Principles of the Kybalion: My Study of How to Use Them; 2. Our Common Well-Being Vs. Self-Preservation

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)

the Kybalion

Natural Law Vs. Satanism

One of the primary tenets of Satanism is Self-Preservation, without regard for others, and at their expense. Natural Law would call this Theft of property of others, Theft of integrity or a promise made. The Golden Rule: Don't do to others what you don't want done to you...Do unto others as you would have done unto you.

A Fine Line

I had an experience recently in which I put the common well-being of all concerned first, and I got "fired" from my job, and in analyzing the situation, it's a fine line. Each situation is different and requires prayerful contemplation and use of the Trivium, to figure out. There is no blanket statement and rule of them apply to every situation.

An Allegorical Example


On the airplane, the stewardess tells us that we must put the oxygen mask over our nose and mouth first, and then put it over our child's. This might sound like a contradiction. Should I not help my child's first? Is that not selfish? Is that not self-preservation?

NO! I am just using this analogy of a life and death situation to illustrate a point that is necessary to put forth squarely in this world that is being muddled by lies and deceipt promoting slavery.

I must put the oxygen mask over my nose and mouth first, in order to ensure that I have the strength and ability to take care of my child over the long haul. That is foresight and forethought and planning. It is an action which ensures my dependability over time - not just for a few seconds, and then we both die!

I think this is something we have been missing for quite some time - in all of our actions, as we rape and pillage the earth and leave the ruins to our children - in that regard we have been meeting our immediate selfish desires, in place of our needs, at the expense of our children's future - and this is the same principle!


If you want to practice satanism, that's your choice, but don't try to impose it in me - if you will notice the 9 satanic sins are being propagated upon humanity unwittingly, to make us practice them, through mind-control
We are acting in SELF-PRESERVATION MODE as a whole right now, and it has become common practice.



It is expected of all of us to put the needs of the company first, before our needs. To put everything we have into the company, and they will give us nothing back but our wages. They will not give us loyalty for our loyalty. They expect our life's blood, sweat, and tears, and that is to be our priviledge to give them in exchange for our lives. THIS IS SLAVERY.


Trust the Creator, Through Natural Law

If you stand up and act against this Tyranny, you will be taken care of by the Creator. But it is very scary and difficult to do so because you have to trust your gut, not your logic. Your logical mind cannot see how things will turn out, but your gut knows that they will - the still small voice within - but if you are not used to trusting your gut in the face of Tyranny it will be very hard and scary. But it is the way to FREEDOM.

My Most Recent Personal Experience

Briefly, my car broke down on the way to taking care of my client, who is in hospice, the other morning, when it was snowing. I was able to inch my way home in my car. I had to call the office and the client's family to let them know. I was received with anger and blame by them. Slavery Mind: What was I supposed to do? Leave my car on the side of the road or in a parking lot and then take a cab to my job at my expense? That seems like what they would have considered loyalty.

However, I do not have the bank-roll of savings upon which to do that, so thinking of what I can actually do while also being responsible to my other responsibilities, I drove my car home. I was not scheduled to work the next day and, so I took my car to the mechanic. It took them over 24 hours to diagnose the problem and they referred me to a specialist. This was Saturday morning before Christmas Eve, so therefore I could not take the car in on Monday morning but would have to wait till Tuesday morning. I sent a message to my employer letting them know so that they could have plenty of time to get someone by Tuesday. I also offered to take a cab to the client's home on their tab.

Slavery Mind: I received an email from them that "this is unacceptable! My client is in hospice and I must take a cab to their house at my expense."


We the People, create service companies that are directly responsible to US. Not FOR us. This is another misnomer that is causing us great suffering. WE are responsible for ourselves. I am responsible TO my employer but not FOR my employer. I am responsible TO my client but not FOR my client.

This company is trying to force me to be responsible FOR my client and for them.

If we let these service boards become unwieldy and gain too much power of their own, by not paying attention, they will try to govern US - as in this case. The care-giving agency is supposed to be in service to the people who are sick, but it is also paid for by the taxpayer (ME) through medicaid (which is why it doesn't work obviously because taxation is theft) but laying that aside for the moment - this is the situation we are in.

This means that instead of trying to preserve the greater salary of the CEO, the company should provide a way to help the employee to meet their responsibilities if they have a legitimate claim, like their car broke down!!!

Herein the Middleman, the Office, the Employer is the "service board" that has grown too big and thinks that the service it provides has authority over the others. It is the parasite - they are acting in the mode of "self-preservation" - Satanism - and expecting me, the employee, the caregiver, to shoulder the financial responsibility on the meager wage they are paying me, putting myself in jeopardy for the sake of what they project as "a dying man", but which is really their pride, and bottom line - money.


The thing about principles is that they will not uphold themselves. We actually have to EMBODY them in order to give them life and expression. Just hanging them on a wall and reading them is not going ot exercise them. If I take a stand in those principles the SPIRIT of Natural Law will take care of me.

The Common Well-being of All

All should be considered the recipiant of care. Not just the sick person. All people receive care. So that all people can thrive. Green Language All people - re: The Kabalyon; The ALL is mental:

THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental –The Kybalion.

This Principle embodies the truth that “All is Mind.” It explains that THE ALL (which is the Substantial Reality underlying all the outward manifestations and appearances which we know under the terms of “The Material Universe”; the “Phenomena of Life”; “Matter”; “Energy”; and in short, all that is apparent to our material senses) is SPIRIT, which in itself is UNKNOWABLE and UNDEFINABLE, but which may be considered and thought of as AN UNIVERSAL, INFINITE, LIVING MIND. The Kybalion p.9
So this would mean that "All People" are people of ONE mind, and ONE body - if one suffers all suffer. We are not all separate. We are ALL together.

Principles of the Kybalion Post 1:


On the conscious level we seem separate, but below this we are truly all connected. Thanks for an excellent piece or writing.

thank you for your comments @bp9930, long time no see!

good post really

very informative post

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