Principles of the Kybalion: My Study of How to Use Them; 1. Evolution & InvolutionsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)


I am committed to search out and find governing principles in an unprincipled world and show how to see them and how to use them. I am doing this for myself, and sharing it with you as part of my growth and understanding. I use writing and art to pull these apart so that I can understand them and then use them. I personally have not found any group or school which teaches these, to my liking, so I pursue study of them myself.

I look forward to hearing your experience with how you use these as well.

The Kybalion

Hermes Trismegistis

Hermes Trismegistis is the author of the Hermetic Corpus, a series of sacred texts at the basis Hermeticism. Principles by which we still live today, but which have been occulted, providing a power differential by those "in the know". However, we can also "know" them. The books of Hermes can be found here, among other places on the web.

The Principles

These principles govern our consciousness and our world. This is not about "belief" or "disbelief" in a religious context. These Laws ARE discoverable. These are the Laws taught by the Mystery Schools.


Involution and Evolution in Consciousness

Within the Principle of Rhythm there lies the principles of evolution and involution. Flow and Ebb.

In our culture of scientism, we use a misnomer which we call Darwinian Evolution. Many people believe in this ideaology, but it has been disproven 100% by science and yet, it is an overarching paradigm which monopolizes the word evolution.

As above - So below, the Principle of Correspondence

I have struggled for a long time being involved in a movement of people and watching our basic tenets become watered down and our association nearly die out completely, while we have principles that we could use that would save it, and I see most people not using them. As above - so below. I have been searching for the truth of what is going on in the world, why we are not using our saving principles? – what is happening in my particular safe-haven – is happening everywhere...

The powers that should not be encouraged the idea of Darwinian “evolution” as a way to POLARIZE (The Law of Polarity) the people into “opposame” sides of the aisle. The 2 paradigms - Darwinian “evolution” and Religion - both promote Determinism exclude FREE WILL CHOICE and support NON-ACTION.

The Sorcerers running things supported this idea of “darwinian evolution” to throw people off course so that only a few who investigate would understand that if we let the LIE of the “evolution” of genes own us – we will stop taking action and therefore we will move into involution and then be much easier to conquer. They have conquered most of us already through mind-control ...

I hear people say to me about how things are going in the world either - “God's gonna take care of it” or “It's Human Nature that got us here...” These 2 paradigms are rooted in deterministic astrotheological religion or debunked Darwinian Macrobiology – and what is at the root of these 2 Hegelian Dialectical paradigms?

Simply, the abdication of personal responsibility toward acting in a MORAL manner: Harm none. Wanting to escape the CONSEQUENCE of our actions (The Law of Cause & Effect) through NON-ACTION. FEAR. COWARDICE.

Convenience - the Root of All Evil

I believe there was a time when people were not so cowardly as we are RIGHT NOW. Maybe because people still had to hunt for food – they still had to take a weapon and go outside and use their 5 senses to go find food or maybe they had

to grow food - they had to use the effort of their musculature combined with their brain and knowledge to prepare the ground and then plant seeds and patiently and carefully safe-guard the seeds so they grew into crops – all that went into these activities required courage and faith and ACTION – which we no longer have inherently because we can just
walk into a supermarket and buy a styrofoam and plastic-wrapped slabs of meat and vegetables. We have been sanitized from the process of growing or raising these “products” - and we ourselves have become very scared little beings... such that now – ANY effort required seems to be too much.

Right & Left Brain Imbalanced World Views


The Right-brain hemisphere imbalance produces “God's gonna take care of it” through – the rapture? The 2nd coming? An ice-age? An interaction with Planet X?

Or the Left-brain hemisphere imbalance says “it's human nature” via Darwinian macro-biology so why bother? Because it's our nature to destroy ourselves? We need to geneologically evolve past that – again via some action outside ourselves – we are at the mercy of genes now – either way WE HAVE NO FREE WILL CHOICE and NO personal responsibility to ACT.



The actual truth of this is that there is a LAW at work. When human beings stop challenging themselves to make intelligent decisions based on MORALITY – the Golden Rule – Natural Law, we fall into Involution...

So YES – if we do not “handle” things, STAND UP! - the LAW will handle them – and we will become extinct, eventually. First everything will INVOLVE or maybe it's INVOLUTE ?
...fall into chaos, uniformity, less freedom,
and then we will DEVOLVE...
become PRE-human - that seems to be happening now - in a lot of cases - when we don't use Force against Violence and just allow our inalienable rights to be disregarded and violated.

Inalienable Rights Granted by the Creator


We are SOVEREIGN. We have NO Rulers...but like Bob Dylan said "We have to serve somebody." Either it's going to be God or it's going to be Ego. Serving Natural Law (God) would be easier - and sustainable to the earth. That's what I am trying to do here. I take care of my inner confusion - I am my own Monarch with Natural Law as my Governor - and then - I don't need an external Government - I am an Anarchist...

