf of the government (the people). After all, this is national taxation we are talking about! It effects every person living in Australia and the ramifications of an honest discussion regarding taxation and tax abuse in Australia are abhorrent to those running the tax system.

The wealthiest people and corporations in Australia don't pay tax - that's just for the little people!

"They've spent the past couple of hours going through our drawers, going through our personal belongings and documents he [Mr Boyle] said. The warrant referred to the Four Corners and Fairfax reported Adele Ferguson and alleges Richard Boyle had illegally taken originals or copies of taxpayer information, photos of ATO computer screens or emails."

What a load of rubbish (I want to use a better word but I won't)! Who was filing these legal actions? Then we are fed the word "alleged' - where is the evidence? Who alleges this? Which judge signed these documents?

We get paper thin evidence yet they can't even get their facts right - "photos of ATO computer screens or emails"? Which was it? Don't they know? These feeble details about why they carried out the raid on Mr Boyle's house at 8 am in the morning are not good enough.

Couldn't they have asked for a discussion in a public office during working hours first before taking the step of raiding his house? What are they so scared off that they are using these strong-arm bully-boy tactics?

Here is Mr Boyle in his dressing gown! I like his integrity as well as his style!

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I know the reason for their fear and we must educate ourselves and spread this knowledge! I have written and will continue to write posts on this topic. I always love to hear feedback and input of our wonderful Steemit community!

Mr Boyle was informally told that the raid was because of his discussion with journalists. The article goes on to inform the reader that Mr Boyle had had previous "run-ins" with his employers, the ATO. It looks like he was assisting people to minimize their tax liability - sounds like what the ATO should be doing!

The ATO strangled his income and employment opportunities and when that didn't work they:

"tried to settle with him in February, offering a payout and statement of service with no admission of liability."

They must be very frightened of something as the ATO have huge resources and contacts to drag Mr Boyle through court cases for years in order to exhaust his financial resistance. This happens all the time and is just another example of how the law is designed to favor the rich - it always has been and any pretense otherwise doesn't wash with me! 😡

In this case the ATO wanted to settle with their own employee Mr Boyle with "no admission of liability"! Anyone who understands the law will tell you those actions are significant and have meaning. "They've been caught with their pants down!" as a top lawyer might smirk at you from across his desk while eagerly calculating his legal fees!

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To the extreme credit of Mr Boyle he "knocked it [settlement offer] back to speak to" the press. Finally someone who can't be intimidated or bought! Yay Mr Boyle! I applaud honesty and integrity. I hope you set an example that others may follow. My sad suspicion is that this is only the first salvo of a multi pronged attack which you and your family might have to endure.

The last lines of the article read:

"The Tax Office has since suspended him without pay and his future with the ATO hangs in the balance. The ATO said in a statement that protecting confidentiality is 'critical for the integrity of Australia's tax and super systems."

This guy has absolutely no future at the ATO - all of us can see that! They took "swift action in the action of a search warrant". After the hacking of the last Australian census, appalling indigenous Australian treatment, growing poverty and financial insecurity, combined with what I see as a massive housing bubble looming - surely Australia has better things to be spending its financial resources on than persecuting whistle blowers who are improving the situation of the ordinary man!

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The sad truth is that Mr Boyle is being used as an example to other whistleblowers not to speak out. They will try to make your life a misery if you do. Your average Australian would love to demand a fair or heaven forbid a greatly reduced tax system!

The knives are being sharpened and there are public servants of the ATO who would love to publicly flagellate Mr Boyle and other brave whistleblowers. However these village bullies, thugs and madmen can't manipulate Australia if the people become active and share the truth amongst each other! They can't imprison an entire country - much as they might like to!

Stand up and fight in any way you can! It's best to legally avoid paying tax like all the other wealthy people and corporations!

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I hope to find a link to the Four Corners interview when I can and will post it if possible!

Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8.

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Richard Boyle is certainly the whistleblower hero of April. Perhaps one day we will bring out a calendar of whistleblowers. (I can hear the voiceover ad now: "With Julian Assange on the cover!").

There is no braver person than the one who refuses to be bought and cowed.

I watched the Four Corners episode and I was just truly disgusted at the level of corruption and authoritarianism displayed by the ATO and the Fed Police. Not surprised, just disgusted. And sad, because the way this stuff is allowed to go on is because so many small individual people close their eyes to what they're seeing and don't want to get involved. Which I understand - divided and conquered people are easily acted upon in this way. I just look forward to the day when we all stand up against this stuff. Unless of course it all collapses before that, which is quite possible!

Thanks for the write-up.

Excellent comment Sue! I completely agree with all you have expressed! UPvoted and followed with pleasure! 😀

Disgusting that this kind of thing is happening in Australia of all places. We already pay ridiculous amounts of tax and for what, so the AFP can be sent to the home of a whistleblower and intimidate them?

This is the state of most western countries now if you blow the whistle on corruption or activities taking place you know are wrong, you're discredited and in many cases used as a martyr to obscure the real agenda.

You only have to look at what happened to Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, Julian Assange and other lesser known whistleblowers such as Thomas Andrews Drake. It takes guts to step forward and be a whistleblower, at every step you'll be discredited and they'll dig up whatever they can to turn the tables and discredit you.

Great comment! No wonder some of us don't want to use our real names on Steemit. I myself am a tax exile and am overjoyed with that! Followed and UPvoted with pleasure! 🍍

"The wealthiest people and corporations in Australia don't pay tax - that's just for the little people!"

Yet we are constantly being told we have to crack down on the unemployed by Turnbull and his mates. This country is being bled dry from the top and those at the bottom are paying the price.

I completely agree! Great name and icon! Followed and UPvoted! 🐴

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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvote this reply.

Fascinating! Followed and UPvoted with pleasure! What a new treat! Thank you! 😀

The wealthiest people and corporations in Australia don't pay tax - that's just for the little people!

This happens all the time and is just another example of how the law is designed to favor the rich

Yes and yup! I actually wrote some thoughts on this second statement just over a week ago. Basically it's designed to favour the rich because it's more profitable to target the poor.

I am amazed by this man's integrity. Not many would dare stand up to bullies like this, especially when they have family at risk. The Australian police and legal system is entirely corrupt so it's a big risk to take. A lawyer acquaintance told me that courts are no longer honouring law and they are having to fight everything legally, which is of course a losing game, because they can change the legal system at a whim any time they lose.

Sorry your great reply deserves a better response... I’m still groggy from minor surgery I will try to respond! Upvoted and followed with pleasure! 😊

No apology necessary, but it's nevertheless thoughtful of you. I hore you make a swift recovery and that the surgery was helpful.

I deeply appreciate you and Mr. Boyle and others for testicular fortitude in standing up to abusive power hungry thugs. Blessings.

Thanks my friend but I had nothing to do with this... my input is pure journalisim.... Mr Boyle is the one who is making the sacrfirice! Good stuff! Lets see where this goes!

Yes, well not many will stick their necks out even if with a pen. so appreciate that. Most will huddle together waiting to be fleeced.

Haha I tried that.... it was too boring for me! 😉

My fav thing about Aussie is that it makes NZ seem relatively straight up. Sort of...

Man it feels that way... Many things in NZ seem easier and are more simply explained than in Australia which is FULL of bizarre, difficult and sometimes down right incomprehensible documents for people to fill out these days. Unless you live out of the big cities in Australia I feel NZ might be an easier place to live these days. Even just the taxes on the roads in Oz are waaaay over the top! Strange days indeed! I think I remember that advertising campaign in London! 😉

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