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RE: The Psychology Of Control & The Manufacturing Of Mainstream Culture

in #conspiracy6 years ago

I should have known it was in your backlog, you probably were the one to tell me about it! Haha

In all honesty I would just love to buy a plot of land, build a log cabin and live a very simple life

I think that is a dream of many people who understand the world we've been born into, but I think it's our job to help transform it by being present with the people who are still in deep sleep.

And on the using computer issue, the one thing I really notice is when I'm talking on the phone for more than 5 minutes. I can feel the heat build up and erratic vibrations coming off it, almost pins and needles my hand. I'd say we should all get rid of them, but why not just adjust the quality of vibration to one that is in harmony with the human body? We have the ability, I'm sure of it


Hey my friend, I still want to be present to help people .. at the same time I want to detach myself as much as I can from the grid, grow my own food, produce my own electric .. write about it and lead by example, I think as much as it's important to get the information out it's equally important to try and reclaim our self-reliance .. well as much as possible. I genuinely feel as though there is going to be a breakdown in the world food production line at some point in the future (perhaps within the next ten years) so i feel this is going to become inceasingly important.

In terms of adjusting the vibration, yes I agree entrely .. I don't know if you remember but part 1.a of my bloodlines series focused upon how that aspect is actually an ancient knowledge that was (in the past) used as a tool of cognitive empowerment .. sound/vibration .. elctro-magnetism etc. Equally Nikola Tesla was working on a similar idea that would have used street lamps to fulfill a similar aim .. so it's certainly possible very possible that all our technology could release frequencies/elecro-magnetism that boosted both our health and mental capacity, it's sobering to think of what we could achieve if we weren't being strangled by red tape and regulation :(

Sorry I'm so late coming to this!

I totally get it, I feel like I should take some time to just really settle into myself, but I haven't had the opportunity. I think as long as you are influencing people as yourself you are adding good to the world and helping awaken people. Steemit is a gem of a place because of content and interactions from people like you

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