The Powers that Should NOT Be

are disregarding our inalienable rights and we are ALLOWING this - we are involuting and devolving. We have granted them authority - when we do not have the Power to grant that authority - there is NO authority but the Creator - the ALL - as stated in the Kybalion.

However we do have everything we need to handle things properly... The Kybalion teaches that we can use Higher Laws to overcome Lower Laws. So for example - we can use Polarization to Overcome Involution...

Mental Alchemy translates to Physical Alchemy


"Rhythm may be neutralized by an application of the Art of Polarization". - a Hermetic Axiom, in the Kybalion
Since Involution and Evolution are sub-priniciples of Rhythm, it stands to reason that one can use Polarization to stop Involution.

As we have explained in previous chapters, the Hermetists hold that the Principle of Rhythm manifests on the Mental Plane as well as on the Physical Plane, and that the bewildering succession of moods, feelings, emotions, and other mental states, are due to the backward and forward swing of the mental pendulum, which carries us from one extreme of feeling to the other.

The Hermetists also teach that the Law of Neutralization enables one, to a great extent, to overcome the operation of Rhythm in consciousness. As we have explained, there is a Higher Plane of Consciousness, as well as the ordinary Lower Plane, and the Master by rising mentally to the Higher Plane causes the swing of the mental pendulum to manifest on the Lower Plane, and he, dwelling on his Higher Plane, escapes the consciousness of the swing backward. This is effected by polarizing on the Higher Self, and thus raising the mental vibrations of the Ego above those of the ordinary plane of consciousness. It is akin to rising above a thing, and allowing it to pass beneath you.

The advanced Hermetist polarizes himself at the Positive Pole of his Being-the "I Am" pole rather than the pole of personality, and by "refusing" and "denying" the operation of Rhythm, raises himself above its plane of consciousness, and standing firm in his Statement of Being he allows the pendulum to swing back on the Lower Plane without changing his Polarity. This is accomplished by all individuals who have attained any degree of self-mastery, whether they understand the law or not. Such persons simply "refuse" to allow themselves to be swung back by the pendulum of mood and emotion, and by steadfastly affirming the superiority, they remain polarized on the Positive pole.

The Master, of course, attains a far greater degree of proficiency, because he understands the law which he is overcoming by a higher law, and by the use of his Will he attains a degree of Poise and Mental Steadfastness almost impossible of belief on the part of those who allow themselves to be swung backward and forward by the mental pendulum of moods and feelings. Remember, always, however, that you do not really destroy the Principle of Rhythm, for that is indestructible. You simply overcome one law by counter-balancing it with another, and thus maintain an equilibrium. The laws of balance and counter-balance are in operation on the mental as well as on the physical planes, and an understanding of these laws enables one to seem to overthrow laws, whereas he is merely exerting a counterbalance. -The Kybalion p. 103

To take a stand during INVOLUTION - we need COURAGE. Some people say that Courage is Fear that's said it's prayers – so what do we do? We pray – and then we STAND UP FOR PRINCIPLE.

We stand up and say NO! We stand up and say “the buck stops here!” We stick our neck out. We risk our lives. We risk our reputations. We risk our paycheck. And we trust that insodoing we activate the LIFE Principle – by using the lost word - NO! And that the Power of the Creator will come up behind us and protect us and if not it's better to Die than to live as slaves.


We are free and we have been living as slaves for thousands of years – now we have to stand up for our inalienable rights. We have to risk our lives for them. We have been in slavery for so long that INVOLUTION has set in and we are going to have to push against it long and hard before it reverses.


It's not going to be easy to do because it has VELOCITY behind it and many more beings here on planet earth non-acting in it – floating – going with the EBB.

I made this image

Something starts out – it evolves rapidly and grows to serve thousands of people...there are founders who have vision and keep the movement shooting toward the stars for many years. The founders are serious and selfless and understand that many will die if they don't find principles to sustain it after they die... but the members are all in different stages of spiritual development, and the majority of them are still asleep – they are still takers.

They suck the life out of the movement and out of the people who are serious about evolving it. The founders die off one by one. The people who were saved by the movement do not instigate the use of principles and continue to suck off the energy of the movements evolution...until it some point the evolution...(true evolutionary development is moving forward toward higher consciousness, more complex forms, morality, more freedom.) turns into involution.

It is the Law. The people, who are deterministic to begin with, too full of fear and lack of self-understanding to recognize that “mommy and daddy” are not going to save them, put their personal responsibility on “God”. God will take care of it, they claim.

God DID take care of it - He gave us PRINCIPLES to USE.

The movement begins to slide into chaos. In time the serious people die off, and the takers continue to take. Involution kicks in full bore now with the velocity of the new generations, The chaotic force - that breaks things down puts things into more uniformity and less complexity and thus, less freedom more chaos less individuation eventually leads to DEVOLUTION... the people start to slide backwards and into pre-civilization.

