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RE: Hurricane Harvey. A man made storm

in #conspiracy7 years ago

The mentality of people now a days is that why should we take care when we are getting everything. They are not understanding that everything has a limit. Might be they do not understand it but these all calamities like the Hurricane Harvey, Floods, Earthquakes is related to the destruction we are doing.


What are 'we' doing? What if the human aspect of climate change has been vastly overestimated and extreme weather events are being created to keep the myth alive?
Al Gore told us 20 years ago that we'd be underwater by now but it's ok he just released another movie let us know that humans are still to blame. He can watch it in the comfort of his coastal home (that should be underwater according to Al) he bought with the profits from his last movie.

Don't stop believing. Hold on to the feeling !!!!

Peace and love

Are we not cutting the trees for our lovely houses, are we not ruining the forest for so called modernization, are we not killing the animals for our own good, are we not only using only non-renewable source of energy instead of renewable source of energy.

We are doing all these things but that doesn't mean that CO2 is a problem or that those things are having the effect that we are told they are by the climate scientists. They talk about CO2 which is absolutely essential for life and in fact as levels of CO2 rise, the growth of plants increases. What I want to know is why the huge amounts of homogenitus clouds that are created every day in massive quantities by industry and air travel are not factored into the equation? Water vapour (which is what is released by plane exhaust trails and factory chimneys) is a much more potent greenhouse gas than CO2 (by a factor or around 50 I believe) yet when I attempt to ask meteorologists about the possible effects of homogenitus cloud on global climate and weather patterns I am ignored.
I believe we are being duped on a huge scale and the fact that the term "Climate denier" exists is testiment to this. It's meaningless as is the term "climate change".

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