Hurricane Harvey. A man made stormsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)

It didn't take long for my conspiracy senses to start tingling (sort of like Spiderman) when I started to hear about hurricane Harvey. A hurricane that came out of nowhere, strengthened when it reached land and then remained stationary over one area. Oh, and don't forget, Trump was due to visit Texas this week.

Before I expand further I think now would be a good time to say that yes, it is possible to manipulate/control the weather and research has been ongoing since at least the 1950's. There are probably thousands of documents on the web about this but there are a couple that I think are paricularly worthy of attention.

One is a research document titled "Owning the weather by 2025" which was produced/presented way back in 1996. The 2025 target date was reached long ago in my opinion.

If you skip to page 18 you will find that section on "Storms".

Don't worry though because as I highlighted, back in 1996 there were definate physical limits on mankinds ability to modify storm systems ;-)

If we skip to page 27 there is a section all about "Artificial weather" but don't worry, back in 1996 they were saying it might be possible and they even talk about clouds made of nanoparticles of all things. Not heard much about nanoparticles since then though have we? (that was sarcasm for those of you who are not picking it up).

If the owning the weather document wasn't interesting enough we now come on to something even more interesting (IMO) in the form of US Patent 20070238252 by a man called Bernard Eastlund. He was actually the inventor of quite a few technologies that were capable of manipulating the weather (as well as some other amazing things). This particular patent is probably the most important though because it overcame the biggest hurdle in making weather modification something that could done on a global scale. Power/energy requirements.

I strongly recommend that you read through the whole document because some of the applications are pretty awesome and it really wouldn't take very much effort from someone with a science / engineering background to make them a reality. A city wide cellular system that can be set up quickly in the event of a disaster for example using relatively simple and available technology (see page 11 of the patent for more details).

The weather modification possibilities that this patent discusses are pretty scary and considering that this patent was filed back in 2005 I would imagine that things have moved on considerably since then thanks to government agencies with huge budgets like DARPA.

The weather control applications sections starts on page 12. Some of the more interesting parts are highlighed in the screenshots below but as I said before, the whole document is worth a read including the technical drawings which help a lot with seeing how potentially easy it would be to set up a weather modification system using microwave ovens (you have to take them apart first).

I've highlighted section [0157] because it underlines how important this patent is in as far as it makes things possible that previously very difficult if not impossible to achieve.

Page 14 gets more interesting again when we come to the "Defense applications" sections although there are other interesting bits before that.

To be honest I don't fully understand what some of the military applications really mean but when I hear the word "defense" being used and then think of the US military, I certainly don't get a warm fuzzy feeling in my belly.

I think this post has gone on for long enough and there is more than enough information to digest for now. Once people appreciate that it is possible to control the weather, they can then go on to start looking for the clues that it might already be happening. When hurricanes like Harvey happen that don't act like hurricanes (strengthening when they reach land and then just sitting in one place for days) or events like Katrina in which the storms path was almost due west through the Gulf of Mexico when, suddenly, reaching a point almost due south of New Orleans, it veered sharply in an almost perfect ninety degree turn, and made its way north.

If you didn't think that it was possible to create steering winds or alter the jet stream or strengthen/weaken storm systems, you simply wouldn't think to question what you are being told by the trusted weather man.

Serious questions need to be asked. What we think is natural, sometime is not and if they can create, steer and strengthen storms it doesn't take to much of a leap to think that they could do lots of other things including creating long term droughts in places that usually get rain (California anyone?) or massive amounts of rain in places that get very little (Texas anyone?).

Thanks for reading.

Obviously upvotes and resteems would be appreciated but I ain't going to beg ;-)

Stay safe !!


@jimbobbill Thanks for sharing, weather manipulation has it's roots in some pretty dark technology and has been attempted since mankind was able to take to the sky. I'm pretty sure the recent California drought was manipulated and clouds dispersed before they could produce rain. Thanks for sharing my friend, this is most interesting.

Also, when corporations pump too much water from aquifers that leads to the drought as well. Not saying that in that instance it wasn't weather modification as well....the powers that be have plenty of ways to screw the environment & the people.

Cosmic injections could possibly be man-made. But, currently, with the Sun's activity being very low as we enter a suncycle grand minimum, the Earth is subjected to more cosmic rays from the Sun. Since we don't know anything about the weather during the last grand minimum, it could just be the normal affects of these long space weather patterns.

But, interesting article. Thanks.

Thanks for taking the time to read/comment. So although the sun's activity is low the earth is subjected to more cosmic radiation? In this case would the sun feel hotter & cause damage more quickly?

No. It isn't the heat.

When the sun isn't spitting flares at us from the sunspots, the Earth's magnetic field weakens. It needs that bombardment in order to strengthen. When it is weak, then cosmic rays can push into troposphere (?) and this leads to increased cloud cover.

Larger coronal holes lead to larger cosmic streams, which is what we are seeing. This also leads to more earthspots (ie hurricanes and quakes).

That's what the alt-science people have been trying to get out to the main stream scientists.

Problems = Profits in our sick world. The bigger the problem, the bigger the profit!!

thanks for sharing, very informative post! i have the same thing, i can feel things most people have a hard time noticing, especially when its dark and sinister crimes against humanity, i can sense that half a world away, as im actually living in europe. not really proud of that because its the same stuff going on here, heavy chemtrailing basically daily etc... same sh*t different location, same people doing it

I am frightened by reading your post.

You read it quickly. I'm frightened by your reading speed ;-)

The mentality of people now a days is that why should we take care when we are getting everything. They are not understanding that everything has a limit. Might be they do not understand it but these all calamities like the Hurricane Harvey, Floods, Earthquakes is related to the destruction we are doing.

What are 'we' doing? What if the human aspect of climate change has been vastly overestimated and extreme weather events are being created to keep the myth alive?
Al Gore told us 20 years ago that we'd be underwater by now but it's ok he just released another movie let us know that humans are still to blame. He can watch it in the comfort of his coastal home (that should be underwater according to Al) he bought with the profits from his last movie.

Don't stop believing. Hold on to the feeling !!!!

Peace and love

Are we not cutting the trees for our lovely houses, are we not ruining the forest for so called modernization, are we not killing the animals for our own good, are we not only using only non-renewable source of energy instead of renewable source of energy.

We are doing all these things but that doesn't mean that CO2 is a problem or that those things are having the effect that we are told they are by the climate scientists. They talk about CO2 which is absolutely essential for life and in fact as levels of CO2 rise, the growth of plants increases. What I want to know is why the huge amounts of homogenitus clouds that are created every day in massive quantities by industry and air travel are not factored into the equation? Water vapour (which is what is released by plane exhaust trails and factory chimneys) is a much more potent greenhouse gas than CO2 (by a factor or around 50 I believe) yet when I attempt to ask meteorologists about the possible effects of homogenitus cloud on global climate and weather patterns I am ignored.
I believe we are being duped on a huge scale and the fact that the term "Climate denier" exists is testiment to this. It's meaningless as is the term "climate change".

This post was very informative thank you for sharing
you have my upvote
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