It is still possible for people to stop the devolution but it's going to be very difficult and the difficulty is not going to let up. It is never going to get easy in our lifetime. In fact, it never is supposed to be easy.

In the entire lifetime of the people, we are going to live in a time that feels like a fight. We will have to encourage each other because the Laws are in place and it is going to very difficult to stop them.

In order for things to continue to grow, we must continue to EVOLVE in consciousness. That means that the individuals themselves must not skate. We must be VIGILANT. We must continue to challenge ourselves daily and we must use our principles for all decisions, together.

*We must think of the highest good – not as a compromise but as a way to co-exist. We must understand that there is NO human authority – the only authority is the Law and the Creator (ALL). We must include everyone and not demand conformity or give preferential treatment to those with money or personal power. We must remain autonomous but think of how our actions affect others – be courteous. *

I can swing my arm as much as I like until my fist makes contact with your chin – and at that point I may no longer swing my arm.

We have to pay attention to our primary goal. We must not let personal gain get in the way of our goals together.

We must follow the Law of Compensation and make sure we pay our way. We are not professionals. We serve one another but we do not decide for one another or know what is best for one another, we do not codify our care – we remain unorganized. We oppose no one. We utilize the non-aggression principle, but we do use force if violence is enacted upon us. We seek a relationship with the Creator. We must help others.

That's a tall order and following those principles is a full-time job but insodoing we create an environment where we flourish.

This is how the 3000-year-old redwood trees survive. They are an ecosystem within themselves and the forest in which they live support them and they support it.

If, however, we stop using the principles and skate – we will lose what evolved and we will lose our freedom, and eventually our lives.

Mark Passio, podcasts #152-154

Jordan Sather on Alchemy


interesting post and principles... i had not heard about kybalion. i do think we are in a phase of history where we are too much conditioned zombies, we need to re-question our principles for living

thank you @clumsysilverdad - I hope you will look into the Principles set forth in the Kybalion - they are the principles which underly Natural Law - which translate into the Golden Rule - but we need them broken down for us. Me personally, I can be such a coward - standing up for principle hurts when I piss people off and they don't like me as a result - but I am working on it. Being so civilized has conditioned us to be weak and spineless - at least me - I just had a situation where I could not compose my thoughts to the person's face and so I said it in an email and hurt her feelings- I want to get to the point where I can overcome my cowardice and say what I mean and mean what I say regardless of what people think about me...

i know what you mean, it is difficult. we cannot always communicate as we want, sometimes it's only possible when the situation is appropriate, or when people are receptive / peace

Upvoted, Followed, and Highly rEsteemed.


i do LOVE these puns - had to come back and tell you...

Fear has its use but cowardice has none.

- Mahatma Gandhi

Hey @wise-old-man - please explain this point of view in further detail. Thanks!

Pretty sure he's a bot who spams unrelated quotes for upvotes.

The Kybalion is a very ancient teaching older than the Kabbala which I study. See my website I created the Tree of Life diagram on it, which may be of interest to you as a psychic artist.

thank you @strapasynthon - I love your site - I will go back and check it out thoroughly - thanks for telling me about it! And actually you have the Principles in your description of your Tree of Life - interestingly. I am quite sure that the Kabbalah comes from the principles of Hermes. I am pretty sure that all profound ancient arts come from it - Ayurveda, Yoga, Chinese Medicine - I bet are all based on finding and understanding those principles. Alchemy.

I've started a chain post about the Kabbala I think you'll find interesting I just posted part 2 out a complete set of 10.

The work of thanking him I liked a lot

interesting... what particularily did you like?

yeh not many readers. Let's remedy that once by one.

Not that hard, interesting to bring this up, I haven't checked such things for years, I was following mark passio, but then it just got too much and I suppose I switched to something other.

Resteemed, so I hope at least one more person gets to view it. Best of luck.

thank you @j3dy - this is not just Mark Passio although he helped me bring a lot of the information together... I have been reading and practicing the principles in the Kybalion for many years... it's just listening and watching everything and bringing it together as a solution - for me to recognize that I can use principle of polarization, which I do for mental alchemy, on the physicall plane to reverse the trend into devolution is BIG because now I know it's not going to be easy, convenient or ever fun - which is what the "world" subtley tells me - that if things don't "flow" I am pushing the river - but that is what is necessary at this point. I am on my own - I don't have a mystery school "leader" suggesting solutions regarding the world...but I NEED these principles as a guide to know where to go next - thank you for resteeming... blessings to you - I am sure I write the article at the wrong time of day - I did it at about 1am and so now it's buried in today's mail - I will probably "repost" it another time and will post others about this same topic.

seems like it worked a bit, you got some views at least, 30 more than last i checked :D

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